转载 西安世园会主题曲送你一个长安)歌词英译 西安世园会遗址公园


(2011-05-01 11:23:52) 作者:东海仙子


送你一个长安 We Give You a Chang-an

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

蓝田先祖半坡炊烟Cooking smoke at Ban-po tells the ancestor in Lan-tian

骊山烽火天高云淡Clouds pale in sky high; Beacon fireson Mount.Lishan

沿一路厚重走向久远shines onthe end of a long history grand.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

恢恢兵马啸啸长鞭With overwhelming army force at hand

秦扫六合汉度关山Qin annexedthe Six Kingdoms, Han spread beyond Guan-shan

剪一叶风云将曾经还原 A miniature restores the past happy and sad.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

李白杜甫司马长卷Li Bai, Du Fu, and SiMa Qian’s works are brilliant

华夏锦绣天上人间displaying the beautiful and splendid motherland.

采些许诗意观照今天leaving some poetic views to nurture today’s mind.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

美女江山瘦燕肥环The landfell into Beauty's hand.BonyFeiyan, chubbyYuhuan.

灞柳长歌恨海情天Willows at Bridge Ba recounts a tragic story sad

摘一缕情丝告诫明天a threadof the love as a warningto girls and lads.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

西风残照皇家陵园Sunset in west wind, cementery of royal clan

唐风汉韵辉煌惨淡The glorious Tang and the dismal Han

留一份清醒审视昨天serves as a good reference for tomorrow’s plan.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

一城文化半城神仙A city of culture, half a fairy land

长箭揽月神鹰猎犬rocket to the Moon, hound and

借今古雄风直上九天condor to outer spaces with an inspiring power gallant.

送你一个长安We give you a Chang-an.

回首沧桑一望千年You can glance thousands of years back,

体味大唐珍重长安Taste GreatTang and cherish Chang-an

[转载]西安世园会主题曲(送你一个长安)歌词英译 西安世园会遗址公园
再加一份祝福还有祥云一片 and a blessing and good luck we will add.





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/200930.html


小说《送你一个生日》发《四川经济日报》 四川省经济日报

小说《送你一个生日》发《四川经济日报》2012年9月30日第四版副刊送你一个生日 □ 曾明伟王小宝是一个16岁的男孩子,最近在医院查出患了不治之症,母亲听医生一说,伤心欲绝,整日以泪洗面。一天,一个富翁听说了这个孩子的不幸,在小宝爷

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