Germanindustrial design masters.
Contracted creed design style of therepresentative of, new set up 20century industrial design standardmaster.德国工业设计大师。简约主义设计风格的代表人物、新功能主义的创始人和代言人,建立起20世纪工业设计标准的大师。Dieter Rams (born May 20, 1932) is aGerman industrial designer closelyassociated with the consumer products company Braun and the Functionalistschool of industrial design.迪特尔 · 拉姆斯(生于1932年5月20日)是一个德国人,他是和博朗公司和工业设计的学校有着紧密联系的工业设计师。the Functionalist school Rams studiedarchitecture at the Werkkunstschule Wiesbaden as well as learningcarpentry from 1943 to 1957. After working for the architect Otto Apel between1953 and 1955 he joined the electronic devices manufacturer Braun where hebecame chief of design in 1961, a position he kept until1995.研究了对学校建筑的公Werkkunstschule威斯巴登以及在学木工从1943年到1957年。工作后对设计者奥托-奥托阿佩尔在1953年和1955年之间他加入了布劳恩电子设备制造商,他曾在这里成为主要的设计在1961年,在这个位子上他留到1995年。Rams once explained his designapproach in the phrase "Weniger,aber besser" which freely translatesas "Less, but better." Rams and his staff designed many memorableproducts for Braun including the famous SK-4 record player and thehigh-quality 'D'-series (D45, D46)of 35 mm film slide projectors. He isalso known for designing the 606 Universal Shelving System by Vitsœ in1960.曾解释说他公设计方法在短语“Weniger,但更好”,自由翻译成“少,但更好。”他的工作人员设计的产品包括很多难忘。布劳恩著名的SK-4电唱机和优质' D的集(D45,D46)35毫米胶片的幻灯片投影仪。他也被设计的606Vitsœ通用货架系统在1960年。Many of his designs — coffee makers,calculators, radios, audio/visual equipment, consumer appliances andoffice products — have found a permanent home at many museums overthe world, including MoMA in New York.他的许多设计-咖啡壶、计算器、收音机、音频/视觉设备、电子产品、办公产品——已经找到一个永久的家在许多博物馆在世界各地,包括在纽约现代艺术博物馆。For nearly 30 years Dieter Ramsserved as head of design for Braun A.G.until his retirement in 1998. Hecontinues to be a legend in design circlesand most recently designed a coverfor Wallpaper magazine (2007), and has a major retrospective of hiswork[1] at the Design Museum in London(until 9 March 2010).将近30年公头加工作为设计的A.G.布劳恩直至退休。他一直是一个传奇人物设计中设计了一个圆圈和最近替壁纸杂志(2007年)、具有一个主要回顾他的工作[1]在伦敦设计博物馆(直到2010年3月9日)。Rams studied architecture at theWerkkunstschule Wiesbaden as well as learning carpentry from 1943 to 1957.After working for the architect Otto Apel between 1953 and 1955 he joinedthe electronic devices manufacturer Braun where he became chief of designin 1961, a position he kept until 1995.研究了在Werkkunstschule公建筑威斯巴登以及在学木工从1943年到1957年。工作后对设计者奥托-奥托阿佩尔在1953年和1955年之间他加入了布劳恩电子设备制造商,他曾在这里成为主要的设计在1961年,在这个位子上他留到1995年。ten principles of design设计十项原则1. Good Designis innovative优秀的设计应该是创新的2. GoodDesign makesa productuseful优秀的设计让产品更加实用3. GoodDesign isaesthetic优秀的设计是美的4. GoodDesign helpsa product beunderstood优秀的设计使产品更容易被读懂5. GoodDesign isunobtrusive优秀的设计是谦虚的6. GoodDesign ishonest优秀的设计是诚实的7. GoodDesign isdurable优秀的设计经得起岁月的考验8. GoodDesign isthorough tothe lastdetail优秀的设计是考虑周到并且不放过每个细节的9. GoodDesign isconcerned withenvironment优秀的设计是关怀环境的10. GoodDesign is aslittle designas possible优秀的设计是简洁的
1. GoodDesign isinnovative
It does not copy existing product forms, nor does it produceany kind of novelty for the sake of it. The essence of innovationmust beclearly seenin allfunctions ofa product.The possibilitiesin this respect are by no means exhausted. Technologicaldevelopment keepsoffering newchances forinnovativesolutions.
TP 1 收音机/唱机组合, 1959,Dieter Rams为布朗公司设计。
2. GoodDesign makesa productuseful
A product is bought in order to be used. It must serve a definedpurpose –in both primary and additional functions. The most Important taskof design isto optimisethe utilityof aproduct.
优秀的设计让产品更加实用产品买来是要使用的。 至少要满足某些基本标准,,不但是功能,也要体现在用户的购买心里和产品的审美上。优秀的设计强调实用性的同时也不能忽略其它方面,不然产品就会大打折扣。MPZ 21 multipress榨汁机, 1972,Dieter Rams andJürgen Greubel为布朗公司设计。
3 GoodDesign isaesthetic
The aesthetic quality of a productand the fascination itinspires is an integral part of the its utility. Without doubt,it's uncomfortableand tiring tohave to putup withproductsthat are confusing, that get on your nerves, that you are unableto relate to. However, it has always been a hard task to argueabout aestheticquality, fortwo reasons.优秀的设计是美的审美对产品质量和魅力- 它激起的是不可分割的一部分。毫无疑问,它是不舒服,而且累人会让你难以忍受的,以为你无法进行互动。然而,它一直是一个艰难的任务去争论审美素养。原因有两个。Firstly, it is difficult to talk about anything visual, since words have adifferent meaningfor differentpeople.
Secondly, aesthetic quality deals with details, subtle shades, harmonyand theequilibrium ofa wholevariety ofvisual elements.A goodeyeis required, schooled by years and years of experience, in order tobe ableto draw theright conclusion.
RT 20tischsuper收音机,1961,Dieter Rams为布朗公司设计。
4 Good Designhelps aproduct beunderstood
It clarifies the structure of the product. Better still,it can make theproduct talk. At best, it is self-explanatory andsaves you the long,tedious perusalof theoperating manual.优秀的设计使产品更容易被读懂优秀的设计让产品的结构清晰明了。更强大的是它能让产品自己说话。 最好是一切能够不解自明。
5. GoodDesign isunobtrusive
Products that satisfy this criterion are tools. They are neitherdecorative objects nor works of art.Their design should thereforebe bothneutral andrestrained leavingroom for theuser’s self-expression.优秀的设计是谦虚的产品要像工具一样能够达成某种目的。 它们既不是装饰物也不是艺术品。因此 它们应该是中庸的,带有约束的,这样会给使用者的个性表现上留有一定空间。
6. Good Designishonest
An honestly-designed product must not claim features it does nothavebeingmore innovative,more efficient,of highervalue. It must notinfluence ormanipulate buyersand users.优秀的设计是诚实的不要夸张产品本身的创意,功能的强大和其价值。也不要试图用实现不 了的承诺去欺骗消费者。
L 450 平板扬声器,TG 60开盘式录音机和TS 45控制器, 1962-64,DieterRams为布朗公司设计
7. GoodDesign isdurable
It is nothing trendy that might be out-of-date tomorrow. This is oneof the major differences between well-designed products and trivialobjects fora waste-producingsociety. Wastemust nolonger betolerated.优秀的设计经得起岁月的考验它使产品避免成为短暂时尚反而看上去永远都不会过时。和时尚设计不同 的是, 它会被人们接受并使用很多年甚至是在当今被一次性商品充斥的社会。
8. GoodDesign isthorough tothe lastdetail
Thoroughness and accuracy of design are synonymous with theproduct andits functions,as seenthrough theeyes of theuser .优秀的设计是考虑周到并且不放过每个细节的任何细节都不能敷衍了事或者怀有侥幸心理。设计过程中的悉心和精确是对消费者的一种尊敬。
ET66 计算器,1967,DieterRams为布朗公司设计9. GoodDesign isconcerned withenvironment
Design must contribute towards a stable environment and a sensibleuse of raw materials. This means considering not only actual pollution,but alsothe visualpollution anddestruction ofour environment.优秀的设计是关怀环境的设计能够对保护环境起到极大的贡献。让产品在整个生命周期内减少对资源 的浪费,降低对自然的破坏并且不要产生视觉污染。
606 通用搁架, 1960,DieterRams为Vitsœ公司设计。10. GoodDesign is aslittle designaspossible
Back topurity, backto simplicity.优秀的设计是简洁的简洁,但是要更好–因为它浓缩了产品所必须的具备因素,剔除了不必要的东西。“大道至简,平淡为归”