PattiPage(1927-2013)-TennesseeWaltz tennessee williams

Patti Page's signature song, "Tennessee Waltz",recorded in 1950, was one of the biggest-selling singles of the20th century, and is also one of the two official state songs ofTennessee. "Tennessee Waltz" spent 13 weeks atop the Billboardmagazine's Best-Sellers List in 1950. Page had three additional No.1 hit singles between 1950 and 1953, with "All My Love (Bolero)","I Went to Your Wedding", and "(How Much Is That) Doggie in theWindow".

Unlike most pop music singers, Page blended the styles of countrymusic into many of her most popular songs. By doing this, many ofPage's singles also made the Billboard Country Chart. Towards the1970s, Page shifted her career towards country music, and she begancharting on the country charts, up until 1982. Page is one of thefew vocalists who have made the country charts in five separatedecades.
PattiPage(1927-2013)-TennesseeWaltz tennessee williams

When rock and roll music became popular during the second half ofthe 1950s, traditional pop music was becoming less popular. Pagewas one of the few traditional pop music singers who was able tosustain her success, continuing to have major hits into themid-1960s with "Old Cape Cod", "Allegheny Moon", "A Poor Man'sRoses (Or a Rich Man's Gold)", and "Hush, Hush, SweetCharlotte".

In 1997, Patti Page was inducted into the Oklahoma Music Hall ofFame. She will be honored with the Lifetime Achievement GrammyAward in 2013. She died New Year's Day in Encinitas, Calif., whereshe'd lived for several decades. She was85.

Patti Page -Tennessee Waltz (Lyrics on Screen) -

Patti Page - TennesseeWatlz

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歌曲写于1946年,作者是瑞德 · 斯蒂厄特(Redd Stewart)和皮 · 维 · 金(Pee Wee King,1914 -)。皮 · 维 · 金是四五十年代著名的乡村音乐家兼歌手和歌曲作家,他1936年曾自组“金色的西部牛仔”乐队,1974年10月他被选入乡村音乐名人榜。斯蒂厄特是他乐队中最早的小提琴手、钢琴手兼歌手。

《田纳西圆舞曲》于1947年录制唱片后,很快成为乡村歌曲与流行歌曲的典范作品,40多年来录过300多次,唱片销售达4000万张以上。其中以擅长唱圆舞曲而被誉为 “ 圆舞曲女王 ” 的流行歌手帕蒂 ·佩吉(PattiPage,1927 -2013)于1950年录制的唱片最为驰名。这首歌曲后来被正式采用为田纳西州的州歌。


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