The early Qing Dynasty saw a great development of a plethora ofoperas. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Hui and Han operas werebrought into Beijing. They became immensely popular with theimperial family, nobles, officials and the commoners. The marriageof Hui and Han operas became known as the Beijing opera.
Beijing opera consists of singing, recital, gestures and fightingactions. The song-and-dance routine, the dazzling costumes, thestylized performance and colorful facial make-up were a hugedraw.
stylized action
Beijing opera recreates settings and props through the use of mimedgestures and actions. The stage has no real door, carriage, boat,mountain or horse; hence the actors will mime the action of openingthe door, entering through the door, getting on a carriage, rowinga boat, climbing up a mountain and riding a horse.
For example, the hands showing the action of holding a rein meansthe actor is riding a horse, the act of opening a door means justthat and walking round the stage in one circle means a longjourney.
Chinese facial make-up is a unique part of Chinese opera. Chineseopera is based on these four character types:
sheng 生:a malerole, such as a young man, an elderly man, or a warrior.
dan 旦:afemale role, such as a young lady, a beautiful lady, a ladywarrior, or an elderly woman.
The make up for sheng anddan roles should highlightthe eyes and eyebrows and the application of rouge. This type ofmake up is known as the sumian 素面(plain face).
jing净:also known as the painted face, used on a chivalrous and ruggedmale role.
chou 丑:also known as the little painted face, used on villainous or comiccharacters.
jing and chou follow a standard way of make up.It uses different colours and strokes to exaggerate the actors'features, either to beautify them or to make them ugly. They areused to show the personality of the character and to add a touch ofdrama to the role. This is the Chinese facial make up that we arefamiliar with.
脸谱(various kinds of facial designs):
Three-part make-up (sankuaiwa三块瓦)
It emphasises the forehead and cheeks. Used on heroes andwarriors.
Worn-out face (polian破脸)
Also called broken face or old face, the strokes, patterns andcolours used on these faces are more complicated. They express thecharacter's innermost feelings.
Beancurd face (doufukuailian豆腐块脸)
A white square is drawn around the nose. It is the pattern used fora chou role.
White face (fenbailian粉白脸)
White powder is applied all over the face. A black pencil is usedto highlight the eyes, brows, nose and muscles. It is used oncunning characters.
The facial make-up follows a standard format. you are not allowedto change the style or look of a character. The colours areclassified as primary, secondary, peripheral and complementary. Nomatter how complicated the make-up may be, there is always one maincolour used to highlight the role's character.

The meaning behind the colours used in facial make-up:
Red--loyalty and courage
Yellow--cruelty and savagery
Golden yellow--gods and demons
Blue--carelessness and impetuousness
Han, Y. N. & Chay, G. (2003). Gateway to Chineseculture. FuIsland Offset Printing: Singapore.
本人近况:除了在写论文以外,在看一本很好的书,名字是“one world, twominds”。讲的是中西方文化的不同,看了以后才发现,中西方的文化是根本上的不一样。怪不得大家来了都水土不服呢。还有就是觉得西方人研究中国文化研究得很深,基本上从盘古开天辟地其开始研究,讲的头头是道。相比起中国,对于西方文化的研究就么有什么。记得我在中国还没出来之前,很想到书店去找找关于中西方文化的书,但是找了底朝天也没找到,都是些什么西方美学,文学之类的,我又不学那些,没什么兴趣。关于政治社会学之类的一本也没找到,要不就是带着有色眼镜的老学究讲什么资本主义的,巨无聊滴说~~