My interpretation of On theTeacher
Liao Mosha
Elderlypeople aged over fifty must have read Han Yu’s On the Teacher.Quite a few remarks in this essay are worthy of contemplation bypresent-day teachers and pupils. Take the following forexample:
“Confuciussays: ‘Out of three men, there must be one who can teach me.’ Sopupils are not necessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachersbetter than their pupils. Some learn the truth earlier than others,and some have special skills — that is all.”
Han Yu wrotethis essay to defend himself against the attack of his time on hishaving accepted some disciples. In his opinion, having discipleswas not something to be surprised at because, as a teacher, he wasnot necessarily better than his disciples in every way, nor hisdisciples always inferior to him. As a matter of fact, one who haslearned the truth earlier than you, no matter who he is, should beacknowledged as a teacher. You need not ask whether he was bornbefore or after you because what matters is the knowledge that hecan impart to you. Nor should you presume him to be omniscient. Solong as he excels you in one respect, you should learn from him andcall him your teacher. This advice of mine is addressed to pupils,and teacher as well — teachers whose duty it is to “to pass on thetruth, impart knowledge and dispel ignorance”.
“Pupils arenot necessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachers betterthan their pupils”— that is a truth, not a fallacy. There is noimpassable demarcation line between teacher and pupil. While ateacher may be superior to his pupil in one branch of knowledge,the latter may be superior to the former in another. While theteacher may be superior to his pupil today, the latter may besuperior to the former tomorrow. That demonstrates the law ofdialectics and the unity of opposites. A kind of interplay existsbetween teacher and pupil. The pupil should learn from his teacher,but sometimes there may also be something the teacher has to learnfrom his pupil.
A similar ideais expressed by the following well-known passage quoted from Xueji(The Subject of Education), a chapter of the ancient book Liji (TheBook of Rites): “However nice the food may be, if one does not eatit, he does not know its taste; however perfect the doctrine maybe, if one does not learn it, he does not know its value.Therefore, when he learns, one knows his own deficiencies; when heteaches, one knows where the difficulty lies. After he knows hisdeficiencies, one is able to examine himself. Hence, ‘teaching andlearning help each other’; as it is said in Yue Ming, ‘Teaching isthe half of learning’.” The above quotation from Liji, which laysemphasis on self-examination and self-improvement, is lessthoroughgoing than what Han Yu says about education. Nevertheless,its remarks such as “When he teaches one knows where the difficultylies”, “Teaching benefits teachers as well as pupils” and “Teachingis the half of learning” (a quotation meaning teaching and learningare opposite and complementary to each other) all remainirrefutable to this day.
To be ateacher, one must at the same time be a student, or be a studentfirst, just as Carl Marx says, “Educators must themselves beeducated first.” Though this is plain truth, yet people in theirpractical life seldom recognize it. It is especially hard forteachers of long standing or those with “special skills”, as Han Yusays, to look at this matter dialectically.
It is notwithout reason or cause that teachers fail to be readily receptiveto the above-mentioned concept. The viewpoint “Pupils are notnecessarily inferior to their teachers, nor teachers better thantheir pupils”, though put forward by Han Yu, himself afeudal-minded scholar typical of his time, was by no means popularin the feudal age. On the contrary, as teachers were ranked high upalong with “Heaven, Earth, Sovereign and Parents” as objects ofworship in the feudal age, pupils could never be on an equalfooting with their teachers to form a unity of opposites. Afterall, a teacher was a teacher. His teaching profession wasdignified, sacred and inviolable. A pupil was a pupil. He was neverexpected to surpass his teacher. The practice has come down fromthe past and become customary.
The newrelationship between teacher and pupil should be that of, in thewords of Han Yu, “not (being) ashamed to learn from each other”.That is to say, teacher and pupil should teach each other and learnfrom each other. They should teach each other as equals regardlessof seniority, so that, as Han Yu says, “whoever knows the truth canbe a teacher”.
Pupils shouldknow the spirit of respecting the truth, learning from whoeverknows. Teachers should be so open-minded as to be ready to learnfrom anyone who knows, just as Confucius says, “Out of three men,there must be one who can teach me”.
Han Yu, goingby Confucius’ teaching, asserts that “a sage has no definiteteacher”, meaning that a really wise and learned person has nofixed teacher and that he learns from whoever knows. I think I mayas well added, “No teacher is all-knowing,” meaning that no teacheris infallible. A teacher should have the courage not only to holdfirmly to the truth but also to admit his mistake. All devotedteachers might as well put this into practice so that they canstrive, together with their pupils, for scientific knowledge andthe truth.
On the otherhand, however, pupils should also understand this: when theydiscover a teacher’s weak point in a certain respect, they shouldnot jump to the conclusion that he is no longer qualified as ateacher, because the weak point in one respect does not mean theweak point in all respects and, likewise, the strong point in acertain point does not mean the strong point in all respects.Students of today, shouldering a great historical task, shoulddeeply understand how limited their knowledge is and how importantit is for them to learn modestly from all those who have knowledgeand strong points, especially teachers who “have special skills”!That is all I can say about On the Teacher.