多动词或多名词结构的词性转换 动名词复合结构做主语
Heattreatment—Example: heat treated steel plate
Heat-treatable—Heattreatment at 120 to 130℃ for at least 1h toincrease adhesion of heat-treatable (age-hardened) aluminum alloysand carburized steel.
UTexamination—UT examined weld
PTexamination—PT examined weld
MTexamination—MT examined weld
RTexamination—RT examined steel plate
Stressrelief heat treatment—例如:weld repairs are to bestress relief heat treated, in order to avoid stress corrosioncracking(修复的焊缝必须经消除应力热处理以避免应力腐蚀开裂)
Dry-freeze—dryfreezing—dry frozen cooked dumpling
Primaryprocessing—primary processed (product)
Secondaryprocess—secondary processed product
stressrelief annealing—例如:products made from thismaterial are supplied in a fully stress relief annealedcondition(用该材料制成的产品以完全消除应力退火态供货)
Bushhammered finish 气动凿毛机凿毛的混凝土
flowsoldering 浸锡
Table 2-4shows sectional views of flow soldered areas after temperaturecycle testing.
Slipform—slip formedmember 滑模成形的构件
Zeroclearing-zero clear vt 清零
Whenclear_glyph_row is called at the first time, null_row is surelyzero cleared.
Parts to beautocatalytic nickel plated may be pretreated in accordance withGuide B 656. (自ASTMB733)
X1.3.2 Weartest the specimen. (自ASTMB733)
X1.3.2.4Abrasion test the coating with 1000g load for 1000 cycles.(摘自ASTMB733)
In boxannealing a ferrous alloy, the charge is usually heated slowly to atemperature below the transformation range, but sometimes above orwithin it, and is then cooled slowly.
Inspectionof chemical nickel plated and chromium platedparts
This willinclude a lockout procedure for every piece of equipment within thescope of this document, based on state and federalstandard.
Through-bolted bases forpulleys, wash rollers, gearboxes, motors and similar equipmentshall be manufactured entirely of 3CR12 or Grade 304/304L stainlesssteel and machined.
Aftercleaning, items shall be hot dip galvanised in accordance withrequirements of NF A91-124 and NF EN ISO 1460.
清理之后,零件应根据NFA91-124和NF EN ISO1460的要求热浸镀锌。
A dryabrasive blast cleaned surface shall be brushed with clean brushesmade of hair, bristle or fibre, blown off with compressed air (freefrom oil and water) or vacuum cleaned to remove all traces ofblast-cleaned products from the surface or from pockets andcorners.
Brushapply paint to smallareas.
Blast cleandamaged area, previously coated with zinc silicate and prime with atwo-pack zinc rich epoxy primer (containing at least 90% by weightof zinc in the dry film).
Manuallyground-connect all high voltage components of the precipitatorbefore making any attempt to enter the precipitator, the insulatorcompartments or bus ducts.
It ispermissible to chromium plate or electroless nickel plate thesurfaces of the block.
Thefabricated vessel shall be post-weld heat treated as a whole in anenclosed furnace whenever possible.
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WDS(Wireless DistributionSystem),无线分发系统是指AP将BSS内的数据发往BSS外或者将BSS外将数据收入BSS内。通过WDS,AP能够将BSS的范围进行扩展。WDS链路的两端均为AP,如果把AP与BSS内的STATION之间的接口看做Access接口,那么可以把AP与
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原文地址:转贴古印度史诗《摩诃波罗多》记录的激战,有人感觉有核战争的味道!大家如何看?作者:sky久久magnetar 编辑古国印度位于亚洲南部,早在距今五千多年前,印度次大陆就已经有了远古先民,其博大精深的古典文化早为世人熟知。印度的两部史
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