Claude Monet (Nov 14, 1840 - Dec 5, 1926)
Claude Monet (1886)
Claude Monet (1926)
《睡莲》(美食 #1156,年代不详)
《睡莲》水景系列画 :

“走近生命的终点真是可怕 ”
“1927年7月8日。在巴黎土伊勒里奥兰治宫两个椭圆形大厅中安放着克劳德。莫奈的《睡莲》。在一天的每个时刻:早晨、下午、晚上、夜间,水面上盛开着睡莲。莫奈在生命行将终结之际,继研究大自然中不同的的主题在色彩与光之下的变化之后,开始关注最温顺,最易穿透的元素:水,透明与反射之典型。由于画水,莫奈画下了肉眼所难见之物。他全心画这个几乎看不见的、属于精神层面的、把光与倒影分割开来的水平面。天的蓝被框在水的碧蓝中。制造出水平面感觉的,是花、花瓣、植物、水泡。油画挂在墙上,观众置身画中,正面侧面都可以看。透过画中水的色彩,四周的光也转蓝了。克劳德.莫奈与制作教堂彩色玻璃的人一样,对色彩有同样的爱好。从漩涡中,从云中,色彩冉冉升起。”——保罗.克洛代尔(Paul Claudel)《日记,1904——1932年》
莫奈于1926年辞世。 没有见到国家以大礼收下他的大型装饰画。 有些人认为,这些装饰画表示“印象主义已经完结”,但大多数艺术家和思想家不以为然,反而对这些作品怀着深深的敬意。有些人甚至认为,这些安置在巴黎土伊勒里奥兰治宫的装饰画,蕴含一种宇宙的、神圣的性质。
Claude Monet (French pronounced [klod mɔnɛ]) also known asOscar-Claude Monet or Claude Oscar Monet (November 14, 1840 --December 5, 1926)[1] was a founder of French impressionistpainting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of themovement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions beforenature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting.[2]The term Impressionism is derived from the title of his paintingImpression, Sunrise.
Monet was born on November 14, 1840 on the fifth floor of 45 rueLaffitte, in the ninth arrondissement of Paris.[3] He was thesecond son of Claude-Adolphe and Louise-Justine Aubrée Monet, bothof them second-generation Parisians. On May 20, 1841, he wasbaptized in the local parish church, Notre-Dame-de-Lorette asOscar-Claude. [3] In 1845, his family moved to Le Havre inNormandy. His father wanted him to go into the family grocery storebusiness, but Claude Monet wanted to become an artist. His motherwas a singer.
On the first of April 1851, Monet entered the Le Havre secondaryschool of the arts. He first became known locally for his charcoalcaricatures, which he would sell for ten to twenty francs. Monetalso undertook his first drawing lessons from Jacques-FrançoisOchard, a former student of Jacques-Louis David. On the beaches ofNormandy in about 1856/1857 he met fellow artist Eugène Boudin whobecame his mentor and taught him to use oil paints. Boudin taughtMonet "en plein air" (outdoor) techniques for painting.[4]
On 28 January 1857 his mother died. He was 16 years old when heleft school, and went to live with his widowed childless aunt,Marie-Jeanne Lecadre.
When Monet traveled to Paris to visit The Louvre, he witnessedpainters copying from the old masters. Monet, having brought hispaints and other tools with him, would instead go and sit by awindow and paint what he saw. Monet was in Paris for several yearsand met several painters who would become friends and fellowimpressionists. One of those friends was Édouard Manet.
In June of 1861 Monet joined the First Regiment of African LightCavalry in Algeria for two years of a seven-year commitment, butupon his contracting typhoid his aunt Madame Lecadre intervened toget him out of the army if he agreed to complete an art course at auniversity. It is possible that the Dutch painter Johan BartholdJongkind, whom Monet knew, may have prompted his aunt on thismatter. Disillusioned with the traditional art taught atuniversities, in 1862 Monet became a student of Charles Gleyre inParis, where he met Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Frédéric Bazille, andAlfred Sisley. Together they shared new approaches to art, paintingthe effects of light en plein air with broken color and rapidbrushstrokes, in what later came to be known asImpressionism.
Monet's 1866 Camille or The Woman in the Green Dress (La Femme à laRobe Verte), which brought him recognition, was one of many worksfeaturing his future wife, Camille Doncieux. Shortly thereafterDoncieux became pregnant and bore their first child, Jean. In 1868,due to financial reasons, Monet attempted suicide by throwinghimself into the Seine.