西弗吉尼亚州(West Virginia)被誉为美国东部户外运动之都。从黑钻山(BlackDiamond)滑雪胜地到新河(New River)和高利河(GauleyRiver)的冲浪漂流,各种运动形式应有尽有。请来西弗吉尼亚州体验旷野的异彩。
高等教育:贝瑟尼学院(Bethany College)建于 1840年,是西弗吉尼亚州历史最悠久的高等教育机构。这所私立文理学院位于贝瑟尼(Bethany),可颁发 25种学科的学士学位,课程以人文科学、自然科学和社会科学为重点。西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)成立于1867 年,是该州首屈一指的公立大学。该校主校区在摩根敦(Morgantown),下设 14 个学院,提供 191种学士、硕士、博士及专业学位课程,其中法医学课程最为人称道。
人口:180 多万人居住在西弗吉尼亚州。
西弗吉尼亚州名人:第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize inLiterature)的美国女性赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck)、美国非洲裔学者小亨利·路易斯·盖茨(Henry LouisGates Jr.)、喜剧演员史蒂夫·哈维(Steve Harvey)和唐·诺茨(DonKnotts)、诺贝尔奖得主数学家约翰·F·纳什(John F. Nash)及乡村歌手布拉德·佩斯利(BradPaisley)都在这个山地州出生。
大众文化:1999 年出品的传记影片《十月的天空》(OctoberSky)在西弗吉尼亚州取景拍摄,讲述了一个煤矿工人的儿子成长为美国航空航天局(NASA)工程师的故事,由杰克·吉伦希尔(JakeGyllenhaal)、克里斯·库珀(Chris Cooper)和劳拉·邓恩(LauraDern)主演。另一部在西弗吉尼亚州取景的传记影片是 2006 年的《后继有人》(We AreMarshall),由马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)和马修·福克斯(MatthewFox)主演,讲述了 1970 年导致马歇尔大学(Marshall University)足球队 37 名球员和 5名教练及体育指导、球队训练师和校队球迷身亡的坠机事件。
特色美食:克莱县(Clay County)是金冠(GoldenDelicious)苹果的产地。这个品种的苹果口味甘美,果皮呈浅黄色,历来享誉天下。西弗吉尼亚州居民喜欢吃刚从树上摘下来的这些鲜果,也可以烤成苹果饼,或者用苹果酒慢火炖煮,经过浓缩收汁制作山地州的特色美食:苹果酱。
-费耶特维尔(Fayetteville)的新河峡大桥(New River Gorge Bridge)长 553米,横跨新河峡谷(New River Canyon),是美国最长的钢制拱形桥。
- 西弗吉尼亚州是联邦中唯一一个由美国总统宣布自有主权的州。
探险活动:如果没有恐高症,可去新河峡谷的森林行者空中探险公园(TimberTrek AerialAdventurePark)畅游一番。这里有瑞士登山向导设计的空中超越障碍的路线,提供各种各样独一无二的挑战。你可以步行、攀登或乘滑索从高空飞越森林!
![西弗吉尼亚州概览 西弗吉尼亚州](http://img.aihuau.com/images/01111101/01012047t01ce654f34c707d177.jpg)
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2013/03/20130321144594.html#ixzz2eTPQjF6u
West Virginia at a Glance
Wild and Wonderful
05 July2012The Appalachian Mountains make West Virginia wild, wonderful andthe recreation capital of the U.S. East.
West Virginia is referred to as the outdoor recreation capitalof the eastern United States. It offers everything from skiing downa black-diamond mountain to whitewater rafting on the New andGauley rivers. Come see why West Virginia is “Wild andWonderful.”
Find out more about West Virginia atDiscoverAmerica.com.
Capital: Charleston
Population: More than 1.8 million people live in WestVirginia.
Geography: Part of the Appalachian region of theeastern United States, West Virginia shares a border with Ohio andPennsylvania to the north, Maryland to the northeast, Virginia tothe east and south, and Kentucky to the south and southwest.
Higher Education: Founded in 1840, Bethany College isthe oldest institution of higher education in West Virginia.Located in Bethany, this private liberal arts college offersbachelor’s degrees in 25 areas of study, with a curriculum thatfocuses on the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences.Founded in 1867, West Virginia University is the state’s premierpublic option. With its flagship campus in Morgantown, thisuniversity offers 191 bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral andprofessional degree programs through its 14 colleges and schools.It is best known for its forensic science program.
Major Industries: Services, mining, manufacturing andagriculture all contribute to the Mountain State’s economy. WestVirginia’s primary service sectors include tourism, health care,law and wholesale. In terms of mining, the state’s major outputsare coal, natural gas, petroleum and crushed stone. West Virginiais one of the largest producers of coal in the United States. Majormanufacturing products include chemicals, pharmaceuticals, steel,aluminum and lumber. West Virginia’s agriculture industry reliesmore on livestock than crops, with major products includingpoultry, cattle and eggs.
Famous West Virginians: The first American woman to winthe Nobel Prize in Literature, Pearl S. Buck; African-Americanscholar Henry Louis Gates Jr.; comedic actors Steve Harvey and DonKnotts; Nobel Prize–winning mathematician John F. Nash; and countrysinger Brad Paisley were all born in the Mountain State.
Pop Culture: October Sky, the 1999 biographical movieabout a coal miner’s son turned NASA engineer, was set in WestVirginia. The film starred Jake Gyllenhaal, Chris Cooper and LauraDern. Another biographical movie set in West Virginia is the 2006drama We Are Marshall. Starring Matthew McConaughey andMatthew Fox, the film recounted the aftermath of the 1970 planecrash that killed 37 football players and five coaches fromMarshall University’s football team, along with the athleticdirector, team trainers and school boosters.
Culinary Specialties: Clay County is home to the GoldenDelicious, an apple variety known for its mellow flavor and paleyellow skin. West Virginians eat these beauties right off the tree,bake them in a pie, or slow-cook them with cider to concentrate theflavor into a Mountain State specialty: apple butter.
International Connection: Charleston is sister citieswith Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.
Fun Facts:
• The New River Gorge Bridge in Fayetteville is the longeststeel-arch bridge in the United States. It spans 553 meters acrossthe New River Canyon.
• West Virginia’s New River is actually one of the oldest riversin the world. Unlike most rivers, it flows south to north becauseit was formed before the mountains.
• West Virginia is the only state in the union to acquire itssovereignty by proclamation of the U.S. president.
Adventure Idea: For those without a fear of heights,visit TimberTrek Aerial Adventure Park in New River Gorge. Designedby Swiss mountain guides, this aerial obstacle course presents allsorts of unique challenges. You can walk, climb, swing and zip yourway through the forest canopy!
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/07/201207048495.html#ixzz2eTPb8OjL