英文原文: http://www.manufacturing.net/articles/2014/02/5-quick-questions-putting-big-data-to-work
摘要:作为全球统计过程控制(SPC)软件领导者——盈飞无限国际有限公司(InfinityQS International, Inc.)统计方法副总裁,史蒂夫·怀斯(Steve Wise)先生日前接受美国制造业网站(manufacturing.net)专访,就大数据时代数据处理软件的最佳应用实践以及制造企业如何高效利用数据提供的信息这一热门话题展开讨论。
盈飞无限国际有限公司 统计方法副总裁 史蒂夫·怀斯
§ 这些数据服务的客户是谁?
§ 需要根据这条数据做出什么决策或判断?
§ 当数据值开始上升(或下降或保持不变),这是好事还是坏事?
§ 当这些数据显示需要采取某些行动,企业是否已经有相应的机制对这些数据作出快速响应?
A recentManufacturing.netsurveyfound that nearly two-thirds of respondents felt their organization wasn’teffectively using all the data housed in their ERP system. This was neithersurprising nor new, but why does this trend continue?
I can’t tell you how rewarding it iswhen a company implements a plan and the light bulb goes on and they finallysee how data can drive truly effective action. When data-based systems areinstalled, the implementation is too often considered successful once the dataare flowing and people can get to the data.
Yes, watching data automatically flowinto a database is a beautiful experience,but visualizing data is justthe first step. There are three milestones I look for in order to mosteffectively put manufacturing data to work.
The first is toprocess all thestreams of data to determine their usefulness. Some data are useful for makingreal-time decisions, some data are useful for making long-term strategicdecisions, and some data are just taking up space. Real-time data need specialanalysis and alerting tools to warn you if a change is needed and also toprovide feedback that indicates true outliers so you don’t change anything thatscrews up a stable situation.
Data that are used for longer-termdecisions need to be cobbled together in a way that exposes all key trends andindicators, while useless data need to be turned off, throttled back orrepurposed.
Second,data in an ERP system areonly one source. What about data from Quality and Manufacturing Executionsystems? Are there meaningful ways to integrate that data to aid in decisionmaking? If so, what needs to happen to bring those data together?
And lastly, what about the metrics? Dothey support decision-making both up stream and down? Do they reward the rightbehavior?
If you had toidentify one data set that is often over-looked or under-utilized, what is itand why do you think that’s the case?
The most overlooked data opportunity isto use variables data sampling rather than attribute. Many quality-related datastreams are measuring weak indicators such as yield, go/no-go, pass/fail, orconforming/nonconforming. These types of data are all attribute data; morespecifically, defectives data. These data boil down to a 1 or a 0.
Defectives data sets only help someone feelgood or feel bad about whatever those data represent. If the yield is bad, morepowerful variables data are needed to isolate and help solve the problems.Variables data can be measured on a continuous scale, such as temperature,diameter and cycle time.
One of the biggest mistakes companiesmake with industrial data is to take a stream of variables data and dumb itdown to a pass or fail. A better way to report and visualize data is tounderstand the data set's distribution and predictability. This is efficientlyachieved only with variables type data.
At the recentInfinityQS user’s conference, some light-hearted remarks were made about theconflicts between operations and IT. What advice would you offer in helpingthese two areas of manufacturing to work together more effectively?
The truth is that Quality and IT have anopportunity to make each other look very good. The complexities of today’smanufacturing systems result in so many visibility gaps that it becomes a hugewin when a quality platform is able to deliver relevant intelligence to thepeople that can most effectively use it. Quality and IT both have an interestin taking the guesswork out of manufacturing operations and both greatlybenefit when a company’s culture becomes more data driven.
That said, many of the most successfulsoftware-based projects are led by the IT department. The most successful ofthose are when the IT leaders rely on Operation's user requirements as theirguide. The problems between Operations and IT are magnified when IT is broughtinto a project late that was ill conceived by someone in Operations who triedto bypass IT and just get the project done without "unnecessary ITdelays." Eventually, non-IT folks realize their technical shortcomings,but the damage is already done.
If you couldgive U.S. manufacturers one thing, what would it be and why?

When it comes to data management, Iwould encourage manufacturers to ask basic questions that challenge the purposeof every stream of data.
§ Who is the customer of the data?
§ What decisions are going to be made withthat data stream?
§ If the data values start to increase (ordecrease or remain the same), is that good or bad?
§ If the data stream says that somethingneeds to be done, is there any infrastructure in place to act on the data?
The responses to these questions willhelp identify what data are needed for real-time decisions, what data are bestused for long-term strategic decisions, what the corrective actions are andwhat data just might become a waste to collect.