一、租赁土地情况Description of the Leased Land
二、租赁期限Lease Term
三、交付时间Delivery Date
四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金:Rent Calculation, Payment Method and Deposit:
五、双方的权利和义务The Parties’ Rights andObligations
六、合同期满及终止的处理Contract Expiration andTermination
七、违约责任Liability forBreach
出租方(甲方):Lessor (Party A):
法定代表人: LegalRepresentative:
承租方(乙方):Lessee(Party B):
法定代表人: LegalRepresentative:
Whereas, Party A is the legal owner of the proposed landuse right, and Whereas, the Parties agree that Party A shall leasethe land to Party B, NOW THEREFORE, the Parties enter into thisLease Contract as follows on the principles of free will, equalityand mutual benefit with respect to the land lease pursuant torelevant state regulations:
一、租赁土地情况Description of the Leased Land
Party A will lease a plot of land located at[] to Party with compensation, and Party B will use the land for[] purposes (specific businesses to be listed). The total area ofsuch land is [ ]square meters (with the specific area to be based on the surveyplan), the land status is[], and the land use certificate number is[].
二、租赁期限Lease Term
The lease term shall be[] years, commencing on[] and ending on [ ].
Party A shall deliver the land to Party B on an “as-is”basis and Party B will use the land starting from the date ofeffectiveness of this Lease Contract, and Party B agrees to acceptthe lease of the land on an “as-is” basis.
四、租金计算、付款方式及保证金:Rent Calculation, Payment Method and Deposit:
Rent Calculation: The Parties agree that the rent for theleased land per square meter per month shall be RMB[] (in word:[]) for the first year. The total monthly rent shall be RMB[] (in word: [ ]),and the total annual rent shall be RMB[] (in word: [ ]).Starting from the second year, the annual rent shall increase by[]% over the preceding year (It is advised that the annual increaseshould not be less than 3%, or should increase once every threeyears at a rate no less than 10%). The annual rents are set forthbelow:
Rent Payment: Party B shall pay the current month’s rentprior to the[]th day of each month, and Party A shall issue a receipt uponreceiving the payment.
At the time of executing this Contract, Party B shall paya deposit to Party A in the amount of RMB[ ] (in word:[ ]). The depositshall be refunded to Party B free of interest at the expiration ofthis Contract and provided that Party B has no breach of thisContract.
五、双方的权利和义务The Parties’ Rights andObligations
Party Bmay not terminate the lease prior to the expiration of the leaseterm and shall pay rent in a timely manner. If Party B fails to payrent within the specified time limit, Party B shall be required topay a late payment penalty equivalent to[]% of the overdue rent for each day of delay. If, despite Party A’sefforts to pursue the payment, Party B still fails to pay thecurrent month’s rent in full prior to the[ ]th day of themonth, Party B shall be deemed as having unilaterally breached thecontract, and shall be liable for any economic losses and disputesarising therefrom. Party B may not raise any objection to suchliabilities.
Party Bmay not sell or mortgage the land to any third party during thelease term. Without Party A’s written consent, Party B may notsublease the land to any third party. Otherwise, Party B shall bedeemed as having breached this Contract.
If Party Bneeds to carry out any construction during the lease term, Party Bshall obtain Party A’s and the competent authorities’ consent, andundertake all necessary approval formalities, with all relevantconstruction expenses to be borne by Party B. If Party B meetsrelevant requirements and conditions under laws and policies, PartyA shall have the obligation to assist Party B in undertakingrelevant formalities for such land (including construction proposalsubmission, water and electricity, fire-fighting, bank accountopening and business license, etc.), provided that all necessaryexpenses shall be borne by Party B.
Party Bshall engage in its business activities according to the law, andmust comply with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic ofChina during the lease term. Party B shall be liable to pay anytaxes and fees arising from the land use (including the land usetax and real estate tax levied by state or local governments).Meanwhile, Party B shall take proper measures regarding safety,environmental protection, fire fighting and sound insulation strictin accordance with relevant government management requirements. Ifno sufficient measures are put in place, thereby causing liabilityaccidents, Party B shall be liable for such accidents and economiclosses (including any third party liability), and Party A shall befree from any liability therefor.
If thegovernment plans to expropriate such land during the lease term,Party A shall not be deemed as having breached this Contract. Inthis case, Party A shall send a 3-month notice of relocation toParty B in writing, and Party A shall refund the deposit to Party Bfree of interest. Party B shall provide active assistance, andcomplete removal and relocation unconditionally. This Contractshall expire on the date Party B assists the government in theexpropriation process.
六、合同期满及终止的处理 Contract Expirationand Termination
At theexpiration of this Contract, any buildings, structures anddecorations constructed by Party B on the land (including housing,doors, windows, water, electricity, sewage, and various lines andpipes, power lines, etc.) shall be transferred to Party A withoutcompensation, and Party B may not raise any objection to thetransfer.
At theexpiration of this Contract, if Party B requests lease renewal,Party shall have priority over other parties in renewing the leaseunder identical conditions, and a new land lease contract shall besigned.
七、违约责任 Liability forBreach
If Party Abreaches this Contract, Party A shall refund double the deposit toParty B, and this Contract shall terminate.
If Party Bbreaches this Contract, Party A shall have the right tounilaterally terminate this Contract, and retain the deposit.Meanwhile, any buildings, structures and decorations constructed byParty B on the land (excluding manufacturing equipment) shall betransferred to Party A without compensation
八、争议处理Dispute Settlement
Alldisputes arising from the performance of or in connection with thisContract shall in the first instance be settled through friendlyconsultations between the Parties on the basis of equality andmutual benefits. In the case whereno settlement can be reached through consultations, either Partymay institute a proceeding with Court for resolution.
ThisContract shall be effective as of the date the Parties sign andseal the same. This Contract shall be made in[] counterparts, each party shall keep one original copy, and allcopies shall have the same legal effect.
甲方(盖章):Party A(seal):
甲方法定代表人签名:Signed byParty A’s Legal Representative:
乙方(盖章): Party B(seal):
乙方法定代表人签名:Signed byParty A’s Legal Representative:
签订日期:年月日 Date ofExecution:[]