TheVoiceofAmerica thevoice吧

The Voice of America began duringthe World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program toget international 1 , American officials believed they should 2 theGerman broadcast with words that they thought were the facts ofworld events. The first VOA news report began with words in 3 .“The 4 may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth.” Withina week, other VOA 5 were broadcasting in Italian, French andEnglish. After the World WarⅡended in 1945, some Americans feltVOA’s 6 had to be changed, 7 the Soviet Union became enemy ofAmericA.They wanted to 8 Soviet listeners. Then VOA beganbroadcasting in Russian. In the early years VOA began addingsomething new to its broadcast that was 9 “ Music USA”. Another newidea came along in 1959.VOA knew that many listeners did not know10 English to completely understand its 11 English broadcast. SoVOA 12 a simpler kind of English, 13 uses about 1,500 words and isspoken 14 of course, it is special English. In the 15 of most VOAlisteners, the most 16 program is the news report. News from aroundthe world 17 into the VOA news rooms in Washington 24 hours a day.It comes from VOA reporters in 18 cities and also from other 19like BBC.VOA writers and editors use these materials to 20 newsreports, which are being broadcast in 43 languages.

1. B.culture C.supportD.information

2. A.reply B.answer C.joinD.interrupt

3. A.same B.short C.EnglishD.German

4. B.problems C.effectsD.opinions

5. A.stations C.announcersD.officials

6. A.home B.position C.purposeD.results

7. A.if B.supposing order that

8. A.reach B.satisfy

9. A.known B.reported C.calledD.printed

10.A.American B.British C.standardD.enough

11.A.normal C.goodD.exact

12.A.invented B.discoveredC.taught D.stopped B.who C.whichD.that

14.A.slowly B.rapidly C.normallyD.loudly

15.A.pleasure B.course C.opinionD.advice

16.A.difficult B.importantC.various D.common

17.A.flies B.sends C.deliversD.pasts

18.A.all B.major

19.A.broadcasts B.formsC.newspapers D.countries

20.A.broadcast B.announceC.translate D.prepare

TheVoiceofAmerica thevoice吧

参考答案及解析 1—5 CBDAC 6—10 CCACD 11—15 AACAC 16—20 BABAD

1.选C。二战期间,德国做广播节目的初衷应是呼吁国际“支持(support)”,而不可能是另三项。 2.选B。由withwords可以想到answer。reply后接宾语时要加to。 3.选D。要回复德国电台,得用“德文”来播,这样德国人能听懂。4.选A。前文已说了播出的是news report。 5.选C。播音的主体当然是announcers(播音员)了。6.选C。VOA电台成立之初的目标主要是对二战中的一些敌对国家进行宣传,随着二战结束,敌对国家有所改变,那么广播的目的与对象的也应随之而改变。7.选C。considering“考虑到……”,表示改变广播目的背景。8.选A。reach是中性词,其他三词要么是褒义,要么是贬义,在此不合语境。 9.选C。be called “被称做…”。10.选D。对英语不是很精通才导致不能完全听懂英文广播的。 11.选A。区别于后文提到的special English。12.选A。原来没有的东西,现在有了,故用invent。 13.选C。引导非限制性定语从句,指物。14.选A。正常英语听不懂,除了词汇问题,更重要的还有语速问题,即速度要“慢”。 15.选C。后面叙述的就是看法、观点。16.选B。后面的内容体现了新闻报道的重要性。 17.选A。flies表达了新闻的及时、快速的特点,其余的词没有这种意思。18.选B。major cities指大城市。根据常识可排除A、D,根据around the world,可排除C。19.选A。由like可知,所选词须与BBC同类。 20.选D。由后面的定语从句可以推知,这里指新闻报道的前期“准备”工作。[双向细目表] 词法 重点词汇: considering; be called; invent


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