Hey jude, don't make it bad 吾侄朱得 勿自伤情Take a sad song and make it better 抚琴奏曲 歌以咏志Remember to let her into your heart将之汝心 将之汝命Then you can start to make it better 含苞待放实可至也
Hey jude, don't be afraid 吾侄朱得勿忧勿惧You were made to go out and get her 朱门开启 佳人欢颜The minute you let her under your skin将之肌肤如影随形Then you begin to make it better 含苞待放实可至也
And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain 吾侄朱得痛勿轻陈Don't carry the world upon your shoulders 山雨欲来避之关门For well you know that it's a fool who plays itcool愚夫献雅 鸡犬相闻By making his world a little colder 阴沟调醋暗自伤神
Hey jude, don't let me down 吾侄朱得 勿欺吾盼You have found her, now go and get her 朝识佳人夕归为伴Remember to let her into your heart 将之汝心 将之汝命Then you can start to make it better 含苞待放 其可至也So let it out and let it in, hey jude,begin吾侄朱得 花开堪折 将启程You're waiting for someone to perform with红袖添香时不我待And don't you know that it's just you 非寒三日尺冰何在Hey jude, you'll do 吾侄朱得 君须谨记The movement you need is on your shoulder 鲈鱼鲜美 结网先行
Hey jude, don't make it bad 吾侄朱得勿自伤情Take a sad song and make it better 抚琴奏曲歌以咏志Remember to let her under your skin 将之肌肤 如影随形Then you'll begin to make it 含苞待放其可至也Better better better better better better,oh.甚矣,甚矣...