我们爱表演自己翻译的英文作品 作品集的英文翻译




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The Dream of Lottery

翻译人:Sherry Chu

Cast演员表:Father: Ian父亲:兰(++饰)

Mother: Ellen母亲:艾伦(+++饰)

Younger brother:Victor小弟:威克特(+饰)

Older brother:David大哥:大卫(朱+++饰)

Friend: Jeff威克特朋友:杰夫(唐+饰)

Clerk: weaber银行职员:威博尔(吴+++饰)

Narrator: Weaber旁白:威博尔(+++饰)




(吴++)This is a story about lottery. Oneday, Ian and Ellen are watching TV in the living room. David issleeping in his room.这是一个关于彩票的故事,一天,兰和彩票正在起居室看电视,大卫在他的房间睡觉。

Scene: 场景一 Inthe living room:起居室

Ian: The news is veryboring.兰:这个新闻太枯燥咯

Ellen: Huh, only about politicalissues very boring.艾伦:哈,关于政治时事的都很无聊

Ian: Yeah! It makes meannoyed.兰:是的,我也觉得很恼火

Ellen: Well! How’s your business thismonth?艾伦:好的,那你最近生意怎么样

Ian: Not bad! Perhaps I can getpromotion next month.兰:不算太糟糕,也许下个月我会让它有所提升的

(吴+++)(Narrator: At that time, someonepresses the buzzer of doorbell ring.)旁白:在此时,门铃隐隐作响

Ellen: Dear, go to open thedoor.艾伦:亲爱的,去开门

Ian: Son, why do you come home solate? Do you know what time it is?兰:儿子们,为什么回家这么晚,你知道现在是什么时候咯吗

Victor: Oh! I’m sorry. I ate thedinner with my classmate.威克特:哦很抱歉,我和同学聚餐去咯

Ellen: Don’t blamehim.艾伦:不要怪他咯

Victor: Yeah! Mom~ I love you somuch~威:丫,妈妈,我爱死你咯

Ian: Ok! I always find faults withyou.兰:好咯好咯,我总是有错行咯吧

Ellen: Wait! Your room is too dirty.Arrange your room today.艾伦:等等,你的房间太脏咯,好好去整理你的房间

Victor: I want to arrange my roomtomorrow.威:我明天去整理

Ian: Do whatever your Momsaid.兰:不要管你妈妈说的

Victor: I feel tired today. Mom ~could I arrange my room tomorrow?威:我今天太累咯,妈妈,我可以明天再弄吗

Ellen: No way! If you don’t arrangeyour room, you can’t get your allowance.艾伦:没门,如果你今天不去,我不会原谅你的

Victor: Oh! I’ll go to arrange myroom soon.威:我一会就去

Ellen: You are my goodboy.艾伦:这才是好孩子

In the Victor’sroom起居室

(吴++)(Narrator: Victor goes to his roomreluctantly and arranges his room. Soon, when he arranges thebooks, he finds a notepaper. He looks at it and finds that it is alottery. He takes the news paper to check lotterynumber……)旁白:威进去咯他的房间去整理,一会,当他整理一本书的时候,他看见一张纸条,他仔细看咯它原来是一张彩票。他于是拿咯它去对号。

Victor: Wow! It is the first prize.Huh…, huh… I have to cash the lottery ticket.威:哇,一等奖,哈哈哈哈,我要去兑现

Victor: But, now it is too late. Iwill cash it tomorrow.威:但是,现在太晚咯,我明天再去。

Oh! I am a richman!.噢,我要成为有钱人咯

Ian: Have you arranged your room? Ifyou finished it, go to take a bath.兰:你已经整理好咯吗?如果整理完咯就去洗澡。

Victor: Ok… I will go to take a bathright now.威:好,我马上就去洗澡

In the livingroom起居室

(吴+++)(Narrator: Victor puts the lotteryticket into the book and puts down the book on his desk. He leaveshis room. And he goes to library. The door bell is ringing… Davidopens the door.)旁白:威把彩票放在咯书里并把它放在咯他的书桌上,他离开咯房间,去啦图书馆,这是门铃响了,大卫去开了门。

Jeff: Hi~ is Victor athome?杰夫:嗨,威在家吗

David: He is not here. He went to thelibrary.大卫:他不在,他去图书馆了

Jeff: Oh! No. I want to borrow a bookfrom him. (He is very anxious)杰夫:噢不,我想要借走一本他的书(他很着急的样子)

David: That’s OK! I can find the bookfor you. Please sit down.大卫:好的,我帮你找找,请坐坐

Jeff: Thank you! I want to borrow abook that has an orange cover.杰夫:谢谢你,我想要借走一本封面是橘色的书籍

David: Ok! Wait a minute. I’ll go toVictor’s room and find it.大卫:好,请稍等,我将去威的房间给你拿。

In the Victor’sroom威的房间

(吴+++)(Narrator: After David enteredVictor’s room, he finds the book on the desk. He is afraid thatthere is something in the book. So when he opens the book, he findsthe special notepaper.)


David: What is it?大卫:它是什么

David: Wow! It is a lottery ticket.(He takes the newspaper to check the lottery number. He feels verysurprised)大卫:哇,他是一张彩票,他也于是也拿去对咯号码,他实在是太好奇咯

David: Wow… wow… it is the firstprize. Huh… He wants to keep the money all to himself. I’ll hide itand make him nervous. (Then David puts the lottery into his pocketand goes out the room.)大卫:哇哇哇,一等奖,他想把钱归自己所有,于是很着急的把它藏起来(他把彩票放在了他的口袋里并出去了房间)

In the livingroom起居室

Jeff: Did you findit?杰夫:找到咯吗

David: Is it?大卫:是他吗

Jeff: Yes, That’s it. Thank you somuch.杰夫:是,就是他,很感谢你

David: You’rewelcome.大卫:没关系

Jeff: Please tell him that I borrowedthe book.杰夫:请转告他我拿走咯

David: Oh! I will.Bye.大卫:噢我会的拜拜

Jeff: Thank you!Bye.杰夫:谢谢,拜拜

(吴++)(Narrator: After two hours, Victorcomes back and enters his room in the night. Suddenly, he runs outhis room.)旁白:两个小时之后,威回来了突然想起并跑进去了自己的房间,

Victor: David, have you seen my bookon my desk?威:大卫。你看见我的书咯吗

David: Oh! Your friend borrowedit.大卫:噢你的朋友借走咯

Victor: Well … oh! That’sOK!威:好,那就好

(Victor calls on the cell phone.David is laughing at his back)(威拨通咯杰夫的电话,大卫呢就在背后不停的笑)

Victor: Hello! Jeff (Victor walks tothe other side of the room.)威:你好杰夫(威走向了另外一个房间)

Jeff: Hello!杰夫:你好

Victor: Jeff, today you went to myhome and borrowed my book, right?威:杰夫,今天来我家借走了我的书是吧

Jeff: Yes, your brother took it tome.杰夫:是的,你的弟弟给我的

Victor: Have you seen a notepaper inthe book?威:你看见里面有一张纸条吗

Jeff: Notepaper? I haven’t seenanything.杰夫:纸条?我没有看见啊

Victor: No? Oh! Mygosh.威:不?我的天

Jeff: What kind of thenotepaper?杰夫:是什么样的纸条

Victor: Well! Well! Just a lotteryticket.威:尽是一张彩票而已

Jeff: Really? Is it important? Winany money.杰夫:真的吗?很重要吗?有钱没有?

Victor: No, the lottery is notmine.威:不。不是我的

Jeff: Oh!杰夫:噢

Victor: Huh… well! I will keeplooking for it.威:啊…….好,我再找找看看

Jeff: Ok… bye!杰夫:好拜拜

(吴++)(Narrator: After Victor hangs up thephone, he goes back to his room and continues finding the lottery.He still cannot find it, so he goes to sleep. Suddenly, David‘scell phone is ringing. He puts the lottery on the table and answershis cell phone.)旁白:在威挂咯电话之后,他回到房间继续找了找,但是还是没有找到,因此他决定去睡觉,突然,大卫的手机响咯,他放下彩票在饭桌上去接咯电话

David: Oh! Honey. I miss you so much.You wanna see me now.大卫:噢亲爱的,我想死你了,你现在想见我啊

(吴+++)(Then he goes out in a hurry. Aftersome time, the parents come back home.)然后他慌忙的离开了,在一些时候后,他们的父母回来了)

Ian: Huh! It is good to walk withyou.兰:散步对你有好处吧

Ellen: Oh! Yeah what is it? Dear, isthis yours?艾伦:噢那是什么?亲爱的,是你的吗?

Ian: What is it? Lottery ticket! No,I have never bough it.兰:是什么啊?彩票?不,我没有买它

Ellen: Maybe it is the first prize.Take the newspaper to check it.艾伦:是不是一等奖,我们拿去兑现吧

Ian: Ok!兰:好

Ian: Here it is!兰:给你

Ellen: Oh! My gosh.. It is the firstprize!艾伦:噢我的天,是一等奖

Ian: What! We are so lucky. Honey!We’re rich now. (Ian holds Ellen’s hands)兰:什么!我们太幸运咯,亲爱的,我们要富裕了(兰抓住艾伦的手)

Ellen: I can’t believeit.艾伦:不敢相信啊

Ian: We will cash ittomorrow.兰:我们明天就去兑换

Ellen: But it doesn’t belong tous…I’m afraid…艾伦:但是它不是我们的,我很担心

Ian: Don’t worry. Maybe our sonbought it! I’ll talk to them.兰:不要着急,也许是我们儿子买的,我们给他们说

Ellen: Is it reallyok?艾伦:那真的好吗

Ian: The bank is closed now. We cancash it tomorrow.兰:现在银行关门了,我们明天去

Ellen: Ok!艾伦:好

Tomorrow morning, in the livingroom第二天。起居室

(吴++++)(Narrator: David is looking for thelottery ticket. But he can’t find it.)旁白:大卫寻找着他的彩票,但是没有找到

David: Hmm~ where is the lottery? Iremember I put it on the table.大卫:嗯,彩票在哪里?我明明记得在桌子上啊

Victor: David, what are youdoing?威:大卫在找什么?

David: Nothing…What time did you comeback?大卫:明晚什么。你昨晚什么时候回来的?

Victor: About 12 o’clock. . Dad andMom said they wanted to go to bank to withdraw money. We have toprepare our lunch.威:大概12点,爸妈说他们去银行取钱了,午餐我们自己搞定

(Victor goes into thekitchen)(威走进咯厨房)

David: Why the lottery disappears?Oh~ Maybe Dad and mom saw it! Is it possiblethat…大卫:为什么会不见,噢可能是爸妈看见了,也许………

(吴++++)(David goes to the bank in ahurry)(大卫赶紧去了银行)

SceneⅡ场景二In the bank银行

(吴++)(Narrator: David runs out of hometowards the bank. As soon as he gets to the bank, he sees hisparents go into the bank. He follows them into the bank. and peepsover their shoulders.)旁白:大卫朝着银行跑出了家里,不一会他到达咯银行,看见他的父母正在银行里,他跟着他们,并越过肩膀偷窥

Weaber: Hello, may I helpyou?威博尔:你好请问有什么可以帮忙的?

Ian: I want to cash this lotteryticket. I won the first prize.兰:我想要兑换彩票,我得了一等奖

Ellen: Not! “I”, it’s “We”. Sir, wewon the first prize. (Angry)艾伦:不,“我”,是我们,先生,我们得了一等奖(生气中)

Weaber: Ok. Let me checkit.威博尔:好,让我看看

Weaber: Sorry, sir. This isexpired.威博尔:抱歉,先生,到期了

David: What?大卫:什么?

Ellen: Hey, David. You scaredme.艾伦:嘿大卫你想吓死我吗

Ian: David! What are you doing here?Is it yours?兰:大卫,你在这里干什么?是你的吗?

David: Mom, I’m sorry. This is notmine. It is Victor’s.大卫:不是的很抱歉,是威的

Ellen: It is expired. Why didn’t youthrow it away?艾伦:到期了,怎么不扔咯?

David: Yeah~ I also thought that itwas the first prize. .大卫:是的,我也认为是一等奖呢

Ian: Let’s go home to ask Victor.(Angry)兰:让我们回去找威问问(生气中)

SceneⅢ场景三In the livingroom起居室

David: Victor ~ Come here~ (Shoutsout)大卫大叫:威,快过来

Victor: What happened? I’m eatinglunch.威:发生了什么事情?我在吃饭呢

Ian: The lottery is yours,right?兰:这彩票是你的吗?

Victor: My lottery~ it’s you took it.Where’s the money?威:我的彩票?在你们这里啊,钱呢?

Ellen: There’s no money. It’sexpired.艾伦:没有钱,到期了

Victor: What?威:什么?

David: It was expired. You stilltreat it as treasury. You’re so strange.大卫:到期了,你还仍然当宝,你有点奇怪

Victor: Me? I didn’t buy it. This isnot mine.威:我?我没有买他,不是我们的

Ellen: But who boughtit?艾伦:那是谁的?

(吴++)(Narrator: They look at each other.Suddenly, Ian remembers it.)


Ian: I…I remember it. I bought it twomonths ago. Ha-ha~兰:我我记得了,是我两个月前买的,哈哈哈哈哈哈

Ellen: What?艾伦;什么?

David: What?大卫:是吗?

Victor: What?威克特:什么?

Ian: Sorry~ I forgot it’s mine. Iread victor’s book last week. When I went to sleep, I put thelottery ticket into the book. 兰:抱歉,我忘记了,我上周看了威 的书,我快睡着的时候就把它放在你的书里了

Ian: Sweetheart~ don’t turn your backon me~


Ellen: Go away. I’mbusy!艾伦:走开,我很忙

Ian: Sweetheart~ sons~ I’m so sorry.It’s my fault. (Turns to David and Victor)兰:亲爱的,儿子们,我实在抱歉,是我的错

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