新版Culturelle益生菌和老版的区别,新版是否适合周岁内宝宝,官 美国益生菌culturelle



From: Pudenz, Angela [mailto:Angela.Pudenz@dsm.com]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 3:56 AM
To: XXXXX@163.com
Subject: RE: 转发: CULTURELLE Contact Us

Yes you can split the packet.

From: XXXXX [ mailto:XXXXX@163.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:22 AM
To: Angela.Pudenz@dsm.com
Subject: FW: 转发: CULTURELLE Contact Us

Dear Angela,

Many thanks for your quick response. Here I still have question, asyou mentioned the only difference between new version and originalis 1.5 Billion CFU's of LGG vs. 1 Billion. Since the originalpackage with 1 Billion CFU's of LGG is able to be safely applied tothe baby under one age, Here I want to ask if it means I can splitone package of new version for 2 times and use half of package forthe baby under one age when they need to eat. Looking forward toyour reply.


----- Forwarded message -----
发件人: "Pudenz, Angela" <<Ahref="mailto:Angela.Pudenz@dsm.com">Angela.Pudenz@dsm.com>
日期: 周三, 4 月 18 日, 2012 年 20:51
主题: CULTURELLE Contact Us
收件人: <<Ahref="mailto:XXXXX@163.com">XXXXX@163.com>


Thank you for your inquiry. Culturelle has been well studied andutilized in pediatrics and been deemed safe and beneficial forinfants and young children. It is just that due to the sensitivesystems of young children and changing regulations, with any childunder age one it is advisable to speak with their Health CareProvider before giving any supplement. I am sorry for the concernand confusion.

The original packaging of Culturelle Kids is no longer being made.The only thing that has changed with the product is that it now has1.5 Billion CFU's of LGG vs. 1 Billion in the original. If you haveany further questions, please feel free to call us at1-800-722-3476.


Consumer Resource Team

-----Original Message-----
From: Culturelle@amerifit.com [mailto:Culturelle@amerifit.com] On Behalf Of XXXXX@163.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 4:15 AM
To: Consumer Resources
Subject: CULTURELLE Contact Us

Submitted on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - 08:14 Submitted byanonymous user: [] Submitted values are:

First Name: XXXXX
Last Name: XXXXX
Email: XXXXX@163.com

I am your faithful user for your products for kids. I always buyyour products at drugstore online. However I found you have theingredients of your probiotic for kid change and define the kidsuser must be more than one old year with the weight over 25 pouds.So here I want to ask for which of your products can be safelyapplied to my baby that under one old year with the weight lessthan 25 pounds. Also, I want to know where I am able to buy yourold rev kid probiotic products. I am urgent and looking forward toyour reply.
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