copacabana-----老友记 copacabana

Copacabana(at the copa)


Her name was Lola   她的名字叫劳拉She was a showgirl   她是个舞女With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there头上装饰着黄色羽毛,裙子开放而性感She would merengue and do the cha-cha   她的工作是调酒和恰恰   And while she tried to be a star   在她努力尝试成为一个明星的那段日子里   Tony always tended bar   托尼为了她一直在酒吧工作   Across the crowded floor   穿梭于拥挤的舞池   They worked from 8 'til 4   他从晚上8点工作到凌晨4点   They were young and they had each other   他们都还年轻,他们彼此互相拥有  Who could ask for more   谁还能要求什么   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   The hottest spot north of Havana   哈瓦那北方最繁华的地方   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   Music and passion were always the fashion   充斥着时髦的音乐和激情  At the Copa ……   在科帕   They fell in love   他们共坠爱河   His name was Rico   他的名字叫里科   He wore a diamond   他戴着大钻戒   He was escorted to his chair   他和手下前呼后拥地来到他们订的台子   He saw Lola dancing there   他看见劳拉在那里跳舞   And when she finished   她跳完舞   He called her over   他要求她再额外表演   But Rico went a bit too far   但是他的要求有些过分了   Tony sailed across the bar   托尼闻讯横穿酒吧赶过来   And then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two  打斗发生了,椅子被劈得粉碎   There was blood and a single gun shot   一声枪响,鲜血飞溅   But just who shot who   是谁射中了谁?   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   The hottest spot north of Havana   哈瓦那北方最繁华的地方   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   Music and passion were always the fashion   充斥着时髦的音乐和激情  At the Copa ……   在古巴   She lost her love   她失去了她的爱人   ­   Her name is Lola   她的名字叫劳拉   She was a showgirl   她是个舞女   But that was 30 years ago   但那是30年前的事了   when they used to have a show   以前这里是秀场   Now it’s a disco   现在成了迪厅   But not for Lola   这里已经不是劳拉的天地了   Still in the dress she used to wear   她还穿着以前表演时的服装   Faded feathers in her hair   头上的羽毛已经凋零退色   She sits there so refined   她优雅地独坐在一隅   And drinks herself half-blind   喝得半醉   She lost her youth and she lost her tony   她失去了青春,失去了托尼  Now she’s lost her mind   现在她已经失去了理智   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   The hottest spot north of Havana   哈瓦那北方最繁华的地方   At the Copa,Copacabana   在古巴,古巴卡巴那   Music and passion were always the fashion   充斥着时髦的音乐和激情  At the Copa ……   在古巴   Don’t fall in love 不要陷入爱河

copacabana-----老友记 copacabana

"Copacabana"(也被称作 "Copacabana (At the Copa))是1979年的歌,由Barry Manilow 作曲演唱,Jack Feldman, Barry Manilow,和BruceSussman作词. 2005年法国歌手Amanda Lear依法语翻唱了这首歌作为单曲发布。



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