In Memoryof Mr. Jerome David Salinger
( 1919 - 2010 )
by LouisMenand
"The Catcher in the Rye" was turned downby The New Yorker. The magazine had published six of J. D.Salinger’s short stories, including two of the most popular, “APerfect Day for Bananafish,” in 1948, and “For Esmé—with Love andSqualor,” in 1950. But when the editors were shown the novel theydeclined to run an excerpt. They told Salinger that the precocityof the four Caulfield children was not believable, and that thewriting was showoffy—that it seemed designed to display theauthor’s cleverness rather than to present the story. “The Catcherin the Rye” had already been turned down by the publishing housethat solicited it, Harcourt Brace, when an executive there namedEugene Reynal achieved immortality the bad way by complaining thathe couldn’t figure out whether or not Holden Caulfield was supposedto be crazy. Salinger’s agent took the book to Little, Brown, wherethe editor, John Woodburn, was evidently prudent enough not to asksuch questions. It was published in July, 1951, and has so far soldmore than sixty million copies.
The world is sad,Oscar Wilde said, because a puppet was once melancholy. He wasreferring to Hamlet, a character he thought had taught the world anew kind of unhappiness—the unhappiness of eternal disappointmentin life as it is, Weltschmerz. Whether Shakespeare invented it ornot, it has proved to be one of the most addictive of literaryemotions. Readers consume volumes of it, and then ask to meet theauthor. It has also proved to be one of the most enduring ofliterary emotions, since life manages to come up short prettyreliably. Each generation feels disappointed in its own way,though, and seems to require its own literature of disaffection.For many Americans who grew up in the nineteen-fifties, “TheCatcher in the Rye” is the purest extract of that mood. HoldenCaulfield is their sorrow king. Americans who grew up in laterdecades still read Salinger’s novel, but they have their ownversions of his story, with different flavors ofWeltschmerz—”Catcher in the Rye” rewrites, a literary genre all itsown.
In art, as in life,the rich get richer. People generally read “The Catcher in the Rye”when they are around fourteen years old, usually because the bookwas given or assigned to them by people—parents or teachers—whoread it when they were fourteen years old, because somebody gave orassigned it to them. The book keeps acquiring readers, in otherwords, not because kids keep discovering it but because grownupswho read it when they were kids keep getting kids to read it. Thisseems crucial to making sense of its popularity. “The Catcher inthe Rye” is a sympathetic portrait of a boy who refuses to besocialized which has become (among certain readers, anyway, for itis still occasionally banned in conservative school districts) astandard instrument of socialization. I was introduced to the bookby my parents, people who, if they had ever imagined that I might,after finishing the thing, run away from school, smoke like achimney, lie about my age in bars, solicit a prostitute, or use theword “goddam” in every third sentence, would (in the words of thestory) have had about two hemorrhages apiece. Somehow, they knewthis wouldn’t be the effect.
Supposedly, kidsrespond to “The Catcher in the Rye” because they recognizethemselves in the character of Holden Caulfield. Salinger isimagined to have given voice to what every adolescent, or, atleast, every sensitive, intelligent, middle-class adolescent,thinks but is too inhibited to say, which is that success is asham, and that successful people are mostly phonies. ReadingHolden’s story is supposed to be the literary equivalent of lookingin a mirror for the first time. This seems to underestimate theoriginality of the book. Fourteen-year-olds, even sensitive,intelligent, middle-class fourteen-year-olds, generally do notthink that success is a sham, and if they sometimes feel unhappy,or angry, or out of it, it’s not because they think most otherpeople are phonies. The whole emotional burden of adolescence isthat you don’t know why you feel unhappy, or angry, or outof it. The appeal of “The Catcher in the Rye,” what makes itaddictive, is that it provides you with a reason. It gives acontent to chemistry.
Holden talks like ateen-ager, and this makes it natural to assume that he thinks likea teen-ager as well. But like all the wise boys and girls inSalinger’s fiction—like Esmé and Teddy and the many brilliantGlasses—Holden thinks like an adult. No teen-ager (and very fewgrownups, for that matter) sees through other human beings asquickly, as clearly, or as unforgivingly as he does. Holden is ademon of verbal incision. He sums people up like anovelist:
He was alwaysasking you to do him a big favor. You take a very handsome guy, ora guy that thinks he’s a real hot-shot, and they’re always askingyou to do them a big favor. Just because they’re crazy aboutthemselves, they think you’re crazy about them, too, andthat you’re just dying to do them a favor. It’s sort of funny, in away.
She was blocking upthe whole goddam traffic in the aisle. You could tell sheliked to block up a lot of traffic. This waiter was waiting for herto move out of the way, but she didn’t even notice him. It wasfunny. You could tell the waiter didn’t like her much, you couldtell even the Navy guy didn’t like her much, even though he wasdating her. And I didn’t like her much. Nobody did. You hadto feel sort of sorry for her, in a way.
His name was Georgeor something—I don’t even remember—and he went to Andover. Big, bigdeal. You should’ve seen him when old Sally asked him how he likedthe play. He was the kind of a phony that have to give themselvesroom when they answer somebody’s question. He stepped back, andstepped right on the lady’s foot behind him. He probably brokeevery toe in her body. He said the play itself was no masterpiece,but that the Lunts, of course, were absolute angels. Angels. ForChrissake. Angels. That killed me.
"Youhad to feel sort of sorry for her, in a way.” The secret toHolden’s authority as a narrator is that he never lets anythingstand by itself. He always tells you what to think. He has everyonepegged. That’s why he’s so funny. But The New Yorker’seditors were right: Holden isn’t an ordinary teen-ager—he’s aprodigy. He seems (and this is why his character can be soaddictive) to have something that few people ever consistentlyattain: an attitude toward life.
The moral of thebook can seem to be that Holden will outgrow his attitude, and thisis probably the lesson that most of the ninth-grade teachers whoassign “The Catcher in the Rye” hope to impart to theirstudents—that alienation is just a phase. But people don’t outgrowHolden’s attitude, or not completely, and they don’t want tooutgrow it, either, because it’s a fairly useful attitude to have.One goal of education is to teach people to want the rewards lifehas to offer, but another goal is to teach them a modest degree ofcontempt for those rewards, too. In American life, where—especiallyif you are a sensitive and intelligent member of the middleclass—the rewards are constantly being advertised as yours for thetaking, the feeling of disappointment is a lot more common than thefeeling of success, and if we didn’t learn how not to care ourfailures would destroy us. Giving “The Catcher in the Rye” to yourchildren is like giving them a layer of psychicinsulation.
That it might endup on the syllabus for ninth-grade English was probably close tothe last thing Salinger had in mind when he wrote the book. Hewasn’t trying to expose the spiritual poverty of a conformistculture; he was writing a story about a boy whose little brotherhas died. Holden, after all, isn’t unhappy because he sees thatpeople are phonies; he sees that people are phonies because he isunhappy. What makes his view of other people so cutting and hisdisappointment so unappeasable is the same thing that makesHamlet’s feelings so cutting and unappeasable: his grief. Holden ismeant, it’s true, to be a kind of intuitive moral genius. (So,presumably, is Hamlet.) But his sense that everything is worthlessis just the normal feeling people have when someone they love dies.Life starts to seem a pathetically transparent attempt to trickthem into forgetting about death; they lose their taste forit.
What drew Salingerto this plot? Holden Caulfield first shows up in Salinger’s work in1941, in a story entitled “Slight Rebellion off Madison,” whichfeatures a character called Holden (he is not the narrator) and hisgirlfriend, Sally Hayes. (The story was bought by The NewYorker but not published until 1946.) And there are charactersnamed Holden Caulfield in other stories that Salinger produced inthe mid-forties. But most of “The Catcher in the Rye” was writtenafter the war, and although it seems odd to call Salinger a warwriter, both his biographers, Ian Hamilton and Paul Alexander,think that the war was what made Salinger Salinger, the experiencethat darkened his satire and put the sadness into hishumor.
Salinger spent mostof the war with the 4th Infantry Division, where he was in acounter-intelligence unit. He landed at Utah Beach in the fifthhour of the D Day invasion, and ended up in the middle of some ofthe bloodiest fighting of the liberation—in Hürtgen Forest and thenin the Battle of the Bulge, in the winter of 1944. The 4th Divisionsuffered terrible casualties in those engagements, and Salinger, byhis own account, in letters he wrote at the time, was traumatized.He fought for eleven months during the advance on Berlin, and bythe summer of 1945, after the German surrender, he seems to havehad a nervous breakdown. He checked himself into an Army hospitalin Nuremberg. Shortly after he was released, and while he was stillin Europe, he wrote the first story narrated by Holden Caulfieldhimself, the real beginning of “The Catcher in the Rye.” It wascalled “I’m Crazy.” (It was published in Collier’s inDecember, 1945.)
"A Perfect Day forBananafish,” published a little more than two years later, is, ofcourse, the story that both introduced Seymour Glass, the oldestand most improbably gifted of the Glass children, and finished himoff, since Salinger has Seymour kill himself on the last page. Ifwe know Seymour only from the later stories in the Glass saga, inwhich he appears as a kind of saint—”Franny” and “Raise High theRoof Beam, Carpenters” (both published in The New Yorker in1955), “Zooey” (1957), “Seymour: An Introduction” (1959), and“Hapworth 16, 1924” (1965), Salinger’s last published work—we arelikely to assume that he killed himself because the world’sstupidity had made him crazy. But in “A Perfect Day for Bananafish”it is clear that Seymour kills himself because the war has made himcrazy. He has just been discharged from an Army hospital, and hisbehavior in the story isn’t saintly or visionary or engaginglyeccentric; it’s nutty and, in the end, psychotic. Seymour is a warcasualty. So, much more obviously, is the unnamed protagonist of“For Esmé—with Love and Squalor,” an American soldier who isbefriended by a thirteen-year-old English girl just before he goesoff to take part in the D Day invasion. “The Catcher in the Rye”was a best-seller when it came out, in 1951, but its reception assome sort of important cultural statement didn’t happen until themid-fifties, when people started talking about “alienation” and“conformity” and “the youth culture”—the time of “Howl” and “RebelWithout a Cause” and Elvis Presley’s first records. It is as a heroof that culture that Holden Caulfield has survived. But “TheCatcher in the Rye” is not a novel of the nineteen-fifties; it’s anovel of the nineteen-forties. And it is not a celebration ofyouth. It is a book about loss and a world gone wrong.
『譯聞·J·D·塞林格:文學與人生一 』

2013年格雷投资致客户的一封信 致客户的一封信

我所知道的塞林格 塞林格是一个怎样的人


唐朝新定詩格 唐·崔融十體一形似體。二質氣體。三情理體。四直置體。五雕藻體。六映帶體。七飛動體。八婉轉體。九清切體。十菁華體。一、形似體。形似體者,謂貌其形而得其似可以妙求,難以粗測者是。詩云:〔風花無定影,露竹有餘清。〕

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