2月10日,世界一流的企业及专业情报信息提供商汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)发布了2000-2010年全球顶尖一百化学家榜单(TOP 100 CHEMISTS,2000-2010),这份榜单依据过去十年中所发表研究论文影响因子而确定的. 过去十年,有大约100万化学家在汤森路透认可并收录的学术期刊发表过论文成果,能入选“顶尖一百”表明他们是百万化学家中最优秀的万分之一。据悉,联合国教科文组织与国际纯粹与应用化学联合会(IPAC)宣布2011年是国际化学年。全球顶尖一百化学家榜单是配合国际化学年的庆祝活动之一,并表彰这些化学家自2000年1月以来所取得的杰出学术成就。共有12位华人科学家入选,分别是: 1.戴宏杰(HongjieDAI),排名第7,美国斯坦福大学教授;2.彭笑刚(XiaogangPENG),排名第8,美国阿肯色大学教授,浙江大学教授;3.杨培东(PeidongYANG),排名第10,美国加州大学伯克利分校教授;4.陈邦林(Banglin CHEN),排名15,美国德州大学圣安东尼奥分校教授;5.孙守衡(ShouhengSUN),排名31,美国布朗大学教授;6.夏幼南(Younan XIA),排名35,美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校教授;7.段镶锋(XiangfengDUAN),排名41,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校助理教授;8.Gregory C.Fu,排名43,美国麻省理工学院教授;9.曾华淳(HuaChunZENG),排名49,新加坡国立大学教授;10.林文斌(WenbinLIN),排名54,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教授;11.殷亚东(YadongYIN),排名55,美国加州大学河滨分校助理教授;12.孙玉刚(YugangSUN),排名61,美国阿尔贡国家实验室科学家。进入榜单的六名化学家杨培东、夏幼南、段镶锋、林文斌、殷亚东、孙玉刚,都是中国科学技术大学毕业生。其余6位华人科学家分别毕业于清华大学、吉林大学、浙江大学等高校.其中中科大六位校友如下,大家认识一下。杨培东: 夏幼南: 段镶锋: 林文斌: 殷亚东: 孙玉刚:该榜单中的部分化学家也是材料科学领域的顶尖科学家。基于同样标准遴选的“顶尖一百”材料科学学家榜单与“顶尖一百”化学家榜单重叠较多,中国科大校友表现尤为突出,全球排名前5位材料科学家中,中国科大校友独占其四;全球排名前20位材料科学家中,中国科大校友至少5席——杨培东(第1)、殷亚东(第2)、夏幼南(第4)、孙玉刚(第5)、段镶锋(第20)。榜单中的6位科大校友中,段镶锋、殷亚东、孙玉刚三人在中国科大是9212班(即92级应用化学系)同学。这个班仅有47人,毕业生迄今不过37岁左右,却有3位同学冲进全球顶尖一百化学家(同时入选顶尖一百材料科学家)行列,令人称奇。从这个上榜名单上来看中科大在人才培养上的成功,现在国内地些大学不注重人才培养,一门心思用在扩建、扩招、大学综合排上。中科大有六位毕业生在这个榜单上榜上有名,还有比这还有说服力的吗?这也让我想起2010年12月国内各知名大学来我校做招生宣传,我班几名同学因中科大校风正、学风浓,特别是中科大招生老师谦逊平和,学生喜欢,这几个学生保送考试报考了中科大,并被录取。看了这个榜单,我的学生也一定为选择中科大而高兴。另附全球顶尖一百化学家全部名单: Top 100 Chemists, 2000-2010, Ranked by Citation Impact | ||||
Rank | Scientists | Papers | Citations | Impact |
1 | Charles M. LIEBER Harvard University | 74 | 17,776 | 240.22 |
2 | Omar M. YAGHI University of California Los Angeles | 90 | 19,870 | 220.78 |
3 | Michael O’KEEFFE Arizona State University | 73 | 12,910 | 176.85 |
4 | K. Barry SHARPLESS Scripps Research Institute | 60 | 9,754 | 162.57 |
5 | A. Paul ALIVISATOS University of California Berkeley | 93 | 14,589 | 156.87 |
6 | Richard E. SMALLEY† Formerly Rice University | 60 | 9,217 | 153.62 |
7 | Hongjie DAI Stanford University | 88 | 12,768 | 145.09 |
8 | Xiaogang PENG![]() University of Arkansas | 59 | 8,548 | 144.88 |
9 | Valery V. FOKIN Scripps Research Institute | 54 | 6,853 | 126.91 |
10 [MS 1] | Peidong YANG University of California Berkeley | 95 | 11,167 | 117.55 |
11 | Benjamin LIST Max Planck Institute for Coal Research | 81 | 8,808 | 108.74 |
12 [MS 50] | Mark E. THOMPSON University of Southern California | 53 | 5,394 | 101.77 |
13 | Robert H HAUGE Rice University | 55 | 5,566 | 101.20 |
14 | Eric N. JACOBSEN Harvard University | 81 | 7,985 | 98.58 |
15 | Banglin CHEN University of Texas San Antonio | 61 | 5,929 | 97.20 |
16 | David W.C. MACMILLAN Princeton University | 55 | 5,267 | 95.76 |
17 | Mostafa EL-SAYED Georgia Institute of Technology | 111 | 10,135 | 91.31 |
18 | Ezio RIZZARDO Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO), Australia | 52 | 4,747 | 91.29 |
19 | Michael S. STRANO Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 54 | 4,843 | 89.69 |
20 | Michael J. ZAWOROTKO University of South Florida | 83 | 7,403 | 89.19 |
21 | Dmitri V. TALAPIN University of Chicago | 56 | 4,981 | 88.95 |
22 | Ryoji NOYORI Nagoya University | 62 | 5,486 | 88.48 |
23 | Chad A. MIRKIN Northwestern University | 233 | 20,505 | 88.00 |
24 | Liberato MANNA Italian Institute of Technology | 62 | 5,431 | 87.60 |
25 | Richard P. VAN DUYNE Northwestern University | 88 | 7,690 | 87.39 |
26 | Robert H. GRUBBS California Institute of Technology | 170 | 14,617 | 85.98 |
27 | Carlos F. BARBAS Scripps Research Institute | 95 | 8,029 | 84.52 |
28 | James R. HEATH California Institute of Technology | 69 | 5,830 | 84.49 |
29 | Moungi G. BAWENDI Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 52 | 4,364 | 83.92 |
30 | David A. CASE Rutgers University | 60 | 5,007 | 83.45 |
31 | Shouheng SUN Brown University | 84 | 6,970 | 82.98 |
32 [MS 10] | Catherine J. MURPHY University of Illinois Urbana-Campaign | 69 | 5,717 | 82.86 |
33 | M. G. FINN Scripps Research Institute | 76 | 6,286 | 82.71 |
34 | Stephen L. BUCHWALD Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 169 | 13,941 | 82.49 |
35 [MS 4] | Younan XIA Washington University St. Louis | 161 | 13,120 | 81.49 |
36 | Stuart L. SCHREIBER Harvard University | 66 | 5,369 | 81.35 |
37 [MS 19] | Taeghwan HYEON Seoul National University | 82 | 6,587 | 80.33 |
38 | George M. WHITESIDES Harvard University | 228 | 18,237 | 79.99 |
39 | Ryong RYOO Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | 77 | 6,057 | 78.66 |
40 | Michael F. RUBNER Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 51 | 4,004 | 78.51 |
41 [MS 20] | Xiangfeng DUAN University of California Los Angeles | 64 | 5,022 | 78.47 |
42 [MS 48] | Michael GRÄTZEL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | 187 | 14,602 | 78.09 |
43 | Gregory C. FU Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 111 | 8,384 | 75.53 |
44 [MS 89] | Horst WELLER University of Hamburg | 73 | 5,428 | 74.36 |
45 | Joan F. BRENNECKE University of Notre Dame | 65 | 4,827 | 74.26 |
46 | Kenneth R. SEDDON Queen’s University Belfast | 94 | 6,916 | 73.57 |
47 [MS 8] | Alan J. HEEGER University of California Santa Barbara | 66 | 4,758 | 72.09 |
48 | Andreas MANZ Korea Institute of Science and Technology - Europe | 70 | 5,030 | 71.86 |
49 | Hua Chun ZENG National University of Singapore | 53 | 3,673 | 69.30 |
50 | Suprakas Sinha RAY Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), SouthAfrica | 50 | 3,411 | 68.22 |
51 | Mikhail E. ITKIS University of California Riverside | 60 | 4,069 | 67.82 |
52 | Osamu TERASAKI Stockholm University | 92 | 6,198 | 67.37 |
53 [MS 29] | Shaik M. ZAKEERUDDIN Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | 63 | 4,204 | 66.73 |
54 | Wenbin LIN University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | 104 | 6,930 | 66.63 |
55 [MS 2] | Yadong YIN University of California Riverside | 57 | 3,787 | 66.44 |
56 | John R. YATES Scripps Research Institute | 86 | 5,696 | 66.23 |
57 | Samuel I. STUPP Northwestern University | 62 | 4,073 | 65.69 |
58 | Prashant V. KAMAT University of Notre Dame | 99 | 6,426 | 64.91 |
59 | John D. HOLBREY Queen’s University Belfast | 63 | 4,016 | 63.75 |
60 | Jens K. NØRSKOV Technical University of Denmark | 122 | 7,736 | 63.41 |
61 [MS 5] | Yugang SUN Argonne National Laboratory | 93 | 5,896 | 63.40 |
62 | Evgeny KATZ Clarkson University | 97 | 6,147 | 63.37 |
63 [MS 75] | Craig J. HAWKER University of California Santa Barbara | 141 | 8,893 | 63.07 |
64 | Christian SRRE Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University | 72 | 4,517 | 62.74 |
65 [MS 71] | Richard H FRIEND University of Cambridge | 74 | 4,642 | 62.73 |
66 | Jean M. J. FRÉCHET University of California Berkeley | 209 | 12,985 | 62.13 |
67 | James M. TOUR Rice University | 134 | 8,325 | 62.13 |
68 | Robert C. HADDON University of California Riverside | 84 | 5,191 | 61.80 |
69 | Peter J. STANG University of Utah | 103 | 6,356 | 61.71 |
70 [MS 24] | Nicholas A. KOTOV University of Michigan | 78 | 4,809 | 61.65 |
71 | F. Dean TOSTE University of California Berkeley | 84 | 5,163 | 61.46 |
72 | Michal KRUK City University of New York | 54 | 3,315 | 61.39 |
73 | Didier ASTRUC University Bordeaux I | 114 | 6,883 | 60.38 |
74 [MS 83] | Michael GIERSIG Free University of Berlin | 55 | 3,310 | 60.18 |
75 | George C. SCHATZ Northwestern University | 202 | 12,116 | 59.98 |
76 | Harold G. CRAIGHEAD Cornell University | 51 | 3,042 | 59.65 |
77 | Keith FAGNOU† University of Ottawa | 63 | 3,747 | 59.48 |
78 | Milan MRKSICH University of Chicago | 54 | 3,168 | 58.67 |
79 | Alois FÜRSTNER Max Planck Institute for Coal Research | 151 | 8,858 | 58.66 |
80 | Karl Anker JØRGENSEN Aarhus University | 152 | 8,893 | 58.51 |
81 | Rustem F. ISMAGILOV University of Chicago | 59 | 3,437 | 58.25 |
82 | Richard A. FIESNER Columbia University | 98 | 5,697 | 58.13 |
83 | Jairton DUPONT Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | 120 | 6,964 | 58.03 |
84 | John F. HARTWIG University of Illinois Urbana-Campaign | 167 | 9,638 | 57.71 |
85 | Robert LANGER Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 98 | 5,632 | 57.47 |
86 | Mark E. DAVIS California Institute of Technology | 66 | 3,791 | 57.44 |
87 | Manos MAVRIKAKIS University of Wisconsin Madison | 56 | 3,205 | 57.23 |
88 | Adi EISENBERG McGill University | 65 | 3,720 | 57.23 |
89 | Maurice BROOKHART University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | 87 | 4,978 | 57.22 |
90 | Amir H. HOVEYDA Boston College | 122 | 6,967 | 57.11 |
91 | Charles R. MARTIN University of Florida | 58 | 3,312 | 57.10 |
92 | Alexander ZAPF University of Rostock | 60 | 3,407 | 56.78 |
93 | Jeffrey R. LONG University of California Berkeley | 98 | 5,563 | 56.77 |
94 | Neil R. CHAMPNESS University of Nottingham | 86 | 4,877 | 56.71 |
95 | Naomi J. HALAS Rice University | 73 | 4,131 | 56.59 |
96 | Abraham NITZAN Tel Aviv University | 51 | 2,879 | 56.45 |
97 | Charles L. BROOKS University of Michigan | 67 | 3,778 | 56.39 |
98 | Helmut CÖLFEN Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces | 82 | 4,595 | 56.04 |
99 | Jérôme CORNIL University of Mons | 65 | 3,640 | 56.00 |
100 | Geoffrey W. COATES Cornell University | 90 | 5,029 | 55.88 |
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