aswellas,aswell,mightaswell用法 might as well 的用法

1. aswell as = not only/just...but(also),但两者在意义上有不同之处:as well as侧重前者,而not only/just...but(also)侧重后者,通常要理解为A as well as B = not only/just B but (also)A。如:

  I’m learning French as well as English.


  等于:I’m learning not only English but also French.(侧重后者,也即French)


  在带有as wellas的句子中,如果该部分在句子中作主语,谓语动词必须与as well as前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致(英语中适合这一用法的词或词组还有with,together with,but,rather than等)。而not only/just...but(also)连接句子中的并列主语时,谓语动词的人和数则必须与but(also)后面的主语保持一致(英语中适合这一用法的词组还有neither...nor,either...or,not...but等)。如:

  The teacher as well asthe students has gone to the cinema.

  老师和学生都到电影院看电影去了。(aswell as前面的主语the teacher是单数,故谓语动词用has)

  The students as wellas the teacher have gone to the cinema.(as wellas前面的主语the students是复数,故谓语动词用have)

  Not only the teacherbut also the students have gone to the cinema.(butalso后面的主语是复数,故谓语动词用have)

  Peter rather than hisparents is going to the USA.

  是彼特打算去美国,而不是他的父母亲(打算去美国)。(rather than前面的主语Peter是单数,故谓语动词用is)

  Either you or I amwrong.



  2. as wellas所连接的并列成分有时候没有侧重的含义,这时它的含义相当于and,但与and在以下三个方面有所不同:

  ①as wellas比and更强调“又”的含义。如:

  The plan is practicalas well as farsighted.



  ②and经常用于A,B and C这一结构,而as well as则不能,要表达这一结构可用:A,B and C或A and B as well as C,而用A,B as well as C则是错误的。如:


  Lucy,Lily and John are leaving forBeijing tomorrow.

  Lucy and Lily as wellas John are leaving for Beijing tomorrow.


  ③由于as wellas有时候含义相当于and,而and可与both连用,因此在现代英语里as well as也可以与both连用。如:

  He likes both Chineseas well as math very much.



  3. aswell相当于too和also,但要注意与too,also,either的区别。





  He is apianist,and he is a singer aswell.

  He is apianist,and he is asinger,too.

  He is apianist,and he is also asinger.

  Heisn’t a pianist,and he isn’t a singer either.


  4. might aswell的意思为“还是……为好”,相当于may/just as well。要注意不能与as well as,as well混淆。如:

  Today you might aswell go to school,or your teacher will criticiseyou.

  今天你还是去上学的好, 要不然的话, 你的老师会批评你的。




  1. Mary as well as herclassmates ___________(be) going to visit the museum nextweek.

  2. Neither Lucy norher sisters ___________(have) been to Beijing so far.

  3. Either yourstudents or Mr. Wang ___________ (know) this.

  4. Not only hisbrother but also his sisters ___________(hurt) in theaccident.

  5. Not his classmatesbut he often ___________ (help) the blind man.

  6.Mary,together with her parents___________(have) been watching TV tonight.



  1. is2. have3.knows

  4. were hurt5. helps6.has


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Only, only if , if only的用法 only倒装句的用法

在中学阶段的英语学习中,深刻理解only 的含义,全面掌握它的用法,可以帮助我们正确理解句意,做对相应考题。下面,我们结合例句、例题和真题一起来总结only的主要意义和用法。Only作形容词意为:惟一的,仅有的;(子、女)独生的;最好的;最合适的,独

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不定代词的用法一、不定代词的用法不定代词大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。1.作主语both of them are teachers.他们两人都是教师。2.作

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