Name: 姓名
Marco Tapani Hietala
Place of residence: 出生地
Kerava, Finland
Sci-fi, fantasy & horror books and movies,Videogaming
Still lazy 懒
Musical background:音乐背景
Active musical family background.I´ve been exposed to jazz, rock and classicalever since I was born. I´ve been playingguitar and bass since the age of 12. 3 years of classical guitar,vocal and musical theory studies in musical college. 2 more yearsof bass and musical theory lessons inOulunkylä Pop and Jazz Conservatory.
活跃的音乐世家。从我出生那时起我被迫(瞧这词用的。。悲惨的童年?)学习爵士,摇滚,古典乐。我在12,3岁那年就已经开始在音乐学校学习演奏吉他,贝司还有乐理。之后的2年在OulunkyläPop和Jazz Conservatory.学习了更多的贝司和乐理Equipment: 装备
Warwick infinity basses and Warwick amps
Idols in music:音乐偶像
These people are/have been goodat what they do. Bass: Geezer Butler, Bob Daisley. Vocals: RonnieJames Dio, Rob Halford, Kate Bush.
Idols in life: 生活偶像
Neil Armstrong. (The first man to walk on the moon, or anobscure patch of desert in states, as some people claim).
Neil Armstrong阿姆斯壮(美国宇航员,1969年7月登陆月球,成为第一个登上月球的地球人)
Life philosophy:生活哲学
Live and let live. 待人宽, 人亦待己宽
Place you would like to go:想去的地方
Space. 宇宙
What makes you laugh:能让你笑的
Tickling. 胳肢, 逗笑, 使高兴,使发痒(词典里的,差不多这意思~)
First record you bought:买的第一张专辑
Me and my brother pestered ourfather into buying the Rainbow album "Long liverock´n´roll". The firstthat I bought with my own money was probably Iron Maiden "Killers"or Black Sabbath "Mob rules". Can´t rememberwhich.
我和我的兄弟缠着我爸爸帮我们卖Rainbow的Long liverock´n´roll,第一次我用自己的钱买的专辑是Iron Maiden 的Killers或者是Black Sabbath 的Mob rules,记不清了
Killing time ontour:在旅途中如何打发时间
Books, movies,videogames, occasional drink?
Strangest experience ontour: 在巡回演出中最奇怪的经历
Hey,it´s all strange!
嘿,所有的东西都很奇怪 所谓的大千世界,无奇不有?
Worst nightmare on stage:在舞台上最糟糕的恶梦
Losing the voice. 失去声音
Worst nightmare in general:平时最糟糕的恶梦
Something bad would happen tomy family when I´m away, andcouldn´t do anything.
Favorite Nightwish song:最喜欢的NW的歌曲
The Siren.

Favorite band/musician:最喜欢的乐队,歌手
Idon´t have an actual favourite anymore, butBlack Sabbath and the way Tony Iommi wrote his riffs havedefinetely influenced the way I see music and play myself.
一般不怎么称得上是最喜欢,但是Black Sabbath 还有TonyIomm写他即兴表演的歌曲的方式给我留下了很深的影响
Favorite book:喜欢的书
Yep, The lord of therings. Is this a cliche or what?
Lager beer 啤酒
Finnish sausage called"lenkki"
Favorite movie:喜欢的电影
Still the original Star WarsTrilogy.
Favorite TV show:喜欢的电视剧
I think that the TV isjust a natural extension of a DVD-player or a game console.Otherwise it´s basically a waste of time.I´ll still go for the Babylon 5. There mightbe something better these days, but this one made an impact onme.
Dumbest question you haveever been asked:被问到最难以回答的问题
Would you give me your own and your bandmates birthdates,adresses and phonenumbers?