发明申请费 | Preparing andfiling patent application |
PCT发明申请费 | Preparing and filing PCT application |
实用新型专利申请费-PCT | Fee For Filing an PCT application |
宽限费(迟交PCT中文申请) | Late entry into national phase of PCTapplication |
实用新型专利申请费 | Preparing and filing Utility Modelapplication |
实用新型申请费-撰写 | Drafting and filing Utility Model application |
外观专利申请费 | Preparing and filing Design application |
发明审查费 | Request substantive examination |
优先权要求费 | Claiming one priority |
专利说明书31页起每页说明书附加费 | Additional charge for claims in excess of 10 (claims) |
专利说明书31页起每页说明书附加费 | Additional charge for specification includingdrawings in excess of 30 pages( pages) |
专利说明书301页起每页说明书附加费 | Additional charge for specification includingdrawings in excess of 300 pages( pages) |
reviewreport-收费 | Providing Review Report with the professionalanalyses and suggestion.(代理人,所用时间,发送RP时间) |
发明专利复审费 | Filing request for re-examination |
转达OA并提供建议 | Reporting the OAand providing comments, drafting letter (, hours, ,) |
答复OA | Reviewing the instruction letter, amending thedocuments, preparing and submitting the response to the First OA,reporting the submission (承办人hours, date) |
补交文件费 | Late filing of documents and references |
补正 | Reporting the Rectification, amending the figuresand responding to the Rectification(承办人,时间,日期) |
第一次延期请求费(个月) | Extention of time limit( month) |
再次延长期限请求费 | Request for the second extension of time limit(month) |
译文改正费(初审阶段) | |
译文改正费(实审阶段) | ![]() |
翻译对比文件--OA阶段 | Translating the cited reference R1 intoEnglish(characters) |
翻译权利要求OA阶段 | Translation fee for claims ( words) |
翻译审查意见(中-英) | Translating the First OA text intoEnglish(characters) |
翻译意见陈述书正文 | Translating the observation text of respondingFirst OA into English ( characters) |
实用新型专利复审费 | Filing request for re-examination |
外观专利复审费 | Filing request for re-examination |
答复电话通知 | |
PPH请求-基本费用 | Requesting for PPH |
PPH请求-T/C | providing the professional suggestion(承办人, hours) |
发明专利登记费及证书印花税 | Payment of patent certificate fee includingprinting fee and stamp tax |
发明首次年费 | Annuity ( year) |
实用新型/外观专利登记费及证书印花税 | Patent certificate fee (including printing fee andstamp tax) |
实用新型/外观首次年费 | Annuity ( year) |
转达证书--发明 | Receiving and forwarding the certificate andannouncement of patent for invention |
转达证书-实用新型 | Receiving and forwarding the certificate andannouncement of patent for Utility Model |
转达证书-外观 | Receiving and forwarding the certificate andannouncement of patent for design |
发明第4/5/6年度年费 | Annuity ( year) |
发明年费-第7/8/9年度 | Annuity ( year) |
发明年费-第10/11/12年度 | Annuity ( year) |
发明年费-第13/14/15年度 | Annuity ( year) |
发明年费-第16/17/18/19/20年度 | Annuity ( year) |
实用新型/外观年费-第2/3年度 | Annuity ( year) |
实用新型/外观年费-第4/5年度 | Annuity ( year) |
实用新型/外观年费-第6/7/8年度 | Annuity ( year) |
实用新型/外观年费-第9/10年度 | Annuity ( year) |
代理机构、代理人委托关系变更费 | Registration of change of bibliographic data foragency |
发明人、申请人、专利权人变更费 | Registration of Change of Bibliographic data forinventor, applicant and patentee |
权利转移 | Recording a transfer of a pending application /patent right |
制作优先权文件副本 | Providing a certified copy of Chinese patentapplication |
制作专利登记簿副本 | Procurement of copy of Patent Register |
复制文档 | Preparation of file wrapper |
复制文档 | |
恢复权利请求费 | Restoring right |
实用新型/外观检索费 | Conducting search |
无效宣告请求费 | Filing request for invalidation |
无效宣告请求费 | Filing request for invalidation |
改正优先权要求请求费 | Requesting correction of priority |
单一性恢复费 | Restoring unity of the invention for PCTapplication |
不丧失新颖性的请求费 | Claiming exception to loss of novelty |
质检费 | Reviewing and Cross-Checking fee( half of thetranslating fee, English words ) |
咨询/培训费 | |
专利许可合同备案 | Recording a license contract |
提交资料及意见 | Submitting references and observation againstpublished invention application |
翻译费 | Reviewing and Translating fee ( E to Cwords) |
优先权首页翻译费 | Translation of the cover page of priority doc |
翻译转让证明 | Translation of assignment |
拍照片 | Making photos ( pieces) |
请求提前公布申请 | Requesting early publication |
撤回专利申请 | Withdrawing a patent application |
会晤审查员 | Interview with examiner |
复印费 | Scanning and copying ( pages) |
传真费 | Facsimile |
邮资 | Postage |
初步审查费(PCT国际) | NULL |
初步审查附加费(PCT国际) | NULL |
传送费(PCT国际) | NULL |
单一性异议费(PCT国际) | NULL |
附加检索费(PCT国际) | NULL |
副本复制费(PCT国际) | NULL |
基本费(PCT国际) | NULL |
确认的指定费(PCT国际) | NULL |
确认费(PCT国际) | NULL |
手续费(PCT国际) | NULL |
优先权文件传送费(PCT国际) | NULL |
指定费(PCT国际) | NULL |
滞纳金(PCT国际) | NULL |
测试 | 测试 |
打字费 | Chinese typing ( pages) |
专利第一次延期请求费每月 | Request for the first extension of time limit(month) |
发明申请费-PCT | Preparing and filing PCT application |
发明审查费 | Request substantive examination |
复制文档 | Providing file wrapper |
强制许可请求费 | Compellent Admision Fee |
强制许可请求费 | NULL |
强制许可请求费 | Compellent Admision Fee |
强制许可请求费 | NULL |
强制许可使用裁决请求费 | Applying Admision Judgement Fee |
强制许可使用裁决请求费 | Applying Admision Judgement Fee |
实用新型专利权撤销请求费 | Retract Fee |
外观年费-第2/3年度 | Annuity ( year) |
外观年费-第4/5年度 | Annuity ( year) |
外观年费-第6/7/8年度 | Annuity ( year) |
外观年费-第9/10年度 | Annuity ( year) |
外观首次年费 | Annuity ( year) |
转达申请公开文件 | Receiving and forwarding the published descriptionof patent application for invention and the relat |
专利费用英文表述 申请专利的费用

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