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The purpose of this document is to help DBA's and support analysts understand how
to clean up a failed CRS (Cluster Ready Services) install for 10g RAC.
DBA's and Support Analysts
10g RAC: How to Clean Up After a Failed CRS Install
Not cleaning up a failed CRS install can cause problems like node reboots.
Follow these steps to clean up a failed CRS install:
1. Run the rootdelete.sh script. then the rootdeinstall.sh script. from the
$ORA_CRS_HOME/install directory on any nodes you are removing CRS from. Running --切记:在所有的rac节点上
these scripts should be sufficent to clean up your CRS install. Rootdelete.sh
accepts options like nosharedvar/sharedvar, and nosharedhome/sharedhome. Make
yourself familiar with these options by reading the Oracle Clusterware and
Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide.
If you have any problems with these scripts please open a service request.
If for some reason you have to manually remove the install due to problems
with the scripts, continue to step 2:
2. Stop the Nodeapps on all nodes:
srvctl stop nodeapps -n <node name>
3. Prevent CRS from starting when the node boots. To do this issue the following
as root:
rm /etc/init.d/init.cssd
rm /etc/init.d/init.crs
rm /etc/init.d/init.crsd
rm /etc/init.d/init.evmd
rm /etc/rc3.d/K96init.crs
rm /etc/rc3.d/S96init.crs
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/oprocd
rm /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab
rm /etc/oracle/*
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.cssd
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.crs
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.crsd
rm -f /etc/init.d/init.evmd
rm -f /etc/rc2.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc2.d/S96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc3.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc3.d/S96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc5.d/K96init.crs
rm -f /etc/rc5.d/S96init.crs
rm -Rf /etc/oracle/scls_scr
rm -f /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab
rm /sbin/init.d/init.cssd
rm /sbin/init.d/init.crs
rm /sbin/init.d/init.crsd
rm /sbin/init.d/init.evmd
rm /sbin/rc2.d/K960init.crs
rm /sbin/rc2.d/K001init.crs
rm /sbin/rc3.d/K960init.crs
rm /sbin/rc3.d/S960init.crs
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/oprocd
rm /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab
HP Tru64:
rm /sbin/init.d/init.cssd
rm /sbin/init.d/init.crs
rm /sbin/init.d/init.crsd
rm /sbin/init.d/init.evmd
rm /sbin/rc3.d/K96init.crs
rm /sbin/rc3.d/S96init.crs
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr
rm -Rf /var/opt/oracle/oprocd
rm /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab
rm /etc/init.cssd
rm /etc/init.crs
rm /etc/init.crsd
rm /etc/init.evmd
rm /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K96init.crs
rm /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S96init.crs
rm -Rf /etc/oracle/scls_scr
rm -Rf /etc/oracle/oprocd
rm /etc/inittab.crs
cp /etc/inittab.orig /etc/inittab
4. If they are not already down, kill off EVM, CRS, and CSS processes or reboot
the node:
ps -ef | grep crs
kill <crs pid>
ps -ef | grep evm
kill <evm pid>
ps -ef | grep css
kill <css pid>
Do not kill any OS processes, for example icssvr_daemon process !
5. If there is no other Oracle software running (like listeners, DB's, etc...),
you can remove the files in /var/tmp/.oracle or /tmp/.oracle. Example:
rm -f /var/tmp/.oracle/*
rm -f /tmp/.oracle/*
6. Remove the ocr.loc
Usually the ocr.loc can be found at /etc/oracle
7. De-install the CRS home in the Oracle Universal Installer
8. Remove the CRS install location:
rm -Rf <CRS Install Location>/*
10,在所有的rac节点上以oracle用户rm -rf /orainventory目录
11. Clean out the OCR and Voting Files with dd commands. Example:
dd if=/dev/zero f=/dev/rdsk/V1064_vote_01_20m.dbf bs=1M count=256
dd if=/dev/zero f=/dev/rdsk/ocrV1064_100m.ora bs=1M count=256
See the Clusterware Installation Guide for sizing requirements...
If you placed the OCR and voting disk on a shared filesystem, remove them.
If you are removing the RDBMS installation, also clean out any ASM disks if
they have already been used.
12. It is good practice to reboot the node before starting the next install.
13.If you would like to re-install CRS, follow the steps in the RAC Installation manual.
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