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详情请联系:陈女士 15313128281 QQ2586990467
Invitation of 2014Experience Exchanging Meeting of Mining Investment
Nov. 28, 2014
Dear Sir/Madam
2014 ExperienceExchanging Meeting ofMining Investment sponsored by Beijing Suntrans LanguageTranslation Co., Ltd will held at Jinyuan Hall of Beijing XijiaoHotel on December 21, 2014. Wesincerely invite you to be present inthis meeting and share experiences inmining investment, and worktogether for China’s mining development. Looking back to the past,there were more failures than successes forChinese enterprises toinvest in mining overseas, and the reason is that we arenotfamiliar with various rules of overseas mining investment.We havelearned from both our successes and ourfailures. Summarizing thelessons and looking forward to the future, in orderto help Chinesemining investors to invest in overseas mining moresuccessfully,Suntrans actively responds toinvestors’ requirement and has decidedto hold experience exchanging meeting of mining investment onDecember 21, 2014. Manysenior figures of the industry will bepresent in this meeting then and deliverexcellent lectures andshare their experiences, providing you with a wonderfulparty forsolving your doubts.
Therefore, our company sincerelyinvites you to bepresent in this meeting and exchange experiencesin mining investment with eachother, working together to overcomethe worst time and expecting theflourishing moment of miningindustry.
2014 Experience ExchangingMeeting ofMining Investment welcomes your participation and looks forwardtogather with you. Please contact me directly if yourequire anyfurther assistance before you arrive.
Yours sincerely,
Lu Guo
Suntrans Translation
详情请联系联系:陈女士 15313128281 QQ2586990467