这个超喜欢,墨西哥的紫晶 Measures 9.7 cm by 20.5 cm by 12.2 cm in total size. Price $5500
美国田纳西州的紫萤石和方铅矿,这中平衡感真是无敌了! Measures 5.8 cm by 6.5 cm by 6.2 cm in size. Price $1500
产自秘鲁的粉色方解石 Measures 9 cm by 7.5 cm in size. Price $985
[B]美国紫萤石,超正~ From the Elmwood Mine, Smith County, Tennessee. Measures 7 cm by 8.2 cm by 4.2 cm in size. Price $1500[/B]
[B]墨西哥蓝色晶体的异极矿~~ From the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Measures 4.1 cm by 5.5 cm in size. Price $385[/B]
印度鱼眼石~经典美~ Measures 15 cm by 16.5 cm in size. Listed Price $3450
最爱的美国天河石 Measures 12 cm by 16 cm by 8 cm in size. Price $12500
山西出产的自然银~~ Measures 8 cm by 7.1 cm by 3.2 cm in size. Price $12500
巴基斯坦的碧玺~ Measures 6 cm by 4.6 cm in size. Price $3500
墨西哥神奇的蓝铜球球和孔雀石~ From the Lost Lake Claim, Nacimiento Mine, Cuba, New Mexico. Measures 6 cm by 7.9 cm in size. Price $750
矽孔雀石,米国的 Measures 4.6 cm by 4.6 cm in size. Price $385

依然是米国的,居然有品质如此好的电气石 Measures 4.4 cm by 4.5 cm by 6.3 cm in size. Price $7500
哥伦比亚祖母绿~ Measures 2.6 cm by 4 cm by 3.3 cm in size. Price $10500
美国科罗拉州的菱锰矿。 Measures 3.1 cm by 3.7 cm in size. $585
四川雪宝顶罕见的蓝色海蓝宝石,颜色虽然有点偏灰,但也算很棒了。12.5 cm x 25 cm x14 cm. $25,000
美国科罗拉州的菱锰矿和萤石共生。 Measures 2.2 cm by 2.6 cm in size. $585