pspdosbox psp dosbox

In theory, just create a batch file that remaps the input asposted earlier on these boards:

INPUTMAP right right
INPUTMAP down down
INPUTMAP left left
INPUTMAP triangle lctrl
INPUTMAP square lalt
INPUTMAP cross y
INPUTMAP circle n
INPUTMAP start enter
INPUTMAP select esc
INPUTMAP exec ...

(Replace ... with the relevant program name to launch, eg dn1 forDuke Nukem I)

However, trying that on my PSP just causes DOSBox to bomb! I'veposted over on the PS2Dev forums just in case I'm missing somethingobvious...He has updated the binary and patchover at, I think a couple of times. I have NO idea howto compile it, Ive been using Belthasar00 eboots that he compiled,can someone compile the latest one?

Link for BIN:

Space Quest 1 VGA Remake
Space Quest 4 CD version
Space Quest 5
King's Quest 5 CD version
King's Quest 6 CD version (some audio errors, unlike other CDversions)
Gabriel Knight CD version
Police Quest 1 VGA Remake
Police Quest 3
Quest for Glory VGA Remake
Quest for Glory 3
Quest for Glory 4 CD Version
Leisure Suit Larry VGA Remake
Leisure Suit Larry 5
Conquest of the Longbow
Freddy Pharkus Frontier Pharmicist
Laura Bow - Colonels Bequest
Laura Bow - Dagger of Amon Ra
Rex Nebular
pspdosbox psp dosbox
Sherlock Holmes - Case of the Serrated Scalpel

These were all tested on the EBOOTS compiled by Belthasar which isNOT the most recent Bin from CrazyC (the author) I will be happy tocontinue to test all of these games and MORE! If someone couldplease either tell me or, compile for me the latest BIN, and patchfrom CrazyC as I have no idea how! Thanks.


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