strippingbuffer配方转 stripping buffer原理

Stripping buffer 的配方


Membrane Stripping Two protocols are presentedbelow. The first is applicable to any chemiluminescent substratesystem and uses a combination of detergent and heat to release theantibodies. The second is commonly used for applications whereantibodies have to be separated from an antigen and employs low pHto alter the structure of the antibody in such a way that thebinding site is no longer active.
strippingbuffer配方(转) stripping buffer原理

Neither method will remove the colored precipitates generated fromchromogenic detection systems (e.g., BCIP, 4CN, DAB and TM.However, it is still possible to analyze the blot with anotherantibody specific to a different target protein.
Important: The blot should not be allowed to dry between rounds ofimmunodetection. Any residual antibody molecules will bindpermanently to the membrane if it is allowed to dry.

Protocol 1. Stripping by Heat and Detergent
Applicable to any chemiluminescent substrate system.

Required Equipment and Solutions
Stripping solution: 100 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 2% (w/v) SDS, 62.5 mMTris-HCl, pH 6.7
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS): 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.2,0.9% (w/v) NaCl
Shallow tray, large enough to hold the membrane
1. In a fume hood, place the blot in stripping solution and agitatefor 30 minutes at 50 °C.
2. Place the blot in buffer and agitate for 10 minutes. Repeat withfresh buffer.
3. (Optional) Repeat the initial detection protocol (omitting theprimary antibody step) to make sure that the antibodies have beeninactivated or stripped from the membrane.
4. Place the blot in buffer and agitate for 10 minutes.
5. Proceed to the blocking step for the next round ofdetection.

Protocol 2. Stripping by Acidic pH
Applicable to any chemiluminescent substrate system.

Required Equipment and Solutions
Stripping solution: 25 mM glycine-HCl, pH 2, 1% (w/v) SDS
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS): 10 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.2,0.9% (w/v) NaCl
Shallow tray, large enough to hold the membrane
1. Place the blot in stripping solution and agitate for 30minutes.
2. Place the blot in buffer and agitate for 10 minutes. Repeat withfresh buffer.
3. Proceed to the blocking step for the next round ofdetection.


1、stripping buffer: 62.5mmol/l Tris PH6.7;100mmol/lbeta-mercaptoethanol;2%SDS
二次发光protocol:1.stripping buffer洗膜:50度水浴30分钟,摇床上摇10-20分钟。

(50ml总量):β-mercaptoethanol 342 μl;20% SDS 5 ml;1M/L Tris-Cl pH 6.73.125 ml;加ddH2O至 50 ml。
1、beta-metaptoethanol 35ul
2、10%SDS 1ml
3、tris (0.5M,pH6.7) 625ul
4、dH2O 3.34ml

这是LumiGLO 说明书带的protocol

Stripping and Reprobing a Western blot:
1. Remove membrane from plastic following initial detection withLumiGLO.
2. Rinse membrane for 30 - 90 minutes at 70°C in 2% SDS(w/v)/62.5mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.8 at 20°C)/100 mMβ-mercaptoethanol.
3. Wash membrane 2 times in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4 at 20°C)/150 mMNaCl.
4. Block membrane for 2.5 hours with Detector Block or 10 mMTris-HCl (pH 7.4 at 20°C)/150 mM NaCl/5% nonfat dry milk.
5. Repeat detection procedure.



关于Stripping Buffer:现在很多公司都推出了不同的StrippingBuffer,还有很多ECL试剂盒也会告诉你Stripping的方法。我只用过sigma的,效果不如他吹嘘的那么好。其实很多实验室口口相传的StrippingBuffer才是真正好的方法。我用的比较好的配方是:

100 mM ß-mercapto-ethanol, 2% SDS, 62.5 mM Tris-Cl pH 6.8

ß-mercaptoethanol 342 µl
20% SDS 5 ml
Tris-Cl pH6.7 3.125 ml
add H2O to 50 ml

65C X 30min (效果不好的话用45min-1hour)
TBST洗10min X 3次(别嫌麻烦)
blocking in BSA or milk 1hour(别嫌麻烦)

- ß-mercaptoethanol我从300ul-1ml都用过,没觉得影响太大。这东西还是有毒的,味道不好闻,尽量在通风橱里面操作。
- 温度:50-65C都可以,不过65C的洗脱确实好一些。
- Stripping之后一定要洗干净,不然一抗与蛋白的结合有问题
- 如果膜不急用的话,TBST洗10min X 3次之后可以用 1x TBS(NOTween20)泡着,最好是用塑料袋封在TBS里面,低温(4℃保持)。一个月是没问题的。


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