如果你的上司或老板是个老外,那你在申请加薪的时候更是一种挑战了,毕竟不是用母语来谈,万一由于表达有误造成了不必要的误会,那可就事与愿违了。西雅图工作英语建议大家可以先写一封简短的邮件跟老板约一个谈加薪的时间,参考例句:Ienjoy working here and would appreciate your recognition on mycontributions. Could you please schedule a time for us to meetwithin the next week or so? I have something important to discusswith you.等老板约见你的时候你再跟他耐心地讲为什么要求加薪,给出充分的理由,去说服老板欣然同意给你加薪。西雅图工作英语推荐下面的对话供大家参考(E-员工,B-老板):E: Good afternoon, Mr. Robertson.Thank you very much for taking the time to speak withme.Well, as you know, I've been working here forabout 3 years now, I really like this company. My job isinteresting and the working conditions are generally prettygood.B: I'm glad youfeel that way. Whatever we can do that makes our workers happy isimportant to us.E: Well, now thatyou mention it, there is one thing that will make my life a littleeasier. I haven't had a raise for two years.B: Two years yousay? Em……E: Yes, and inthat time ,I have had at least three performances with you thatI've all been excellent .You said I'm doing a great job here and Ithink my good work should be rewarded.B:......文章为西雅图工作英语原创,如需转载,请标明出处。
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