What is a Project Proposal?
The Project Proposal is usually the first document outliningwhat change is proposed. It is the document that converts an ideaor policy into the details of a potential project, including theoutcomes, outputs, major risks, costs, stakeholders and an estimateof the resourcing and time required.
The Project Proposal expands the initial concepts in orderto:
· provide broad details of the objectives, scope, resources,budget, milestones, risks, stakeholders and related projects of theinitiative;
· define the guidelines/standards to be applied throughout theinitiative; and
· gain authorisation to proceed to the next step of theinitiative.
Why would you develop a Project Proposal?
A Project Proposal is developed to provide senior managementwith:
· a broad overview of a proposed initiative, including how youintend to manage and deliver the results from the initiative;and
· a mechanism to facilitate formalised agreement to continueto a clearly set out ‘next step’.
By documenting each initiative, it provides a framework:
· that allows an informed decision to be made whether tocontinue to the next step in the initiative;
· to readily enable recognition that further information ordetails relating to the initiative are required before an informeddecision can be made; and
· to provide an informed comparison between a number ofproposed initiatives.
This document is usually expanded in a Project Business Caseor Project Business Plan, enabling further definition of thebusiness problem/initiative and scope of the potentialproject(s).