中学第一天TheFirstDayofMiddleSchool first day at school

The FirstDay of Middle School By PattyHansen


Mystomach tied in knots, and I could feel the sweat soaking throughmy T-shirt. My hands were clammy as I spun the face of mycombination lock. I tried and tried to remember the numbers, andevery time I thought I had it, the lock wouldn't open. Around andaround went the numbers, left, right, right, left...which way wasit supposed to go? I couldn't make it work. I gave up and startedto run down the hallway. As I ran, the hall seemed to get longerand longer...the door I trying to reach was farther away than whenI had started. I began to sweat even worse, then I could feel thetears forming. I was late, late, late for my first class on myfirst day of middle school. As I ran, people were watching me andthey were laughing...laughing...laughing...then the bell rang! Inmy dream, it was the school bell. But as I sat up in bed, Irealized that it was my alarm clock jarring me awake.


中学第一天TheFirstDayofMiddleSchool first day at school

Iwas having the dream again. I started having the dream around theend of the sixth grade, and as the start of seventh grade grewcloser, the more I had the dream. This time the dream was even morereal, because today was the first day of seventh grade.

Inmy heart, I knew I never would make it. Everything was toodifferent. School, friends - even my own body.


Iwas used to walking to school, and now I had to walk six blocks tothe bus stop so that I could take the bus to and from school. Ihated buses. They made me carsick from the jiggling and the smellof the fuel.


Ihad to get up for school earlier than in the past, partly becauseof having to be bussed to school and partly because I had to takebetter care of myself now that I was in my preteen years. My momtold me I would have to shower every morning since my hormones werekicking in - that's why I perspired so easily.


Iwas totally uncomfortable with my body. My feet didn't want torespond to my own directions, and I tripped a lot. I constantly hada sprained ankle, wet armpits and things stuck in my braces. I feltawkward, smelly, insecure and like I had bad breath on a full-timebasis.


Inmiddle school, I would have to learn the rules and personalities ofsix different teachers instead of just one. There would bedifferent kids in all my classes, kids I didn't even know. I hadnever made friends very easily, and now I would have to start allover again.


Iwould have to run to my locker between classes, remembering mycombination, open it, put in the books from the last class and takeout different books...and make it to the next class all within fiveminutes!


Iwas also scared because of some stories I had heard about the firstday of middle school, like being canned by the eighth-graders.That's when a bunch of eighth-graders pick you up and put you in atrash can. I had also heard that when eighth-grade girls catch anew seventh-grader in the girls' bathroom alone, they smear herwith lipstick. Neither one of these first-day activities soundedlike something I wanted to take part in.


Noone had ever told me that growing up was going to be so hard, soscary, so unwelcome, so...unexpected. I was the oldest kid in myfamily - in fact, in my entire neighborhood - and no one had beenthere before me, to help lead me through the challenges of middleschool.


Iwas on my own.


Thefirst day of school was almost everything I feared. I didn'tremember my combination. I wrote the combination on my hand, but myhand was so sweaty it came off. I was late to every class. I didn'thave enough time to finish my lunch; I had just sat down to eatwhen the bell rang to go back to class. I almost choked on mypeanut butter and jelly sandwich as I ran down the dreaded hallway.The classrooms and the teachers were a blur. I wasn't sure whatteacher went with which subject and they had all assignedhomework...on the very first day of school! I couldn't believeit.


Butthe first day wasn't like my dream in another way. In my dream, allthe other kids had it together and I was the only one who was thenerd. In real life, I wasn't the only one who was late for classes.Everyone else was late, too. No one could remember theircombination either, except Ted Milliken, the kid who carried abriefcase to school. After most of the kids realized that everyoneelse was going through the same thing they were going through, weall started cracking up. We were bumping into each other in ourrush to get to the next class, and books were flying everywhere. Noone got canned or smeared - at least no one I knew. I still didn'tgo into the girls' bathroom alone, just in case. Yeah, there waslaughter in the hallway, but most of it was the laughter of kidssharing a common experience: complete hysteria!


Asthe weeks went by, it became easier and easier. Pretty soon I couldtwirl my combination without even looking at it. I hung posters inmy locker, and finally felt like I was at home. I learned all myteacher's names and decided who I liked the best. Friendships fromelementary school were renewed and made stronger, and new friendswere made. I learned how to change into a gym suit in front ofother girls. It never felt comfortable, but I did it - just likeeveryone else did. I don't think any of us felt verycomfortable.


Istill didn't like the bus; it did make me carsick. I even threw upon the bus once. (At least it was on the way home, not on the wayto school.) I went to dances and parties, and I started to wonderwhat it would feel like to be kissed by a boy. The school had tracktryouts, and I made the team and learned how to jump the lowhurdles. I got pretty good at it, too.


First semesterturned into second, and then third. Before I knew it, eighth gradewas just around the corner. I had made it through.


Nextyear, on the first day of school, I would be watching the newseventh-graders sweating it out just like I did - just likeeveryone does. I decided that I would feel sorry for them...butonly for the FIRST day of seventh grade. After that, it's abreeze.



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