
Rosa Parks, 1913-2005: Mother of theAmerican Civil Rights Movement
Today, we tell about RosaParks, who has been called the mother of the American civil rightsmovement.
Rosa Parks |
Until the nineteen sixties, black people in manyparts of the United States did not have the same civil rights aswhite people. Laws in the American South kept the two racesseparate. These laws forced black people to attend separateschools, live in separate areas of a city and sit in separate areason a bus. On December first, nineteen fifty-five, in the southerncity of Montgomery, Alabama, a forty-two year old black woman goton a city bus. The law at that time required black people seated inone area of the bus to give up their seats to white people whowanted them. The woman refused to do this and was arrested. Thisact of peaceful disobedience started protests in Montgomery thatled to legal changes in minority rights in the United States. Thewoman who started it was Rosa Parks. Today, we tell her story.
She was born Rosa Louise McCauley innineteen-thirteen in Tuskegee, Alabama. She attended local schoolsuntil she was eleven years old. Then she was sent to school inMontgomery. She left high school early to care for her sickgrandmother, then to care for her mother. She didnot finish high school until she was twenty-one. Rosa marriedRaymond Parks in nineteen thirty-two. He was a barber who cut men'shair. He was also a civil rights activist. Together, they workedfor the local group of the National Association for the Advancementof Colored People. In nineteen forty-three, Missus Parks became anofficer in the group and later its youth leader. Rosa Parks was aseamstress in Montgomery. She worked sewing clothes from thenineteen thirties until nineteen fifty-five. Then she became arepresentation of freedom for millions of African-Americans.
In much of the American South in the nineteenfifties, the first rows of seats on city buses were for whitepeople only. Black people sat in the back of the bus. Both groupscould sit in a middle area. However, black people sitting in thatpart of the bus were expected to leave their seats if a whiteperson wanted to sit there.
Rosa Parks is fingerprinted after refusing tomove to the back of a bus. |
Rosa Parks and three other black people were seatedin the middle area of the bus when a white person got on the busand wanted a seat. The bus driver demanded that all four blackpeople leave their seats so the white person would not have to sitnext to any of them. The three other blacks got up, but MissusParks refused. She was arrested. Some popular stories about thatincident include the statement that Rosa Parks refused to leave herseat because her feet were tired. But she herself said in lateryears that this was false. What she was really tired of, she said,was accepting unequal treatment. She explainedlater that this seemed to be the place for her to stop being pushedaround and to find out what human rights she had, if any.
A group of black activist women in Montgomery wasknown as the Women's Political Council. The group was working tooppose the mistreatment of black bus passengers.Blacks had been arrested and even killed for violating orders frombus drivers. Rosa Parks was not the first black person to refuse togive up a seat on the bus for a white person. But black groups inMontgomery considered her to be the right citizen around whom tobuild a protest because she was one of the finest citizens of thecity. The women's group immediately called for all blacks in thecity to refuse to ride on city buses on the day of Missus Parks'strial, Monday, December fifth. The result was that forty thousandpeople walked and used other transportation on that day. Thatnight, at meetings throughout the city, blacks in Montgomery agreedto continue to boycott the city buses until their mistreatmentstopped. They also demanded that the city hire black bus driversand that anyone be permitted to sit in the middle of the bus andnot have to get up for anyone else.
Martin Luther King Jr. |
The Montgomery bus boycott continued for threehundred eighty-one days. It was led by local black leader E.D.Nixon and a young black minister, Martin Luther King, Junior.Similar protests were held in other southern cities. Finally, theSupreme Court of the United States ruled on Missus Parks's case. Itmade racial separation illegal on city buses. That decision came onNovember thirteenth, nineteen fifty-six, almost a year after MissusParks's arrest. The boycott in Montgomery ended the day after thecourt order arrived, December twentieth. Rosa Parks and MartinLuther King, Junior had started a movement of non-violent protestin the South. That movement changed civil rights in the UnitedStates forever. Martin Luther King became its famous spokesman, buthe did not live to see many of the results of his work. Rosa Parksdid.
Life became increasingly difficult for Rosa Parksand her family after the bus boycott.
Rosa Parks and President Clinton after hepresented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in1996 |
She was dismissed from her job and could not findanother. So the Parks family left Montgomery.They moved first to Virginia, then to Detroit, Michigan. MissusParks worked as a seamstress until nineteen sixty-five. Then,Michigan Representative John Conyers gave her a job working in hiscongressional office in Detroit. She retired from that job innineteen eighty-eight.
Through the years, Rosa Parks continued to work forthe NAACP and appeared at civil rights events. She was a quietwoman and often seemed uneasy with her fame. But she said that shewanted to help people, especially young people, to make usefullives for themselves and to helpothers.In nineteen eighty-seven, she founded the Rosa and Raymond ParksInstitute for Self-Development to improve the lives of blackchildren.
Rosa Parks received two of the nation's highesthonors for her civil rights activism. In nineteen ninety-six,President Clinton honored her with the Presidential Medal ofFreedom. And in nineteen ninety-nine, she received theCongressional Gold Medal of Honor.
In her later years, Rosa Parks was often asked howmuch relations between the races had improved since the civilrights laws were passed in the nineteen sixties. She thought therewas still a long way to go. Yet she remained the face of themovement for racial equality in the United States. Rosa Parks diedon October twenty-fourth, two thousand five. She was ninety-twoyears old. Her body lay in honor in the United States Capitolbuilding in Washington. She was the first American woman to be sohonored. Thirty thousand people walked silently past her body toshow their respect. Representative Conyers spoke about what thiswoman of quiet strength meant to the nation. He said: "There arevery few people who can say their actions and conduct changed theface of the nation. Rosa Parks is one of those individuals."
Rosa Parks meant a lot to many Americans. Fourthousand people attended her funeral in Detroit, Michigan. Amongthem were former President Bill Clinton, his wife Senator HillaryRodham Clinton, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and Nation of Islamleader Louis Farrakhan. President Clinton spoke about rememberingthe separation of the races on buses in the South when he was aboy. He said that Rosa Parks helped to set all Americans free. Hesaid the world knows of her because of a single act of bravery thatstruck a deadly blow to racial hatred.
Earlier, the religious official of the UnitedStates Senate spoke about her at a memorial service in Washington.He said Rosa Parks's bravery serves as an example of the power ofsmall acts. And the Reverend Jesse Jackson commented in a statementabout what her small act of bravery meant for African-Americanpeople. He said that on that bus in nineteenfifty-five, "She sat down in order that we might stand up… and sheopened the doors on the long journey to freedom."