What makes some people more successfulin work and life than others? IQ and work ethic are important, butthey don't tell the whole story. Our emotional intelligence -- theway we manage emotions, both our own and those of others -- canplay a critical role in determining our happiness and success.
Not sure how emotionally intelligentyou are? Here are 14 signs you have a high EQ.
1. You're curious about people youdon't know.
Do you love meeting new people, andnaturally tend to ask lots of questions after you've beenintroduced to someone? If so, you have a certain degree of empathy,one of the main components of emotional intelligence.
2. You're a great leader.
Exceptional leaders often have onething in common. In addition to the traditional requirements forsuccess -- talent, a strong work ethic and ambition, for instance-- they possess a high degree of emotional intelligence.The higherthe rank of a person considered to be a star performer, the moreemotional intelligence capabilities showed up as the reason for hisor her effectiveness.
3. You know your strengths andweaknesses.
A big part of having self-awareness isbeing honest with yourself about who you are -- knowing where youexcel, and where you struggle, and accepting these things aboutyourself. An emotionally intelligent person learns to identifytheir areas of strength and weakness, and analyze how to work mosteffectively within this framework.
4. You know how to pay attention.
Do you get distracted by every tweet,text and passing thought? If so, it could be keeping you fromfunctioning on your most emotionally intelligent level. But theability to withstand distractions and focus on the task at hand isa great secret to emotional intelligence.
5. When you're upset, you know exactlywhy.
We all experience a number of emotionalfluctuations throughout the day, and often we don't even understandwhat's causing a wave of anger or sadness. But an important aspectof self-awareness is the ability to recognize where your emotionsare coming from and to know why you feel upset.
6. You can get along with mostpeople.
Having fulfilling, effectiverelationships -- that's a sign of emotional intelligence.
7. You care deeply about being a good,moral person.
One aspect of emotional intelligence isour "moral identity," which has to do with the extent to which wewant to see ourselves as ethical, caring people. If you're someonewho cares about building up this side of yourself (regardless ofhow you've acted in past moral situations), you might have a highEQ.
8. You take time to slow down and helpothers.
If you make a habit of slowing down topay attention to others, whether by going slightly out your way tosay hello to someone or helping an older woman onto the subway,you're exhibiting emotional intelligence. Many of us, a goodportion of the time, are completely focused on ourselves. And it'soften because we're so busy running around in a stressed-out statetrying to get things done that we simply don't take the time tonotice (much less help) others.
9. You're good at reading people'sfacial expressions.
Being able to sense how others arefeeling is an important part of having a good EQ.
10. After you fall, you get right backup.
How you deal with mistakes and setbackssays a lot about who you are. High EQ individuals know that ifthere's one thing we all must do in life, it's to keep on going.When an emotionally intelligent person experiences a failure orsetback, he or she is able to bounce back quickly.
11. You're a good judge ofcharacter.
You've always been able to get a sensefor who someone is pretty much right off the bat -- and yourintuitions are rarely wrong.
12. You trust your gut.
An emotionally intelligent person issomeone who feels comfortable following their intuition. If you'reable to trust in yourself and your emotions, there's no reason notto listen to that quiet voice inside (or that feeling in yourstomach) telling you which way to go.
13. You've always beenself-motivated.
Were you always ambitious andhard-working as a kid, even when you weren't rewarded for it? Ifyou're a motivated self-starter -- and you can focus your attentionand energy towards the pursuit of your goals -- you likely have ahigh EQ.
14. You know when to say "no."
Self-regulation, one of the fivecomponents of emotional intelligence, means being able todiscipline yourself and avoid unhealthy habits. Emotionallyintelligent people are generally well equipped to tolerate stress(a bad-habit trigger for many of us) and to control theirimpulses.