如RR假设其可信区间为95%,则stata 命令如下:
gen selogrr=(log(uci)-log(rr))/1.96
gen logrr=log(rr)
metan logrr selogrr,eform by(group) label(namevar=study)
一篇英文文献这样写:If 95 percent confidence limits are given instead ofstandard errors and the limits are arithmetically symmetric aboutthe rates, i.e., if R - LR = UR - R, the standard errors may beestimated as SE =(UR - RL)/3.92, where LR and UR are the upperandlower confidence limits. If 95 percent confidence limits are givenand the limits appear proportionally symmetric about the rates,i.e., if U/R = R/LR, the standard errors for the_ rates may beestimated as SE =R[log(UR/LR)/3.92].