SirIsaacNewton的精彩课堂 sir isaac newton


  Sir Isaac Newton was an Englishphysicist(物理学家), mathematician(数学家), astronomer(天文学家), naturalphilosopher(哲学家), alchemist, and theologian(神学者)。 He is consideredby many scholars(学者) to be one of the most influential people inthe history of theworld.
  His Philosophi? Naturalis PrincipiaMathematica (Latin for “Mathematical Principles of NaturalPhilosophy”; usually called the Principia), which was published in1687, is probably the most important scientific book ever written!In this book, Newton described universal gravitation and the threelaws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physicaluniverse for the next threecenturies.
  Newton was responsible for building thefirst practical telescope(望远镜) and developed a theory of colorbased on the observation that a prism decomposes white light intothe many colors that form the visible spectrum.
  Newton also formulated an empirical law of cooling as well asstudied the speed of sound.
  Newton was also very religious. He was an unorthodox Christian,and during his life he actually wrote more on Biblical hermeneuticsand religious studies than on science and mathematics, the subjectshe is primarily knownfor.

  5 Amazing Lessons fromIsaac Newton 牛人牛顿的五则信条
  1.Patiently Think耐心思考
  “If I have done the public any service, itis due to my patient thought.”
  We don't spend enough time patiently thinking! Albert Einsteinsaid, “It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay withproblems longer.” If you would just block out some time daily to“think,” you could solve many of your problems. …You could evensolve some of the world's problems.
  2.Labor to beTactful机智处世
SirIsaacNewton的精彩课堂 sir isaac newton
  “Tact is the art of making a point withoutmaking an enemy.”
  Solomon said, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh wordstirs up anger.” We can all polish up on our tact, our diplomacy,our discretion, our delicacy, and our gracefulness. Solomon went onto say, “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spokenin right circumstances,” labor to be tactful in all youdo.
  3.Build Bridges构建桥梁
  “We build too many walls and not enoughbridges.”
  Tony Robbins said, “The quality of your life is the quality ofyour relationships.” This is why you must spend your time buildingbridges instead of walls. When we “build bridges” we are literallybuilding a better life. When we build walls, we are stagnating ourown growth. Joseph F. Newton said, “People are lonely because theybuild walls instead ofbridges.”
  4.Chase afterKnowledge 追逐知识
  “If I have seen further than others, it isby standing upon the shoulders of giants.”
  There's no need to recreate the wheel. To make progress all youmust do is to build on what others have already done. Commence bylearning what others know.
  When you chase after knowledge, you strategically positionyourself on the shoulders of giants; you are then able to see whatothers can't see.
 5.Pursue Truth 追求真理
  “A man may imagine things that are false,but he can only understand things that are true, for if the thingsbe false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.”
  We must pursue “truth!” There's an anonymous quote that goes,“The truth is heavy, therefore few care to carry it.” Be one ofthose few who pursue truth both night and day. Blaise Pascal said,“Once your soul has been enlarged by truth, it can never return toits originalsize.”
  Thank you for reading and besure to pass this article along!(北外诺加)


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