发布时间:2018年04月10日 23:16:49分享人:青春万岁来源:互联网28
Name:Adam Brody | Birthday: April 8,1981 | Birthplace: San Diego,California | HighSchool: Scripps RanchHighschool | College: attended MiraCostaCollege in Oceanside, CA | Salary:Unknown | Dating:RachelBilson |
Born and raised in SanDiego, California, Adam Brody spent his teen yearssurfing, sunning and swimming. So when it became clear that therewas more to his ambition than a career as a professional surfer, heneeded to make a decision on his future. After convincing hisunwitting parents to allow him to attend college in Los Angeles,Brody moved to Hollywood in January 1999. But instead of enrollingin school, he enlisted the services of an acting coach. A fewmonths (and several part-time jobs) later, the first wave hit asBrody began to land small roles in commercials, pilots, and soaps.Then, a year to the day after his arrival in Hollywood, came theBig Kahuna -- the call that he had been cast in “Growing UpBrady” as the young Barry Williams. Though the news came as a bigsurprise to his parents and 15-year-old twin brothers, Brodyacknowledges that as his first fans, their unwavering support andencouragement continue to motivate him. Smiley Face (2007)(announced) | In the Land ofWomen (2006) - Carter Webb | Thank You forSmoking (2005) - Jack Bein | In The Land ofWomen (2005) - Stars w/Meg Ryan | Mr. and Mrs.Smith (2004) - Hector | MissingBrendan (2003) - Patrick Calden | Grind(2003) - Dustin | Ring,The (2002) - Kellen, Teen #3 | According toSpencer (2001) - Tommy | American Pie 2 (2001) - High SchoolGuy | Roadside Assistance (2001) - Rusty | Silencing, The (2000) - Karl | NeverLand (2000) - Jack |
| | "O.C.,The" (2003-04) TV Series - Seth Cohen | "GilmoreGirls" - (2000) playing "Dave Rygalski" - 9 DifferentEpisodes | "Smallville" - (2001) playing "JustinGaines" | "SausageFactory, The" (2001) TV Series - Zack | "Andy DickShow, The" - (2001) playing "Buyer at Nikka CostaSale" | "Grounded forLife" - (2001) playing "Brian" in episode: "ActionMountain High" | "GoFish" - (2001) playing "Billy" in episode: "Go StudentCouncil" | Growing UpBrady (2000) (TV) - Barry Williams | Sausage Factory,The (2000) (TV) - Zack | "Family Law" -(1999) playing "Noel Johnson" | "Undressed" (1999)TV Series - Lucas (Season 3: 2000) | "Once andAgain" (1999) playing "Coop" in episode: "Busted" - 3Episodes | "Judging Amy" - (1999)playing "Barry 'Romeo' Gilmore" | "CityGuys" - (1997) playing "Customer #1" in episode: "Makin'Up Is Hard to Do" | |
《史密斯夫妇》: 《女人领地》4月17日的首映礼: The O.C. n 画报 |
![[转载]AdamBrody 国土安全brody是好人](http://img.aihuau.com/images/01111101/01035144t01391590207f3d3135.jpg)
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安全期月经周期中扣除危险期及次危险期的日子就是安全期,但最保险的日期是月经刚来时、月经刚结束、下次月经快来时。 ?危险期对於月经周期固定是28天者而言,排卵日约在下个月经来之前的14天, 也就是月经来潮的第14天就会排卵。 一般卵子

