inspire/encourage encourage sb


inspire 和 encourage都有“鼓励”、“激励”的意思。

inspire 在 Longman 词典里 的解释为:to encourage in (someone) the desire and ability to take effectiveaction, by filling with eagerness, confidence 。所以 inspire主要指通过自身的行为或榜样来激发别人的激情或信心,从而采取有效行动去做某事。例如 :

inspire/encourage encourage sb

  A) Her mother inspiredher to work harder by example.

  B) His speech inspired usto try once more.

因此,主动语态时, inspire的主语一般是某人的行为举动。

encourage 在 Longman 词典里的解释为: to make (someone) feel brave enough or confident enough to dosomething, esp. by giving active approval 。所以 encourage主要通过称赞和肯定的言语直接鼓励他人使其勇敢、自信;在主动语态中, encourage 的主语一般是人,是某人直接用言语鼓励别人。例如:

  A) They encouraged thechildren to paint Chinese paintings.

  B) The manager encouragedhim to air out his opinions at the meeting.


  A) The officer inspiredthe soldier to be brave.

  B) The officer encouragedthe soldier to be brave.

句子 A)暗含的意思是:军官用自己的英勇行为来激励战士勇敢地战斗。句子 B)暗含的意思是:军官跟战士谈心,通过赞扬和肯定的话来激励他勇敢地战斗。

这组同义词的差别可以从下面的短文 中体现出来:

  Jane lost her eyesightafter a serious car accident at the age of fifteen. She felthopeless and helpless. No longer being able to attend a normalschool, she refused to go to the special school for the blind,feeling it was too hard to accept the fact that she was one ofthem. Jane's mother was a teacher. She read Jane Helen Keller'sstory. Jane wasinspiredbyHelen's persistence and strong-mindedness. After she went to theschool for the blind, what her blind classmates coulddoinspiredherto live a useful and meaningful life. Learning Braille was verydifficult at the beginning, but Jane'steacherencouragedherto try hard and not to giveup.Encouragedbyher friends at school for the blind, Jane started to learn to takecare of herself. Gradually she got used to living in the dark andfound that actually her ears and hands could often tell her morethan her eyes.



用 encourage 或 inspire的适当形式填空:

1. Theyare(encouraged)toform their own opinion.

2. Hissuccess(inspired)her to greater efforts.

3. My teacheralways(encourages)me to try new ideas.

4. Donot(encourage)hislaziness by doing things for him.

5. The story of MotherTeresa(inspired)her to become a social worker.


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