荔枝罐头出口买卖合同中英文 买卖合同 中英文对照

荔枝罐头出口买卖合同(中英文) 买卖合同 中英文对照


ContractNo:SCAU01-06 Date:December 30th,2011Signed at:Dalian


The salescontract (the "Contract") is signed between the following twoparties on December 30th, 2011 (the "Signature Date") in Dalian, China.

卖方:大连食品贸易有限公司Sellers:Dalian Food Trading Co., Ltd


Address:No.1 Baiyun Road, Dalian,Liaoning Province, China        


Tel:86-010-654321   Fax:86-010-654322


Buyers:Tengfei Co., LTD


Address:No.6 Nanpingzhong Road, LosAngeles, USA         


Tel:001-412-607412  Fax:001-412-607413        


EitherSeller or Buyer is referred in this Contract as a "Party", andtogether, the "Parties"


BothParties of the Contract reach the following agreement according theterms hereunder:

The Buyeragrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following products(the "Product").

1.货号:010222Article NO.010222


Name,Production Specification, Quantity and Quality.

共计8000箱Total 8000CARTON





3.每件价格和运输方式:Unit Price andTerms of Delivery

单价:荔枝罐头 20美元/每箱UNIT PRICE: Canned Litchi USD20 PERCARTON

运输方式:CIF洛杉矶, 美国TERMS OF DELIVERY: CIFLos Angeles, USA


Prices arevalid and unchanged within Two months. (From December 1st, 2011 toJanuary 31st, 2012 )

4.总数:160,000美元整Total Amount:USD160,000 ONLY

5.保险:由买方投保。INSURANCE:To be coverd by the Buyers.


SHIPPING MARK:On the surface of each package, the package number,measurements, gross weight, net weight, the lifting positions,such cautions as “DO NOT STACK UP SIDE DOWN”, “HANDLE WITH CARE”and the following shipping markshall be stenciled legibly in fadeless paint:

7.装船时间:Time ofShipment:


Time of Shipment:Before the end of January, 2012

(2)能否分装:不能Partial Shipment: NotAllowed

(3)装货地点:中国大连 Loading Place shouldin Dalian of China

(4)目的地:美国洛杉矶Port of Destination: LosAngeles of USA

8.付款条件:Terms ofPayment:




Sent oneset of documents to the Buyer at sight the commodities are loadedas follows:

ⅰ 商业发票:由卖方开出的已签名原件

CommercialInvoice: Signed Originals Issued by the Seller

ⅱ 装箱单:由卖方开出的原件PackingList: Originals Issued by the Seller

ⅲ 数量和质量证明书:由生产商开出的原件

Certificate of Quantity and Quality: Originals Issued bythe Manufacturer


Packing:By the China export packing standards


CommodityInspection: It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Qualityand Weight issued by the China Entry-Exit Inspection and QuarantineBureau at the port of shipment shall be taken as the basis ofdelivery.


Discrepancy and Claim: In case of quality discrepancy,claim should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrivalof the goods at port of destination, while for quantitydiscrepancy, claim should be filed by the Buyer within 15 daysafter the arrival of the goods at port of destination. It isunderstood that the Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancyof the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company,Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization/ or Post Officeare liable.




If qualityproblem occurs and quantity is less than 10PCS, the extra offered1pc for each carton will be considered as the reimbursement andcompensation.

If qualityproblem occurs and quantity is above is 10PCS, the Buyer shouldsend the sample to the Seller within 30 days. Once the Sellerconfirmed the quality problem, the Seller will reimbursement thegoods.



ForceMajeure: The Seller shall not be held responsible for late deliveryor non-delivery of the goods owing to generally recognized "ForceMajeure" causes. However, in such case, the Seller shallimmediately cable the Buyer the accident and airmail to the Buyerwithin 15 days after the accident, a certificate of the accidentissued by the competent government authorities or the chamber ofcommerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs asevidence thereof.

With theexception of late delivery or non-delivery due to "Force Majeure"causes, in case the Seller fails to make delivery within the timeas stipulated in the contract, the Seller should indemnify theBuyer for all losses and expenses incurred to the latter directlyattributable to late delivery or failure to make delivery of thegoods in accordance with the terms of this contract. If the "ForceMajeure" cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyers shall have the rightto cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of theContract.


Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection withthe Sales Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation.In case no settlement can be reached, the dispute shall then besubmitted to China International Economic and Trade ArbitrationCommission (CIETAC), Dalian Commission for arbitration inaccordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying forarbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon bothparties. The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losingParty, unless otherwise awarded.


Notices:All notices shall be written in both English and Chinese and servedto both parties by fax/e-mail/courier according to the followingaddresses. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shallinform the other party of the change of address within 7 days afterthe change.



Thiscontract comes into effect from the signing date. Any amendment oradditional clauses to this contract shall be valid only if made inwriting and confirmed by the both parties.

(2)本合同有效期至2012年5月1日。This contract shall be valid up to 1st May,2012.


Thiscontract shall be made in both English and Chinese, in 2 copieseffective since being signed/scaled by both parties, one for eachparty with the same value.


TheSellers:                 The Buyers:


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/193355.html


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