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Changxi Ma, Optimization of Emergency Transportation and LogisticsSystem, Southwest Jiaotong University Press,2014/01.
[1] 交通影响评价,机械工业出版社, 2014/05,主编
[2] 城市轨道交通运输设备,人民交通出版社,2012/12,副主编
[3] 铁路危险货物运输安全技术与管理,中国铁道出版社,2012/9,参编

[1] Ma Changxi, Ma Cunrui, Ye Qing, He Ruichun, Song Jieyan. Animproved genetic algorithm for the large-scale rural highwaynetwork layout, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014,Article ID 267851, 2014.doi:10.1155/2014/267851(SCI期刊)
[2]ZhuChengming, Chen Yanyan, Ma Changxi. The theory of dynamic publictransit priority with dynamic stochastic park and ride.Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 525460,2014. doi:10.1155/2014/525460(SCI期刊)
[1] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Wu Fang, Qi Bo, Ye Qing.Route optimization models and algorithms for hazardous materialstransportation under differentenvironments,2013,5(4):252-265(SCI检索)
[2] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Wu Fang, Sun Li andDiao Aixia. signal control system based on wireless sensor network,2012,10(8):1823-1829 (SCI和EI双检索)
[3] Qian Y, Si P, Zeng Q, Ma C.X.,et al. Study on the Influence ofTransit Parking Time on Traffic Flow Based on Cellular AutomataTheory. Chinese Physics B.2010(SCI检索)
[4] Qian Y, Si P, Zeng Q, Ma C.X.,et al. Analysis of the influenceof occupation rate of public transit vehicles on mixing trafficflow in two-lane system,Chinese PhysicsB,2009,18(9):4037-4041(SCI检索)
[5] Ma Changxi , Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Wu Fang, Diao Aixiaand Ma Cunrui. Latent ringlike road traffic control system based oncompound mechanism particle swarm optimization algorithm,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control,2013,18(1):47-53.(EI检索)
[6] He Ruichun,Ma Changxi,Li Yinzhen. Study on the hazardousmaterials vehicle scheduling route based on uncertain operator.2013,6(4) :407-411. (EI检索)
[7] He Ruichun,Ma Changxi,Li Yinzhen. Study on multi-objectivetraveling salesman problem for hazardous materials transportationbased on improved genetic algorithm, 2013,4(2):131-139(EI检索)
[8] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Wu Fang, Sun li and Qi Bo.Multi-objective fuzzy optimization method for emergency evacuationbased on hybrid intelligence algorithm under fuzzy environment,2013,46(3):228-235.(EI检索)
[9] Ma Changxi , Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo, Diao Aixia. Studyon the decision-making method of transportation route for hazardousmaterials under the hybrid language environment,2013, 6(3):215–220.(EI检索)
[10] Ma Changxi, Wu Fang, Qi Bo, Gong Liang, Wang Li, AnXinlei.Study on urban three-lane mixed traffic flow with busesbased on the Nagel-Schreckenberg model,2013, 6(6):615–620.(EI检索)
[11] Zhu Chengming, Chen Yanyan, Ma Changxi. Travel mode structureoptimisation based on behaviour change, International Journal ofWireless and Mobile Computing,2013,6(3):305-311.(EI检索)
[12] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Chen Zhizhong, Qi Bo andDiao Aixia. A new chaos particle swarm optimisation algorithm andits applications for transportation continuous network designproblem [J]. International Journal of Computational Science andEngineering.2012, 7( 2):100–107. (EI检索)
[13] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Qi Bo and Diao Aixia.Research on location problem of emergency service facilities basedon genetic-simulated annealing algorithm[J].2012,5(2):206-211.(EI检索)
[14] Ma Changxi, Li Yinzhen, He Ruichun, Duan Gang, Diao Aixia. Newoptimization model and fuzzy adaptive weighted genetic algorithmfor hazardous material transportation[J]. 2012,3(4):341-352.(EI检索)
[15] Ma Changxi, Guo Yixin, Qi Bo. Transportation routedecision-making of hazardous material based on N-shortest pathalgorithm and entropy model.2011, 236(6):282-289.(EI检索)
[16] Ma Changxi, Qi Bo, Diao Aixia The application of improved antcolony algorithm for emergency logistics vehicle routing problem[J]. 2011,3(10):307-314. (EI检索)
[17] Ma Changxi,Chen Zhizhong. An improved cusp catastrophicparticle swarm optimization algorithm and its application forexpressway ramp fuzzycontrol[J].2011,8(14):3249-3256.(EI检索)
[18] 马昌喜,李引珍,何瑞春.不确定语言环境下危险品公路运输路径决策模型[J].武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),2010,34(5):916-919.
[23] 马昌喜,文娟娟,李创红,李晓莉.大城市居民出行方式决策方法研究[J].交通运输工程与信息学报.2009,7(2):33-38.
[24] 马昌喜,郭坤卿,马永红.基于改进的灰色-马尔可夫链方法的公路货运量预测[J].兰州交通大学学报.2009,28(4):124-127.
[25] 马昌喜,等.长公路隧道交通安全研究[J].灾害学,2008,23(1):82-87.(CSCD)
[29] 马昌喜.高速公路交通安全对策研究[J].中国公共安全,2007,(2):58-60
[1] Ma Changxi, Diao Aixia, Chen Zhizhong. Study on bi-levelprogramming model of highway traffic network based on thesustainable development theory [P]. The Seventh Advanced Forum onTransportation of China(第七届中国交通高峰论坛--北京交通大学交通运输学院主办), 2011,9:53-57(EI)
[2] Ma Changxi, Diao Aixia, Chen Zhizhong, Qi Bo. Study on thehazardous blocking synthetic value and the optimization route ofhazardous material transportation network based on A-star algorithm[P]. 2011 Seventh International Conference on Natural Computation,2011, 8, 2336-2339. (EI/ISTP)
[3] Ma Changxi,Chen Zhizhong. Study on the resultant impedancemodel and its application for hazardous material transportation[P]. International Conference onTransportation Planning,Construction and Operation Organization, 2011,97,494-497.(EI)
[4] Ma Changxi. Study on Urban Loop-road Traffic CoordinationControl System based on Spit-layer Parallel Cusp CatastropheParticle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[P], 2010 2nd InternationalAsia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics(CAR 2010) ,IEEE CAR 2010,529-532,(EI)
[5] MA Changxi, WEN Juanjuan. Study on two-land transit flowcellular automaton model and switching phenomena under the periodicboundary condition [P] Proceeding of Second InternationalConference of Modeling and Simulation. Manchester, England, UK,May. 21-22, 2009. (EI/ISTP)
[6] MA Changxi. Research on the planning method and its applicationfor the megalopolis public parking area based on neural network andgenetic algorithm [P]. Proceeding of First International Conferenceof Modeling and Simulation. Nanjing 2008.(ISTP)
[7] MA Changxi, WU Fang. Decision-making method of hazardousmaterial transportation route based on particle swarm optimizationalgorithm and neural network [J]. IEEE PACIIA 2008, Wuhan.(EI/ISTP)
[8] MA Changxi. Research on optimal route of road transport ofnetwork with restrictiveconditions[P].第一届交通运输工程国际学术会议---西南交通大学交通运输学院主办(ICTE’2007)(EI).
[9] MA Changxi. Study on development strategy of rail transit ofinnovationcountry[J].第七届世界华人交通运输学术大会--同济大学交通运输工程学院主办(icctp’2007).
[10] WU Fang, MA Changxi, LU Rong. A stochastic constrainedprogramming approach for vendor selection problem. IEEE PACIIA2008,Wuhan. (EI/ISTP)
[11] 马昌喜.新城区道路类型与规模控制研究[J].EASTS’2007(第七届亚洲交通运输学会国际学术会议--大连海事大学、大连交通大学主办).
[7] 2009年获兰州交通大学青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖;
[8] 2009年获兰州交通大学青年教师教学奖。
[9] 2010 年获兰州市科技进步一等奖,排名第四;
[10]2010 年获甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,排名第三;
[11]2011 年获甘肃省建设进步二等奖,排名第二;
[12]2011 年获甘肃省教学成果奖,排名第五;
[13] 2012年获甘肃省教学成果奖,排名第四;
[14] 2013 年获甘肃省建设科技进步二等奖,排名第一;
[15] 2013 年获甘肃省科技情报学会科学技术奖二等奖,排名第一。