Whoo-hoo! That's my boy.啊呼!那才是我的孩子。
They don't swing out like that... in yourman-village, now do they, kid, hmm?他们不像在你人类村子那样摇摆,是不是,孩子?
Well, uh, no.嗯。不。

Heh heh heh Big fat no呵呵 ,肯定不行[big fat 盛大的,肯定的,绝对的]
Say, what that village like,anyway?说说,那个村子像什么样子?
Hey, whoa, don't bother[ˈbɑðɚ] thekid.嘿,哦,不要烦这个孩子。
He told me all about that scene.他告诉我所有的情景。
Let me lay it out【lay out 展示】 for you.让我说给你们听。
Those people are crazy.这些人疯了。
Everybody works, and nobody plays.每个人都工作,没有人玩耍。
Oh, man!哦,人类!
They got nothin' but rules. Rules.Rules他们除了规定什么都没有,只有规定。
Oh, and there's even this girl... who thinks thejungle is a scary place Ha ha ha!哦,还有个女孩,认为丛林是可怕的地方。哈哈!
But. You know. It doesn't matter 'cause Mowgli'snever gonna see that village or that crazy girl again Ha haha!但是,你知道,那没什么。因为Mowgli不想再看见那个村庄,还有那个疯女孩。 Matter问题
Ain't that so(同样,也), kid? Ha ha ha.是不是这样啊,孩子?哈哈
Mowgli? Mowgli? Mowgli? Mowgli!
** That morning sun peeks over the mountains** 早上的太阳从山顶露出光芒
** And all the ninos rub theireyes ** 所有的孩子揉着眼睛
** When they hear Hear the jungle rhythm**当他们听着,倾听丛林的节奏
Did we find Mowgli yet(已经)? 我们已经找到Mowgili了吗?
Oh, are you tired? 哦,你累吗?
A little.有一点。
I'm sure we'll find him soon.我相信,我们很快会找到他的。
Come on, hop up.快点,跳上来。【Hop 跳】
- You OK up there(在那里)?你在那上面还好吧?
- Uh-huh.嗯。
** How could it be **怎么可能
?** Half as good as being free?**自由自在却感觉舒服一半只享受着(想象中的)一半自由
** Part of me **我有一部分
** Like the jungle rhythm **仿佛丛林的节奏
** Like the jungle rhythm **仿佛丛林的节奏
- Did you hear that?你听到了吗?
- Hear what?听到什么?
It sounded(听起来好像) like Mowgli.好像是Mowgli的声音。
- Mowgli!
- Ranjan, wait!
Ranjan, 等等!
- Ranjan!
- Ha ha ha!
- Mowgli!
- Shanti?
- Whoa! Uhh!
- Are you OK?你没事吧?
Oh, I feel... vine [vaɪn]. Hehheh.哦,我感觉。。。藤蔓,呵呵
What are you doing up there?你在上边干什么呢?
Hold on, I'll be right...等等,我这就来。。。
I can't believe I finally foundyou!我无法相信,我终于找到你了!
I thought I would never see youagain!我想我再也看不到你了!
You out here【到这里】, kid?你在这吗,孩子?
Hey, Little Britches?嘿,小裤子?
Ow! Ow!
Ow, you're not really helping.呜,你根本没有在帮忙。
- Ranjan, stop pulling.
- It's her.是她。
So. What are you doing out here. Anyway?你在这干什么?
I came to save you我过来救你 【save拯救。挽救】
Save me? From what?救我?因为什么?
That wild bear that carried you off.那只野熊挘走了你。【Carry背,携带】
What wild...什么野。。。
Baloo, don't!No, no, no! Stop! Wait!
Uhh! Aah!
- Ow! Oh!
- Aah!
Roar. Boh! Boo!吼叫.
Ohh. My poor sneezer 哦,我可怜的鼻子
That hurt.它受伤了。
You come anywhere near Ranjan,and I'll really showyou hurt.你要靠近Ranjan,我会让你尝尝真正的苦头。 【Near 在附近;come near走近,靠近】【 hurt受伤,疼痛】
- Wait! Whoa!等等!
- Don't make me do it!不要让(使)我那样做!
Wait, wait, wait!等等!
Calm[kɑm] down! It'sOK.安静!没关系的。
But he's attacking us!但是他攻击我们!
I'm the one that got(被) socked(猛击)in the schnozzle['ʃnɔzl] 鼻子!我可是鼻子上挨了一拳!
Well, that's because you scaredher.好吧,那是因为你吓到她了。
But you... you told me
to scarify her!但你。。。你叫我去吓她的
- What? 什么??
- No, no, no, no. 不不
I... uhh!我。。。呃!
Mowgli, you planned this? Mowgli,是你策划的?
Well, I, um...嗯,我,恩。。。
- Uhh. Come on, Ranjan.哦,过来,Ranjan.
- No, Shanti, I can explain! 不,Shanti, 我可以解释!
Don't even bother. 不要再打扰我了。
Shanti. Wait! Shanti.等等!
Ohh, man, you weren't [wɚnt] kiddin'(开玩笑) abouther. She's bad news.哦,她的事你在开玩笑吧。她是个坏消息。
No, she's not!
She was just trying to help...不,她不是!她只是想帮。。。
and you scared her!然后你吓了她!
Man alive(活着的人). First, you tell me to scareher...首先,你告诉我吓她。。。
then you tell me not to scare her.然后你告诉我不要吓她。
Kid, I only got so much room up in this noggin[ˈnɑɡɪn](茶杯,这里形容脑袋)...and it's fillin' upfast!孩子,我的脑袋只有这么大。。。现在快充满了!【so much 这么多】
You just don't understand. 你不明白。
All right. How's about layin' it out for me?好吧。那你说出来让我听听?【 Lay out =show 展示 ,说出来听听】
Read you loud and clear, kid. 我明白了,孩子。
You wanted that girl to find you. 你想让那个女孩来找你。
Ehh! 呃!
Shanti! Shanti!
Where are you? 你在哪?
Come on! 快出来!
There you are! 找到你们了!
I'm so sorry. 对不起。
W-will you let me explain? 你让我解释吗?
Uh... 呃。。。
Come on, at least talk to me. 拜托,至少和我说说话。Talk to同…谈话
You seem surprised to see me, man-cub.看到我,你们似乎很惊讶,年轻人。
I can't imagine [i'mædʒin]想象 why. 我不能想象为什么。
I wasn't going to let you get away with what youdid to(对) me. 我不会饶恕你所对我做的事。【with 由于,因为】
You see. You humiliated [hju'milieit] me. Man-cub你看,你让我蒙羞。人类孩子。
Surely you do realize I simply can't let you live.当然,你们一定知道我不会让你们活着。Simply实在
Run! 快跑!
- Unh!
- Arr!
Oh, you're going to try and outrun me.哦,你又想逃离我。【 Outrun逃脱,逃离】
How droll [drəʊl]滑稽. 多好笑。
Come on, this way! 过来,这边!
Huh... uhh! Uhh!
All right, stay here. 好了,待在这。
Mowgli, no! Mowgli,不要!
Ranjan, wait here. I gotta go help Mowgli.Ranjan,在这等着,我要帮帮Mowgli.
But I want to help Mowgli, too! 但是我也想帮Mowgli!
No, no. 不,不。
I... I'll be right back,I promise. 我保证,我马上回来。
Don't move. 不要动。
Whoa! Whoa. Whoa. Hold(保持,mean keep) still(安静)哦,别紧张。
Calm down, kid. Now, where's Mowgli?冷静些,孩子,现在,Mowgli在哪?
Shere Khan!
Shere Khan? Hold on! Shere Kan? 坐稳了!
Whoa! Whoa!
Ah... unh!