Jewel于1974年5月23日,出生于美国尤他州的Payson。六岁时,她就开始歌唱生涯,她经常跟随父母在所居住的爱斯基摩村落里演出,并倍受当地村民喜爱。直到她考上了密歇根州的Interlochen美术学院。在学院的学习过程中她还参与了戏剧的表演,在学期末的会演节目《SpoonRiver Anthology》中担任主演。她在毕业后去圣地亚哥找到了工作,但是她逐渐受不了了这种朝九晚五的工作方式,于是她决定把自己的主要精力放在音乐上。

大放异彩的女歌手Jewel,乐界认为她是今日流行歌坛最具天份与才气的歌手之一,而她的表现完全不辱来自乐界的褒语,下面推荐她的几首成绩斐然的畅销曲:stay here forever, the shape of you, serve the ego, stand, goodbyeAlice in Wonderland. 另外,Jewel在2009年发行的新专辑Lullaby,给我印象深刻。一把原声吉他,一把清澈嗓音,呈现出最原始,最自然,最简单的音乐表达方式,我相信每个在这喧闹纷乱的"文明"城市中每天忙碌,不堪重负的人们都会选择倾听"Lullaby",因为他们渴望被催眠,渴望入睡,渴望享受一天当中最轻松安逸的时刻。


If you love somebody 如果你爱上了他
You’d better let it out 就告诉他
Don't hold it back 不要藏在心底

While you're trying to figure it out 当你决定说出爱

Don't be timid 不要羞怯

Don't be afraid to hurt 不要怕受伤
Run toward the flame 把爱情点燃
Run toward the fire 让激情燃烧
And hold on for all yourworth 信守真爱的誓言

Cause the only real pain a heart can never know 真正的痛楚
Is the sorrow of regret 是隐藏了情感
When you don't have your feelings show 遗憾的忧伤

So did you say it 你表白了吗
Did you mean it/你认真了吗?
Did you lay it on the line 曾勇敢尝试了麽
Did you make it count曾努力追逐了麽
Did you look 'em in the eye 直视过他的双眸麽
Did they feel it 他是否感觉到你的脉脉含情
Did you say it in time 你争分夺秒了麽
Did you say it out loud 你有大声说出“我爱你”麽
'Cause if you did honey 你若做到了
Then you’ve lived some 人生就少了一份残缺
That feeling inside 多了一份慰藉
That's called satisfied 此时心灵深处的感觉叫做“满足”。

Busy people walking by 忙碌的人们匆匆而过
Can't help but worry some 情不自禁
With so many things to do 忧心忡忡
So little love gets done 小小的爱情已变得微不足道
Empty hearts everywhere 寂寞空虚的心灵漫漫
Drowning but dying of thirst对爱惘然,最后在无尽的渴望中慢慢老去
If you want love 若你期盼爱情
It's not that tough 得到不难

Start by giving it first 先付出爱吧
It's easy to give 爱很简单
Baby can't you see 宝贝,没有看见麽
Just close your eyes open your heart 闭上双眼,打开心扉
And do what comes naturally 一切都会飘然而至

So did you say it 你表白了吗
Did you mean it /你认真了吗?
Did you lay it on the line 曾勇敢尝试了麽
Did you make it count 曾努力追逐了麽
Did you look 'em in the eye 直视过他的双眸麽
Did they feel it 他是否感觉到你的脉脉含情
Did you say it in time 你争分夺秒了麽
Did you say it out loud 你有大声说出“我爱你”麽
'Cause if you did honey 你若做到了
Then you’ve lived some 人生就少了一份残缺
That feeling inside 多了一份慰藉
That's called satisfied 此时心灵深处的感觉叫做“满足”。

Horses are built to run 马儿生来要驰骋疆野
The sun is meant to shine above 太阳注定会光芒四射

Flowers are made to bloom 花朵就是要尽情绽放
And then there's us 我们呢
We were born to love 我们是为爱而生,为爱终其一生。

We were born to love我们是为爱而生,为爱终其一生。

So did you say it 你表白了吗
Did you mean it /你认真了吗?
Did you lay it on the line 曾勇敢尝试了麽

So did you say it 你表白了吗
Did you mean it /你认真了吗?
Did you lay it on the line 曾勇敢尝试了麽
Did you make it count 曾努力追逐了麽
Did you look 'em in the eye 直视过他的双眸麽
Did they feel it 他是否感觉到你的脉脉含情
Did you say it in time 你争分夺秒了麽
Did you say it out loud 你有大声说出“我爱你”麽
Because if you did honey 你若做到了
Then you’ve lived some 人生就少了一份残缺
That feeling inside 多了一份慰藉
That's called satisfied 此时心灵深处的感觉叫做“满足”。


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