祝贺“黑寡妇”-金乃特 李 被选人WPBA 名人堂!
JeanetteLee to be inducted into WPBA Hall of Fame
Billiards star earns top honors from theWomen’s Professional Billiard Association
Mt. Pleasant, Mich.(January 25, 2013) – Billiards superstar JeanetteLee, known throughout the world as “The Black Widow,” willbe inducted into the Women’s Professional Billiard Association(WPBA) Hall of Fame on Wednesday, Feb. 6 prior to the start of the2013 WPBA Masters at Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant,Michigan. Lee, who has won over 30 national and internationaltitles, is currently ranked as the No. 3 billiards player in theworld.
Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (January 25,2013)-撞球巨星金乃特李,闻名世界的“黑寡妇”,将在二月六日,星期三被WPBA(世界女子职业撞球联合会)选人其名人堂。在密西根州MT。PLEASANT 市的翔鹰赌场,2013年是WPBA举办的第六届大师排名赛。李至今已拿下了超过30个国内国际冠军,目前世界女子撞球选手排名#3。
Taking the sport by storm,Lee captured the nation’s attention in 1998 after being named “WPBASportsperson of the Year” and earning “Player of the Year” honorsfrom both Billiards Digest and Pool &Billiard Magazine. In 2001, Lee was crowned as the World GamesGold Medalist and continued her success in 2003 by clenching theTournament of Champions title. As she accumulated tournamentvictories, Lee quickly ascended to No. 1 in the world.
在撞球坛刮起一阵风暴,李 引起国人的关注在1998年被选为“WPBA年度体育人”和“年度选手”之后,这两项荣誉,是由美国颇具权威的{撞球精英}和{撞球和台球}杂志评出的。2001年,李是世界赛事观众人气金牌得主,并在2003年继续她的成功一举拿下锦标赛头筹。随着不断地在锦标赛获胜,金乃特李迅速蹬上积分排行榜第一。
“Being inducted into theWPBA Hall of Fame is one of the greatest honors a player canreceive,” said Lee. “It's a part of history and to be voted on andrecognized in this way by my peers on the tour means so much to me.While I do feel I've contributed to this sport, I still want tocontinue to bring new eyes to the game and help it grow. Thank youto the WPBA and ESPN for giving me the platform to do so, and Ithank God, my family, friends, sponsors, past and present, and ofcourse, my fans, for being there through it all.”
As the most recognizedface in billiards, Lee has been consistently ranked as one of themost powerful people in the sport by Billiards Digest. Leeis currently working to reclaim her rank as the No. 1 billiardsplayer in the world while raising a family of six with her doublespartner and husband, George.
To follow Lee as she isinducted into the WPBA Hall of Fame, find her on Twitter:@JeanetteLeeTBW, Facebook: facebook.com/jeanetteleetheblackwidow,Instagram: JeannetteLeeTBW and BlackwidowBilliards.com.
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The WPBA wasestablished in 1976 as the Women's Professional Billiard Alliance,and celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2011 as the oldest proplayer organization in the sport. The WPBA sanctions and producesthe Women's Pro Billiard Tour, which features ESPN-televised eventsbetween the world's greatest women players. Visit www.wpba.com for more information. The WPBA Classic Tour isofficial partners with the American Poolplayers Association (theworld’s largest pool league), Diamond Billiards (tables), IwanSimonis (cloth), Delta-13 (racks), Aramith (balls) and sponsored byPooldawg (online supplies).