A nation ofnon-readers:A strange and costly disregard forbooks
MANY Brazilians cannot read. In 2000, a quarter of those aged 15and older were functionally illiterate. Many simply do not want to. Only one literateadult in three reads books. The average Brazilian reads 1.8 non-academicbooks a year—less than half the figure in Europe and the UnitedStates. In a recent survey of reading habits, Brazilians came 27thout of 30 countries, spending 5.2 hours a week with a book.Argentines, their neighbours, ranked 18th.
In rare accord, government, businesses and NGOs are all strivingin different ways to change this. On March 13th the governmentlaunched a National Plan for Books andReading. This seeks to boost reading, by founding libraries andfinancing publishers among other things. The Brazil ReaderInstitute, an NGO, brings books to people: it has installed lendinglibraries in two São Paulo metro stations, and is planning one in aCarnival samba school. It is starting to be common to seecharacters in television soap operas shown reading. Cynics notethat Globo, the biggest broadcaster, is also a big publisher ofbooks, newspapers and magazines.
One discouragement to reading is that books are expensive. At São Paulo's book fair thisweek, “O Código Da Vinci” was on sale for 32 reais—more than atenth of the official minimum monthly wage. Most other books havesmall print-runs, pushing up their price.
But Brazilians' indifference to books has deeper roots.Centuries of slavery meant the country's leaders long neglected education. Primary schoolingbecame universal only in the 1990s. Radio was ubiquitous by the1930s; libraries and bookshops have still not caught up. “Theelectronic experience came before the written experience,” saysMarino Lobello, of the Brazilian Chamber of Books, an industrybody.
All this means that Brazil's book market has the biggest growthpotential in the western world, reckonsMr Lobello. That notion has attracted foreign publishers, such asSpain's Prisa-Santillana, which bought a local house last year.American evangelical publishers are eyeing the market for religiousbooks, which outsell fiction in Brazil.
But reading is a difficult habit to form. Brazilians boughtfewer books in 2004—289m, including textbooks distributed by the government—than theydid in 1991. Last year the director of Brazil's national libraryquit after a controversial tenure. Hecomplained that he had half the librarians he needed and termiteshad eaten much of the collection. Along with crime and highinterest rates, that ought to be a cause for national shame.
36. N.simply
本空所在句不缺其它成分,该空应为副词。备选副词J) particularly(专门地、特别地)与N) simply(简单地、仅仅)中,simply符合句意“许多人仅仅是不想学着识字。”
37. A.average
本空修饰名词Brazilian,需要形容词。备选形容词A) average(平均的、普通的)E) expensive(昂贵的)K) potential(潜在的)中,average符合句意“普通的巴西人每年读1.8本非学术书目”。且reads 1.8 non-academic books ayear也在提示这里是在描述平均值。
38. M.ranked
本空是该句谓语,缺动词。且与前句并列,而前句用的过去式,因此本空需动词过去式。备选的有C)distributed(分发、散布)、F) launched(发射、发动)、G) named(取名、提名)、H) neglected(忽视)、L) quit(退出、辞职)、M) ranked(排名)和O) treasured(珍惜)。能与空后的18th构成合理搭配的只有ranked,表示“排在第18位”。另外前句描述的也是巴西的排名。
39. F.launched
本空是该句谓语,缺动词。由于描述的是过去的日子,需要过去式。备选的有C)distributed(分发、散布)、F) launched(发射、发动)、G) named(取名、提名)、H) neglected(忽视)、L) quit(退出、辞职)和O) treasured(珍惜)。本空后的专有概念National Plan for Books andReading明显是个活动或计划之类,能与之构成合理搭配的只有launched,表示“发起了此计划”。
40. E.expensive
本空做表语,主语是books,形容词、动词分词可能性较大。注意到后句提到push up their price,因此这里描述的应该是书的价格,expensive符合话题。
41. H.neglected
本空是所在从句的谓语,且描述的是过去、主句也为过去式,因此这里需要过去式。备选的有C)distributed(分发、散布)、G) named(取名、提名)、H) neglected(忽视)和L) quit(退出、辞职)O) treasured(珍惜)。注意前句引出的话题是巴西对书籍的漠视,本句提到的也是巴西长期奴隶制的影响,因此本空应选择neglected,表示巴西“长期忽视教育”。distributed意思不合理,treasured则与这里想表示的意思相反。
42. K.potential
本空一种可能是副词,但备选副词只剩particularly,而其意思在这里并不合适,这里也没有构成其所表示的递进关系的条件。因此只能考虑本空另一种可能:名词。备选的有B)collection(收集)、D) exhibition(展览)和K) potential(潜力)。potential是唯一意思合理的,表示巴西的图市场“有着最大的增长潜力”。
43. C.distributed
本空位于名词后,应为后置定语,需要动词分词;by提示了这里需要过去分词。备选的有C) distributed(分发、散布)、G) named(取名、提名)和L) quit(退出、辞职)O) treasured(珍惜)。这里意思合理的只有distributed,表示“被政府分发的书籍”。
44. L.quit
本空是该句谓语,其描述的是过去,需要过去式,备选的有G) named(取名、提名)、L) quit(退出、辞职)、和O) treasured(珍惜)。同时该空后无宾语,因此必须是不及物动词,符合此要求的只有quit,表示国家图书馆负责人辞职。
45. B.collection
空前的定冠词提示本空需要名词,备选的有B) collection(收集)和D) exhibition(展览)。这里意思较合理的是collection,它可以表示图书馆的馆藏书籍。意思是“白蚁吃掉了大部分馆藏书籍”。
本文节选自Sharon L. Spray, Karen Leah McGlothlin所著Global Climate Change一书。
Global warming is what we are worried about, and it is exactly asit sound — a trend toward warmer conditions around the world. Partof the warming is natural; we have experienced a 20,000-year-longwarming as the last ice age ended and the ice melted away. However, we have alreadyreached temperatures that re in line with other interglacial (minimumice) periods, so continued warming is likely not natural. We arecontributing to a predicted worldwideincrease in temperatures ranging between 1° and 6 ℃ (2° and 10 ℉)over the next 100 years. The warming will be more dramatic in some areas, less in others,and some places may even cool off. Likewise, the impact of this warming will be verydifferent depending on where you are — coastal areas must worryabout rising sea level, while Siberia and northern Canada my becomemore habitable and appealing for humans than these areasare now.
The fact remains, however, that it will likely get warmer, onaverage, everywhere. Scientists are ingeneral agreement that this process has already begun and that thewarmer conditions we have been experiencing at the end of thetwentieth century are at least in part the result of ahuman-induced global warming trend (Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change [IPCC] 1995). Some scientists maintain that the changes we are seeingfall within the range of random variation — some years are cold,others warm, and we have just had an unremarkable string of warmyears recently — but that is becoming anincreasingly rare interpretation in the face of continued andincreasing warm conditions.
36. I)melted
37. G)line
本空空前是介词,因此需要名词性成分,且要考虑与空后的with构成搭配。符合要求的只有line(inline with,与……一致)。意思是我们已经接近“与其他最小冰川期时一致的温度”。
38. C)contributing
前句用完成时表示已经达到的状态,本句we are描述的则是正在发生的过程,需要动词的ing形式,且要考虑与空后的介词to构成搭配。备选的有appealing to(呼吁、上诉)、contributing to(促成、导致),ranging后不直接与介词to构成搭配。意思合理的只有contributing,为“我们正促成世界范围内气温的升高”。
39. K)ranging
本空引领的是temperature的后置定语,需要动词分词。备选的有appealing(呼吁、上诉)、ranging(范围在……)和resolved(决心)。空后的between 1℃ and6 ℃明显是范围区间,因此ranging合乎语义。range between/from A and B为常用搭配。
40. D)dramatic
本空作为表语,且空前有more,提示了本空需要形容词。备选的有appealing(有吸引力的)、dramatic(戏剧性的、突发的)和sensible(明智的)。这里描述的是气候变化的效果,因此dramatic意思更合适,意为“某些地方的气候变化会更加戏剧化”。后半句提到的有些地方可能cool off(变冷)也是暗示气候变化的突发及剧烈。
41. F)impact
空前的the暗示本空需要名词。备选的有average(平均)、impact(影响)和shock(震惊)。impact和shock都能用于与warming构成搭配,但后面提到的different depending on where youare提示了本空应当是一个较为宽泛的概念,故impact更合适,意为“气候变暖的影响因所在地不同而不同”。
42. A)appealing
空前的and提示了本空与and前的habitable(宜居的)同词性且义相近。因此本空需要形容词,备选的有appealing(有吸引力的)和sensible(明智的)。意思上与habitable更能并列、描述本句所说的Siberia and northern Canada的影视appealing,表示“西伯利亚和加拿大北部可能会变得更宜居、更吸引人”。
43. B)average
44. H)maintain
45. L)recently
本空所在句不缺其它成分,本空需要副词。备选的又frequently(频繁地)和recently(最近)。空前提到科学家认为气候变化无规律,有些年冷、有些年热(someyears are cold, others warm)。本空所在的we have just had an unremarkable string ofwarm years应当是顺着科学家的观点而来,解释我们现在所处的正好是偏热的年份期。因此本空用recently强调当下更佳。若选frequently表示“我们频繁处在偏热的年份”,则与科学家所持的气温冷热无规律交替的观点不相符合。
The fact is, the world has been finding less oil than it’sbeen using for 20 years now. Not only has demand beensoaring, but the oil we’vebeen finding is coming from places that are tough to reach. At the same time, more ofthis newly discovered oil isof the type that requires a greater investment to refine. And because demand for this preciousresource will grow, according to some, by over 40% by 2025,fuelling the world’s growing economicprosperity will take a lot more energy from everypossible source.
The energy industry needs to get more from existing fields whilecontinuing to search for new reserves.Automakers must continue to improve fuel efficiency and perfecthybrid vehicles. Technological improvements are needed so thatwind, solar and hydrogen can be more viable partsof the energy equation. Governments need to create energy policiesthat promote economically and environmentally sounddevelopment. Consumers must demand, and be willing to pay for, someof these solutions, while practising conservation efforts of theirown.
Inaction is not an option. But if everyone works together, wecan balance this equation. We’re taking some of the steps neededto get started, but we need your help to get the rest of theway.
36. N)soaring
37. E)difficult
38. F)discovered
39. L)refine
本空位于不定式中,因此需要动词原形。备选的有cultivate(培养)和refine(提炼)。注意到本不定式是在描述新开发的石油所需要进行的工序,能构成合理意思的只有refine。refinethe oil意为“炼油”。
40. J)growth
41. M)reserves
42. I)feasible
43. G)economically
44. K)option
45. O)steps
空前的the提示本空需要名词,且some提示本空需要名词复数。符合条件的只有steps(步骤)。take steps意为“采取措施“。
第一篇:The End of theBook?
本文选自2011年5月21日TheAmerican Magazine
46. Authorsstill published in printed versions will be considered importantones.
解析:对应D段末句。printed versions(纸质版本)对应hard copy(印刷版本),be considered importantones(被认为重要)对应becomethe mark…toreckon(认为是标志)。
47. Some peopleare still in favor of printed books because of the sense of touchthey can provide.
解析:对应N段第三句提到的tactile pleasure in books(书本的触觉上的愉悦)。
48. The radiobusiness has changed greatly and now attracts morelisteners.
解析:对应J段最后两句。changed greatly(巨大改变)对应a very different business(相当不同的行业),attracts more listeners(吸引更多听众)对应enlarged their audience(扩大受众面)。
49. Contrary tomany people’sprediction of its death, the film industrysurvived.
解析:对应H段第二句。many people’s prediction对应widely predicted。
50. Remarkablechanges have taken place in the book business.
51. Oldtechnology sometimes continues to exist because of itsreliability.
解析:对应L段第三句。continues to exist(继续存在)对应remain(保持),reliability(可靠)对应backup(支持、后盾)。
52. Theincrease of e-book sales will force the book business to makechanges not seen for centuries.
解析:对应B段第三句。make changes(做出改变)对应go through a transformation(经历转变),not seen for centuries是对该句后部分时间表达的概括。
53. A newtechnology is unlikely to take the place of an old one without aclear advantage.
解析:对应F段第一句。aclear advantage(明显优势)岁对better, cheaper or both的概括。take the place of(代替)对应replace(代替)。
54. Paperbacksof popular literature are more likely to be replaced bye-books.
55. A housewith a fireplace has a stronger appeal to buyers.
解析:对应M段第三句。has a stronger appeal tobuyers(对购买者有很强吸引力)对应a powerful selling point(强劲卖点)。
第二篇:The Touch-ScreenGeneration
本文选自2013年4月的The Atlantic
46.Theauthor attended the conference, hoping to find some guidingprinciples for parenting in the electronic age.
解析:对应D段第一句: come to the developers’ conference 对应 attended the conference(出席会议), that they might offer some guiding principlefor American parents 对应hoping to find some guiding principles forparenting(提供指导原则)。
47.American parents are becoming more doubtfulabout the benefits technology is said to bring to theirchildren.
解析:G段第一句American parents完全重现, more, not less, wary(谨慎的)对应more doubtful。
48.Some experts believe that humanintelligence develops by the use of hands.
解析:对应A段最后一句:.Some experts 对应 developers(开发者),human intelligence develops by the use of hands 对应 Thehands are the instruments of man’sintelligence.(人类才智由双手的使用而发展)
49.The author found a former Montessoriteacher strict control over her kids’ screen time.
解析:E段第一句和最后一句综合得来。 a former Montessori teacher完全是原文重现,I give them a limit of half an hour and thenstop.对应strict control over herkids’ screentime.(严格控制玩电子设备的时间)。
50.Research shows interaction with people iskey to babies’ braindevelopment.
解析:C段第二句 research on brain development完全重现, critical need 对应key(关键),direct interactions with parents and othersignificant care givers对应interaction with people(人际互动)。
51.So far there has been no scientific proofof the educational benefits of iPads.
解析:H段倒数第二句中,To date对应Sofar(如今),no body of research has definitively provedthat 对应no scientific proof(无科学依据)。
52.American parents worry that overuse oftablets will create problems with their kids’interpersonalrelationships/
解析:G段的最后两句中:Parents与 tablets完全重现, can’t make eye contact and has an avatarfor a girlfriend(不敢直视他人或只能在家幻想女盆友——好邪恶) 对应 create problems with theirkids’interpersonalrelationships(人际交往发生了问题)。
53.The author expected developers ofchildren’s apps tospecify the benefits of the newtechnology.
解析:D段的倒数第二句, articulate(清晰表达) some benefits of the newtechnology对应specify(详述)the benefits of the newtechnology.
54.The kids at the gathering wre morefascinated by the iPads than by the helicopter.
解析:A段第三句出现helicopter, 第四句的转折 But mostly they looked down, at the iPads andother tablets displayed around the hall like so many open boxes ofcandy.对应more fascinated by theiPads(但部分人看着iPad就像看糖果般目不转睛)。
55.The author permits her children to use thescreen for at most half an hour a day.
解析:F段第四句, permissive对应permits(允许), half an hour a day完全重现, my rule at home对应Theauthor。
本题属于观点型细节题,问最近的一次国会报告提出了什么建议。根据题干定位词latestcongressional report 定位到文章第二段第一句。Acknowledge意为“承认”,引出观点。前半句非常简单,“最近的一次国会报告承认了技术训练的关键性”,后半句以but进行语义转折,意为“但是他们也认为关于人文学科和社会科学的研究都必须在任何等级的美国教育系统中作为核心部分”。之后的bothareas are critical to…都是在描述这两门学科对塑造人才的积极影响,可以略读。
A.STEM在第一段有解释,分别由science, technology,engineering和maths的首字母组成,意为“科学”,“技术”,“工程学”和“数学”。所以A选项的意思是“与STEM相关的学科可以帮助学生在信息社会找到工作”。文章对于STEM的影响的描述只出现在第二段的最后一句话,但没有提及能帮助找工作,属于无中生有,排除。
B.意思是“人文学科和STEM应该被给与相同的重要性”。通过第二段第一句话but后面的内容可以确定B为正选。选项唯一的难点是STEM在文中是以social science进行同义替换的方式出现的。Should be given equalimportance和原文的must remain central components of…对应。
C.“高等教育的文科能帮助学生丰富精神世界”。C选项的干扰性同样来自于第二段的最后一句,但需要注意的是原文所说的spiritualenrichment是由reflection on the great ideas ofmankind提供而非选项所指的liberal arts. 故C排除。
题目问学生选择专业时主要关心什么。结合顺序原则可以大致定位到第三段,本段前两句话讲述了家长和学生们在为高等教育做出巨大投资之后所以担心的问题就是市场的变化可能会导致孩子们将来就业机会变少以及工资降低。并且根据这个大背景提出了一个公认的解决的办法,也就是由题干中的major定位到的本段第三句,“Majorin a subject designed to get you a job”seems the obvious answer tosome,… 意思是“选择一个为给你找到工作而设计的专业是大部分人认可大答案”。

问作者如何评价所谓的“软”学科。本题答案依然出自于第三段,57题定位句的后半句,即though this ignores the fact that manydisciplines in the humanities characterized as “soft” often, in fact, leadto employment and success in the longrun.本句的disciplines与subjects都是“学科”的意思,所以这句话可以翻译成“尽管他们忽略一个事实,那就是人文学科中那些被描述成“软”学科的,通常能够能够促成将来的就业和成功”。
A.“他们会在将来的生活使学生受益。”benefit与原文的lead to employment andsuccess对应,intheir future与原文的inthe long run对应。A为正选。
问老板想找什么类型的应聘者。答案出自第三段最后一句话,employers have expressed a preference forstudents who received a broadly-based education that has taughtthem how to write well, think carefully, research creatively, andcommunicate easily. 这句话非常直白地告诉我们老板所偏爱的员工是接受过broadly-based education的人,即“全方位教育”,所以与这句话有相同描述的选项即为正选。
本文原文出处:2012年12月7号 TheAmericans
61、A此题并非主旨题,按顺序原则及题干信息定位首段。“If you think so,you’re not alone”表明作者持有同样想法,答案往“so”前面找——“Energy independence. It has a nice ring toit, doesn’t it?” have a nice ring to sth.表示“听起来不错,令人向往”的意思,选项A的attractive是其同义改写。即使不了解短语,根据nice可判断正态度,答案选A。
62、D由题干信息biofuels定位在第四段落。定位句本身出现but强调:“but mostbiofuelsare a Faustian bargain, causing economicwaste and environmental destruction. ”but后面的强调才是作者对于biofuels的真正想法——causing economic waste and environmentaldestruction。选项中AB选项均为正态度,与原文不符直接排除。原文中C选项为干扰选项,“可持续的能源供给”,文章未提及。
63、C按照阅读出题的“顺序原则”直接看到下一段(第五段)。首句“Americans have basically decided that theydon’t really want to produce all their own oil.”美国人不愿意自己产油,是63题题干信息当中“…America rely on heavily on oilimports”的同义改写。根据“金三句原则”定位到定位句的下一句“the Americanpeople…decidedthatthey value the environmental quality theypreserve over theiroilimports from abroad.” 相比从国外进口石油,美国人更看重环境质量,由此判断,答案选C——“keepenvironment intact”。
64、B 根据定位词oiltrade以及顺序原则定位到文章倒数第二段。首句“there are benefits to trade.It allows for economic efficiency…we benefit”, allow for 本意为考虑顾及到,这里可灵活的翻译为have,表示“有”的意思,可得知选B选项——It improveseconomic efficiency.。
65、A问作者写作意图,即问全文主旨。根据各段首句以及串联五个题干信息可得知,文章主要讨论“America”的“energyindependence”,就可以直接排除BCD选项了。为做题保险,还要进一步确认。由文章末端的结尾“At the same time, we derive massive economicbenefits…whenwe engage in energy trade around theworld.” 可得知作者态度还是站在“oil imports”这一边的,因为可以得到“massive economicbenefits”,所以作者还是在为“oilimports”而申辩的。答案选A。
原文出自《BUSINESS INSIDER》http://www.businessinsider.com/3-signs-youre-a-true-leader-2013-6?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+businessinsider+(Business+Insider)
What does theauthor think the leaders he knows?
A.Many of them are used to takingcharge.(他们中的很多人习惯于掌控)
B.Few of them are equal to theirpositions.(他们中很少有人配得上自己的职位)
C.Many of them fail to fully developtheir potential.(他们中的很多人没有完全开发自己的潜力)
D.Few of them are familiar withleadership literature.(他们中很少有人熟悉领导手册)
题目问作者是如何看待他所认识的领导者的。通过顺序原则和定位词theleaders he knows可以找到文章第二段的第一句,I see way fewer truly effective leaders than Isee people stuck in positions of leadership who are sadlyincompetent and seriously misguided about their ownabilities.注意这句话里的way并不是我们所熟知的名词含义“方法”,而是一个程度副词,类似于“相当地”。这句话的大致意思就是“相比于那些真正高效的领导者,我见到更多的是处在领导者的位置却却总是被自己的无能给蒙蔽的人”。B选项即为这句话的同义改写。
Why are somepeople eager to grab leadership positions?
A.They believe they have the naturalgift to lead.(他们认为自己有天生的领导才能)
B.They believe in what leadershipliterature says.(他们相信领导手册说的东西)
C.They have proved competent in manysituations.(他们在很多情况下都被证明是无能的)
D.They derive great satisfactionfrom being leaders.(他们在做领导时感受到极度的不满)
题目问为什么很多人总是热衷于领导职位。这道题是因果细节题,常规的解决方法是通过题干路标词定位,再在定位句附近寻找因果逻辑词锁定答案。通过grableadership position定位到第四段第二句Whether it’s a decision-making session, abasketball game, a family outing, they can’t helpgrabbing the lead dog position and cling to it for dearlife. 这句话意思不难理解,说的就是很多人领导欲很强不管是在什么场合之下。往后一句话直接道破了他们这样做的原因。Theybelieve they are natural born leaders. A选项同义改写,为正选。
Whatcharacterizes a great leader according to theauthor?
A.Being able to take prompt actionwhen chances present themselves.(当机会自己出现时能做出及时的反应)
B.Having a whole-hearted dedicationto their divine responsibilities.(全身心地奉献给他们神圣的责任)
C.Having a full understanding oftheir own merits and weaknesses.(对自己的优点和缺点有深刻的理解)
D.Being able to assess the situationcarefully before taking charge.(能在掌控之前仔细评估形势)
题目问根据作者,什么最能够用来形容一个成功的领导者。通过greatleaders直接定位到文章第五段第四句。A great leader will assess each situation onits merits, and will only take charge when their position, thesituation, and/or the needs of the moment demandit.这句话很明显就是作者对于成功领导者的描述,所以答案不言而喻,一个成功的领导者懂得审时度势,再决定是否应该掌控一切。所以D为正选。
How will manybusiness executives respond when their command fails to generateaction?
A.They reassess the situation athand.(他们会重新估计当下的形势)
B.They become impatient andrude.(他们变的不耐烦和粗鲁)
C.They resort to any toolavailable.(他们会使用任何可用的工具)
D.They blame their teammembers.(他们会埋怨自己的团队成员)
题目问当命令没有落实到行动时,很多经理是如何反应的。通过manybusiness executives 定位到第六段第一句话,Many business executives confuse leadershipwith action. 这句话并没有直接体现答案,所以我们可以适当地往后读。第三句话写到Facedwith any situation can’t be solved by the sheer force ofactivity, they generate a dust cloud ofimpatience.意思是“当遇到没法全凭行动来解决的问题时,他们就会变得极度不耐烦”。这句话基本对应了B选项的impatient,但是还不够。再往后一句话,Theirone leadership tool is volume: if they think you are not working ashard as they think you should, their demands become increasinglylouder and harsher. “声音是他们的领导工具之一,如果他们认为你没有像他们期望的那么努力工作,他们的命令就会变得越来越大声和刺耳”。这一句话对应的是B里的rude。所以B为正选。
What is theauthor’s advice toleaders?
A.Concentrate on one specific taskat a time.(同时只专注于一个特定的任务)
B.Use different tools to achievedifferent goals.(用不同的工具来实现不同的目标)
C.Build up s strong team to achievetheir goals.(建立一个强大的团队来实现他们的目标)
D.Show determination when faced withtough tasks.(面临艰巨的任务时体现出强烈的决心)
题目问作者对于领导的建议是什么。做完前面四道题还有最后两段话没有用于定位,所以完全可以把两段话都快速读一遍。本题的答案出自最后一句话。Atrue leader is someone who develops his or her team so that theycan and do hit their targets and achieve their goals.C选项就是整句话的同义改写,为正选。ABD均为无中生有。
What does theauthor of the passage think of Millennials?
A.They show little interest inentertainment.(他们对于娱乐活动没什么兴趣)
B.They are not confident about theirability.(他们对自己的能力不自信)
C.They enjoy an easy life due tohigh technology.(因为高科技他们能享受轻松的生活)
D.They may not have bright prospectsfor success.(他们可能不会有成功的希望)
题目问作者如何看待“千禧一代”的。这篇文章比较特殊,几乎每个题里都有Millennials这个词,所以很难用它来进行准确地定位,我们只能依靠顺序原则按照段落一段一段地去找答案。文章第一段话提到一个人叫作JoelStein的人,他认为Millennials这一代人的还是有潜力的,但第二段的开头作者说到I hesitate to share hisoptimism…说他对于分享这份乐观有点犹豫,意味着他觉得他们这代人并不是optimistic的。D选项就是这句话的同义改写。ABC属于无中生有的干扰项。
How doMillennials feel about their life?
A.They can hardly do anything aboutit.(他们几乎不能做任何事)
B.There is little in it to getexcited about.(很少有能让他们感觉兴奋的事)
C.It is not as good as theirparents’.(不如他们父母的生活好)
D.It is full of opportunities forsuccess.(充满了成功的机会)
这道题难度比较大,最关键的还是像第一题说的,很难进行定位,所以我们依然只能按照顺序原则往下看。第二段的最后半句说…,yetwe are more bored than ever before. 意思是“我们前所未有的无聊”,与B选项的…little in it to get excitedabout.完全对应。再来看其他几个选项,A,文章第五段首句说到But do Millennials respond to these economictroubles by doing whatever it takes to make ends meet?Hardly? 很多同学可能会脑一热就选了这个答案,但问题是文章说的是“他们几乎不会…”而选项则是“他们几乎不能…”,这并不是一个概念。而且题目问的是他们的态度,A更像是描述一个现状,所以A排除。再往后看,C选项出自于第四句话Millennials want to save the world, but theysit and wait for that world-changing opportunity to be handed tothem. 意思是“这些人想要拯救世界但只是坐着等改变世界的机会自己降临”。但D选项的fullof并没有在文中体现,所以也可以排除。C选项在最后一句有提及,Millennials may the first generation to have alower standard of living than their parents…但此处是作者的评价而非Millennials自己的态度。C也排除。因此正选为B
In what way areMillennials different from previous generations according to PewResearch?
A.They spend less timesocializing.(他们花很少的时间社交)
B.They are indifferent toothers.(他们对别人漠不关心)
C.They do not value hardwork.(他们不重视努力工作)
D.They are moreindependent.(他们更加独立)
题目问根据Pew Research, Millennials在哪些方面不同于他们的先辈。通过路标词Pew Research直接定位到第五段的第二句,…the Millennial generation does not citework ethic as distinctive of itself.意思就是这一辈人并不把努力工作当作非常重要的事。锁定C选项。
What shouldMillennials do according to the author?
A.Remain optimistic in face ofadversity.(在面临逆境时仍然保持乐观)
B.Start a business as early aspossible.(尽早开始创业)
C.Make full use of newopportunities.(充分利用新的机会)
D.Take action to change theirsituation.(采取行动来改变他们的现状)
题目问根据作者的说法,Millennials应该怎么做。这道题的答案出自第五段第五句,Instead of working 2-3 jobs, launching abusiness, or doing what is takes to succeed, they retreat.意思是“并没有兼两三份工作,也没有开始创业或者做能让他们成功的事,他们只是撤退。”通过insteadof 这个短语我们也应该知道作者的态度是他们就应该多找几份工作,开始创作或者做些别的事情。AC选项无中生有们可以排除。B里的starta business文中有提及但并没有说as early as possible,也排除。所以D为正选。
Why areMillennials over-confident about themselves?
A.They have been spoiled by theirparents.(他们被父母宠坏了)
B.They can always get whatever theyexpect.(他们想要什么就能得到什么)
C.They are misguided by managementbooks.(他们被管理手册误导了)
D.They think they are young andenergetic.(他们认为自己年轻而且精力充沛)
题目问什么Millennials那么自负。这道题相对简单,按照顺序原则定位到全文最后一句,Today’syoung adults were raised by parents who made sure to boost theirself-esteem at every turn, telling them they could achieve whateverthey set their minds to, and handing out prizes for the sixthplace. 句中self-esteem意为“自尊”,大致意思就是“父母会尽量保证自己能激励孩子的自尊,告诉他们可以实现任何他们想做的事情。”B选项是这句话的同义改写。所以正选为B。
本文原文出处:2011年12月15号 纽约时报
56、A. To reduce medical error
根据四个有规律的选项信息可判断这是不定式问目的的题目。先找到定位点,再在定位点附近找包含信息的不定式。根据题干信息,画出定位词“computers,smartphones and other devices”可以迅速定位到文章首段首句——“Hospitals, hoping tocurb medical error, have invested heavily to put computers,smartphones and other devices into the hands of medicalstaff…”。其中“invested…into the hands of medical staff”就是题干“equiptheir staff with..”所同义改写的部分。定位句中的插入语部分“hoping to curb medicalerror”即要找的不定式,对比原文和选项,“curb”是抑制的意思,选项中的“reduce”是对它的同义改写,最后选A——toreduce medical error。
57、C. The problem of devices preventing doctors from focusing ontheir patients.
例证题。按题干定位词“distracted doctoring”定位在第三段。而distracteddoctoring所描述的是第三段首句的“thisphenomenon”,讲的是第二段中所例证的phenomenon,所以答案往上一段找。第二段首句举例说明了随之而来的“sideeffect”——“doctors and nurses can be focused on the screen and notthe patient”、“admitted texting during aprocedure”,可见作者通过说“distracted doctoring”是想说明devices的“sideeffect”,即C选项。
58 、B. Doctors’ interaction with their devices may endangerpatients’ lives.
根据题干信息“Dr. PeterPapadakos”定位在文章第四段和第五段,其中都包含了DPP这个人所说的话。第四段说到把devices带到医院“to domedical records”,同时也可以上网、看脸书,而且这些会更加的“tempting”;第五段说道自己的“futfeeling”即“worry”是“lives are indanger”。总结两段的表述,devices对医生的吸引以及病人生命危在旦夕,即可选出B选项。
59、C . Data is given too much importance in patient care.
因果题。根据题干信息问的是“why”——原因,因此要确定找到定位点附近的因果词,判断孰因孰果选出答案。根据题干“increasingpressure”定位在文章第七段最后一行最后一句,根据金三句原则——定位句本身以及前句和后句,找到第八段首句“Thepressure stems from”——“这种压力源自…”即答案在这个后面。根据这里所说的patient care must bedata driven可选出答案为C。
60、B. They focus their attention on the patient's condition.
根据题干信息PeterCarmel以及顺序原则定位到最后一段,而对“doctors”的“advice”应该在末段末句的后半部分“but he addedthat doctors’ first priority should be with thepatient”,即对医生的建议摆在首位的一定是“patient”,四个选项中跟patient相关的只有选项B,其他均未提及。
第六篇:Woman and Man
本文原文出处:2013年2月21日 华盛顿邮报
56、C. they feel obliged to take care of their kids at home
文章第一段大致说明了“women earn less thanmen”的现象,而由题干中的“traditionally”定位到文章第二段。“All the traditionalreasons…women fall behind when they leave the workforce to raisekids…”,由此可选出C选项,核心原因是kids。
57、B. It does not consider the economic impact on graduates.
由题干信息America’s higher education system定位在第三段落最后一句“…highereducation system is not designed to focus on the economicconsequences of our students’ year on campus”。选项中跟economicconsequences相关的选项只有B选项,“economic impact”是对原文“economicconsequences”的同义改写。
58 、A. It is different for male and female students.
由题干的“today”定位到第四段的“now”。第四段中“… one might think the collegecampus is a pretty equal place. It is not.”,继而举例论证campus中男女学生的不同待遇,“They enroll in different kinds of classes…”,因此答案选A。
59、D. They don't perform as well as they did in high school.
文中第四段有:studies show that while girls do better than boys in highschool, they start to trail off during their collegeyears.重点在于动词词组,trail off 有渐渐减弱的意思,在这里明显是指女生到了大学后表现开始不如高中,C选项don'tperform as well as they did in high school即是表示的这个意思。即使不知道trail off的意思也可以通过句首连词while,来判断出下一句为转折关系。从而知道是在大学表现变差。
60、A. Woman are too worn out to beambitious.
题干问作者对于男人女人间“pay gap”的解释,根据顺序原则定位到文章末段,最后一句“No wonder they arenot negotiation for higher salaries as soon as they get out ofschool”的原因是“They are too exhausted, and too scared offailing”,由此对比选项,“Women are too worn out to beambitious”是更为贴近原文主旨的选线,因此选A。