

肯定式:had + 动词的过去分词

否定式:hadn't + 动词的过去分词

疑问式:Had … + 动词的过去分词

简略回答: Yes, 主 + have/has had.

No, 主 + had现在完成时的用法


1、表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作。 他表示的时间是"过去 的过去 "常与by last year, by the time of yesterday,等连用。如:

She said she had seen the film 4 times.

When Mr Li got to the classroom, all the students had begun reading.

By the time they arrived, the bus had left.

When we arrived he had already left. 我们到达时他已经离开了。

By six o‘clock he had worked twelve hours. 到6点钟时他就已工作了12小时。

2、表示 从过去某一时间开始一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态。常与for (后跟段时间)或since (后跟点时间)等连用.如:

She had worked in this school since it opened 25 years ago.

3、 表示未曾实现的希望或打算,主要用于 hope, want, expect, think, suppose, plan, mean, intend 等动词。如:

I had meant to come, but something happened. 我本想来,但有事就没有来。

We had thought to return early but they wouldn't let us go. 我们本想早回来的,但他们不让我们走。


This was the first time he had ever been late. 这是他第一次迟到。

(类似 it was the first time that…后的从句谓语要用过去完成时)

It was three years since we had left the city. (那时)我们离开那座城市已有三年。

(类似 it was…since…后的从句谓语要用过去完成时)

We had no sooner set out than a thunderstorm broke. 我们刚出发就遇到了大雷雨。

(no sooner…than 的主句谓语要用过去完成时)

He had hardly arrived when it began to snow. 他一到,天就下起雪来了。

(hardly…when 的主句谓语要用过去完成时)

例题解析:1. He ______ in Shanghai University for four years before he ______ Beijing.

A. studied, had gone B. had studied, went C. has studied, goes D. had studied, had gone

解析:"他去北京之前在上大学学习了4年 "。在上海学习的动作发生在去北京之前,因此第一个空应用过去完成时。此题选B。

2. Mary said it was at least five years since he ______ a good drink.

A. enjoyed B. was enjoying C. had enjoyed D. would enjoy

解析:It was + 时间段+since 引导的从句中用过去完成时。应选C。

3. Xiao Pei said she ______ Hainan for 3 months.

A. has been in B. had been in C. had been to D. had gone to

解析:"小培说她去了海南三个月 "。have been to 和have gone to 都是短暂性的动词短语。所以适应表示状态的have been in. 应选B.

单项选择1.He asked me _____ during the summer holidays.A. where I had been B. where I had gone C. where had I been D. where had I gone 2. What ____ Jane ____ by the time he was sever?A. did, do B. has, done C did, did. D. had, done3. I ______ 900 English words by the time I was ten。A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt4. She ______lived here for ______ years.A. had, a few B. has, several C. had, a lot of D. has, a great deal of5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _____ the dinner already.A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked6. She said she _________ the principle alreadyA .has seen B. saw C. will see D. had seen7. She said her family _______ themselves ______ the army during the war.A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with8. By the time he was ten years old, he _________.A. has completed university B. has completed the universityB. had completed an university D. had completed university9. She had written a number of books ______ the end of last year.A. for B. in C. by D. at 10. He _____ to play ____ before he was 11 years old.A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano C. has learned, the piano D. learns ,piano. 11. What _______ Annie ____ by the time he was ten?A. did, do B. did, did C. has, done D. had done 12 .He ___ in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will work13. By the end of last week, they ____ the bridge.A. has completed B. completed C. will complete D. had completed14. Ben hates playing _____ violin, but he likes playing ____ football.A. a…the B. the… the C. / …the D. the…/15. By the time he was 4, he ______ a lot of German words.A. had learned B. has learned C. learned D. learns 16 .Jim turned off the lights and then _____ the classroom.A. was left B. had left C. has left D. left 17.They _________ in Guangzhou since 2000.A. lived B. had lived C. have lived D. were living18. The train from Beijing_______ ten minutes ago.A. has arrived B. was arriving C. arrived D. had arrived19. The students _________ their classroom when the visitors arrived.A . have cleaned B. had cleaned C. was cleaned D. have been cleaned20. Fergie_______ the project in one hour.A. have finished B. will finish C. finishes D. has finished21. The man ________ his coat and went out.A. put on B. had put on C. will put on D. was putting on22 My mother_____ in that factory at the age of 18.A. had worked B. has worked C. worked D. works23. Dad ________ while he _______ TV.A .fell asleep…watch B. was falling asleep…watched C. fell asleep……was watching D. had fallen asleep…watched


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过去完成时与一般过去时 过去完成时讲解

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一般将来时de 自述大家好!我是你们的老朋友了,还记得我是谁吗?看仔细了,我是一般将来时态啊!在英语中,我表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与tomorrow morning, next year, the day after tomorrow等表示将来的时间状语连用。那


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