bringup/putforward/comeup/comeupwith bring forward

bring up / put forward /come up/comeup with


bring up通常用物做主语,要用被动语态。

put forward 主语可以是物,可以是人。

例句:the question was brought up by him.

he put forward a question.

come up with a plan/idea 指想出来一个计划/想法
put forward a plan/idea 是提出一个计划/想法,但不一定是这个人原创的

1. putforward

① 提出(想法、观点、理由等)= _______ ___

He rejected all theproposals ______ (put forward/come up)by the committee. 他拒绝了委员会提出的所有建议。

Many problems ____ __(putforward/came up) at the meeting.

His new suggestion was ____ __(putforward/bring up) at the meeting.

② 推荐;提名 Your name was put forward as a possibleteam leader. 你被提名为队长候选人。

③提前 We’ve put the wedding forward _______oneweek.

④拨快 My watch was slow so I put it forward tenminutes.


【拓展】put away ____ ____; put down ___ _____; put off____ _____; put out ____ __; put up ___ _____; put on __________


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