文章摘要:如果你遇到了一个腰果树,你知道腰果树是高大的树木,可以成长到几英尺高。 如果你只喜欢吃腰果,那么可能你一直想种植腰果树在你家的后院。 因此,你想知道怎样去种植腰果树吗? 这篇文章是关于一些简单的说明如何种植腰果树的。
如果你遇到了一个腰果树,你知道腰果树是高大的树木,可以成长到几英尺高。 如果你只喜欢吃腰果,那么可能你一直想种植腰果树在你家的后院。 因此,你想知道怎样去种植腰果树吗? 这篇文章是关于一些简单的说明如何种植腰果树的。
腰果树最早是巴西本土的植物。但是今天它种植在许多亚洲和非洲的国家。腰果味道鲜美,富含许多我们身体所必需的营养物质 。这些只不过是腰果的种子的能力。 非常有吸引力的腰果树生长的果实味道非常的鲜美。而且每棵树所结的果实也非常的多。如果你仔细观察腰果树的果子,你就会发现腰果的壳形在底部。 然而,再仔细观察之后你会发现,梨形的部分不是水果。 它被称为腰果苹果表面是红润的颜色。现在,腰果苹果不仅可以食用,而且多汁且高营养价值。 富含维生素c,维生素b 1 、钙和铁。 现在,很多食品业出现了圈圈腰果香味的品种。腰果果肉中充满了液体,碱的含量自然也是非常高的,它可以在你的皮肤上引起燃烧。 我们吃腰果从来不吃干燥的内核。腰果壳油是有腐蚀性液体的,可以用于治疗脱发。

你会很高兴的知道腰果树是很容易栽种的植物,几乎不需要大量的维护。 所有您需要做的只是确保你给植腰果树提供足够的阳光哺育腰果树成长,给腰果树成长的空间,这样腰果树就会结出非常多的果实的。在这里,你会发现, 在你的花园里所有你需要知道的事情就是种植美味的腰果在你家的后院。
首先,你应该考虑种植腰果树之前,在你地区的气候是怎样样的,那样的温度是否给腰果树的成长提供必要的环境,因为腰果树是不抗寒的。如果温度过低,腰果树就根本无法成活。腰果是一棵树,生长在热带地区,对于霜冻腰果树是非常敏感的。低于十摄氏度的温度是无法生存下去的。 平均气温是二十七摄氏度左右最好的温度是三十摄氏度。 然而,高的温度并不是一个问题,腰果树能承受温度高达四十多度的高温,因为生长的热带地区,因此腰果树也是相当耐干旱的。
腰果树可以承受干旱而不是过多的雨水。 事实上,降雨会损害腰果树的花粉,从而生长不出果实。 同时,降雨在收获的季节能使坚果腐烂或导致倒下。这样坚果就会开始发芽。专家认为,平均年降雨量一千到一千五百毫米的水量一千对腰果树来说是非常充分的了。
砂土不缺水,是理想的种植腰果树的环境。 这些树无法抵抗根部周围积水的问题,因此,在粘土中是不能生长的。 含氮、磷肥料有益于腰果树的生长,特别是在它需要的时候,植物的花朵长得也会很快的。
如果你想从种子生长到腰果树,得到新鲜种子栽种在消毒土壤而且包含在一个塑胶袋里。 植入种子,,并有一个朝上的最小间距大约是三十到四十厘米的距离。 记住,腰果树需要足够的空间来传播花粉。它们的根要保持距离所以在栽植它们的时候不要过于接近另一个这将会影响他们的成长。挖五厘米深的洞,三个或四个种子和植物在每一个洞里。 种子定期浇水为最佳。成长中的幼苗成活率较低,最强的种子会存活下俩生命力不旺盛的种子则会被淘汰。 一旦坚果种子生长十到十二天之后,你可以仔细地将育苗移植到你的花园中。
就像任何其他的植物,种植腰果树只有一颗是不够的。 确保你的树保持健康和成长得当,你需要采取一些措施。 腰果树从种子生长起来开始到结出果实经过三年的时间,而那些从移植长大,结出果子只需要十八个月。 下面给出一些重要的主意关于如何照顾一个腰果树。
腰果树浇水定期(至少一周一次),直到他们成熟。 这是由于植物需要适量的水,直到其根系才会有充分发展。 一旦树是完全长大了,它就会只需要极少的水就可以生存了。
施肥也是树木的正常生长必不可少的。 使用的肥料是由氮、磷、钾。施肥之后树木开花的时候,腰果的果实就会开始出现。如果您有任何疑问对于精确数量的肥料使用请联系我们,这主要取决于您的地区土壤,你也可以去请教一个园艺家。
如果你发现自己种植的腰果树的果实已经变成了深粉红色或红色而且外壳已经变成了一种暗灰色,你就应该知道是收割腰果树果实的时候了。 一旦水果采摘下来之后坚果就应该被干燥和储藏。 腰果受到商业处理很多步骤才会被工厂销售出去。而那些内核也不会被废弃,也会被工厂加工作为药材。然后就会被包装和营销。腰果树能增长到四十英尺的最大高度。生产最高产量只有在第七年的时候才会出现。
how to grow cashew trees
if you have come across a cashew tree, you must be knowing that these are big trees that can grow several feet in height. and if you simply love cashew nuts, then chances are that you have always wanted to plant one in your backyard! so, how do you go about it? this article is all about some simple instructions on how to grow cashew trees.
the cashew tree (anacardium occidentale) is native to brazil but today it is cultivated in many asian and african countries. cashew nuts are delicious and rich in many essential nutrients. these are nothing but the seeds of the cashew plant. the cashew plant bears attractive fruits and each fruit yields a single cashew nut. if you look at the fruit of the cashew tree, you‘ll see that it is pear-shaped with a kidney-shaped shell attached to the bottom. however, on close inspection, you shall find that the pear-shaped part is not the fruit but the pedicel that joins the fruit to the plant. it is referred to as the cashew apple and is reddish in color. now, the cashew apple is not only edible, but also juicy and high in nutritive value. it is rich in vitamin c, vitamin b1, calcium and iron. now, coming to the shell that encloses the cashew nut: it is filled with a liquid that is caustic in nature i.e., it can cause burns on your skin. the cashew that we eat is nothing but the dried kernel. cashew shell oil is obtained from the corrosive liquid and is used for treating wood
growing cashew trees
you‘d be glad to know that cashew trees are easy to grow and hardly require a lot of maintenance. all you need to do is ensure that you keep the climatic requirements in mind before going ahead with growing a cashew tree. here, you‘ll find all things you need to know to cultivate delicious cashews in your garden or backyard.
factors affecting the growth of cashew trees
the first thing that you should consider before planting a cashew tree, is the climate in your region. since, cashew is a tree that grows in the tropics, it is very sensitive to frost and is unable to survive temperatures below 10°c or 50°f. the average temperature should ideally be around 27°c or 80°f. however, high temperature is not a problem with cashew trees that are capable of withstanding temperatures as high as 40°c or 105°f and are also fairly resistant to drought.
cashew trees can withstand dry spells but not too much rainfall. in fact, heavy rainfall can damage the flowers, which get affected by mildew. also, rainfall during the harvesting season can cause the nuts to rot or cause the fallen nuts to start germinating. experts believe that an average annual rainfall of 1000-1500 mm is sufficient for the growth of cashew trees.
sandy soil that does not retain water, is ideal for growing cashew trees. these trees cannot withstand accumulated water around the roots and hence, cannot grow in clay soils. fertilizers containing nitrogen and phosphorous are good for the plant, especially before it‘s time for the plants to bear flowers.
in addition to the above factors, you should also see to it that the plant you are growing is protected from strong winds.
how to plant cashew trees
there are two methods of growing cashew trees - you can either plant a seed or a grafted tree. growing a grafted tree is mostly preferred because, it ensures that the plant takes on the characteristics of the parent plant. a major drawback of growing cashew trees from seeds is that the plants growing from seeds mostly don‘t resemble the parent plant in characteristics and hence are not "true to type".
if you wish to grow cashew trees from seeds, get fresh seeds and plant them in sterilized soil contained in a plastic bag. plant the seeds such that the stalk end of each seed is facing upwards and there is a minimum distance of 30-40 cm between them. remember, cashew trees need plenty of room to spread their roots and planting them too close to one another will hamper their growth. dig holes that are 5 cm deep and plant three or four seeds in each hole. water the seeds regularly for optimum growth. as the seedlings develop, let the strongest one remain and weed out the others. once the seeds germinate after 10-12 days, you can gently remove the seedlings and transplant them to your garden.
preparing the soil is essential before planting seedlings or grafts of the cashew plant. for this, you need to remove weeds, grasses and other debris from the plot. also, the holes that you dig should be at least 10-15 cm deep to allow the root to develop. it is important to note that cashew trees need a surrounding area of 30 square feet to grow, which means that you need to plant the seedlings at least 30 feet or 10 m apart.
how to care for your cashew trees
just like with any other plant, planting a cashew tree alone is not enough. to ensure that your tree stays healthy and grows properly, you need to take a few steps. cashew trees grown from seeds start to bear fruit after three years while those grown from grafts, bear fruit within 18 months. given below are a few important pointers on how to care for a cashew tree.
?water the cashew trees regularly (at least once a week) till they are mature. this is because the plant needs adequate water till the time its root system is fully developed. once the tree is fully grown, however, it can survive with very little water.
?fertilizing is also essential for proper growth of the trees. use a fertilizer that is composed of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and fertilize the trees when they blossom and again when the fruits begin to appear. if you have any queries regarding the exact quantity of fertilizer to be used, depending on the soil in your region, you can consult a horticulturist.
?young cashew trees are tender, and so it is recommended that you bind them to wooden stakes for support.
?cashew trees are prone to zinc deficiency, so use a zinc leaf spray regularly.
?prune the trees on a regular basis to remove dead and diseased branches, if any.
when you see that the cashew apples have turned dark pink or red in color and the shell has turned a darker shade of gray, know that it is time for harvesting. once the fruits are plucked, the nuts should be dried and stored. commercially processed cashews are subjected to a number of steps to obtain the edible kernel, which is then packed and marketed. cashew trees can grow to a maximum height of 40 feet and produce maximum yield only after the seventh year.
(原文出处:http://www.buzzle.com/articles/how-to-grow-cashew-trees.html )