IAMABITCHANDIKNOWIT!!!! it s march i m bitch

I am a bitch, I wrote down journals that I can't even imagine tobe found. I get anxious with very small things, I judge people, Igot envy all the time.

So, the question is I KNOW I'M A BITCH,DO YOU????

From some weird philosophy aspect, don't you think all mycongenital problem is gene's falt(AKA:yourproblem) and all my other environmental problem with no doubt isyours tooooooooo

Now, let's just review this case. His childhoold is basiclybeing phycologically abused(maybe even some other kind ofabusement,we never know~), so, what someone can't get becomesomeone's most valued things. He just loved his parents and justface his siblings with a pretty pretty low self-esteem. I don'tknow who's fault is that, I don't give a shit. But why don't youjust admit you are abnormal when things comes to your "mostlymostly confort zone", which they ALWAYS DOES!!!! So, you just gonnagrab a knif and stand on the sidewalk, like whenever a white carparked near you, you just jab that thing into my or her chest, andalways accusing others~

I'm started to sense the irony and maybe even humor in thisshit~ cause you know what, you are a bitch, "oh, i'm upset know andthat's all your fault, so i'm going to make everyone unhappy"

so, why don't you look back in the first place? which bastardstarted all these shit and just out of curiousity, "why shouldeveryone obye your rules, my royal highness?"

Another thing keeps puzzling me is that why do you just love allthe unfortunate kid in the TV shows? YES,CHINA don't have a healthcare in rural area Thanks! MASSAGE RECIEVED! CCTV&whatever-your-show-name-iscrap~ YES, there are somany people lived an unfortunate life, but, just why,whywould you what to make me feel guilty about mywell-being? I'm depressed, I can't tell can't complain cause I AMSELF-CENTERED!!!!!!(does anyone know how too double-capitalize"I"?) I can't even thinking about I am depressed, cause I'm just aspoiled child!!!!!who just won't appreciate how much her parentgives her and just cold-hearted~did i not mention, i am a bitch,i'm sorry i am a bitch.but, you, what have you down.

Yes i run away from stuffs,i'm lazy, but one question, i thinkabout suicide very often, and that just means i lived a REALLYREALLY HAPPY LIFE??!!! I don't think so.

YES, you are the man who gives me everything~ and yes, only youtwo really givesadamn about me.Bust, you are abnormal, the whole situation is abnormal, andplease, just share some of my sadness, and tell me "it's not yourfault"completely……at least.

And no, i didn't wrote this thing in Word,so there has to besome mistakes, and even I couldn't put up with reading thisinconsistance, many place illogic and totally meaning lessjournal,so……


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/25101014/222882.html


I'm sorry

sorry; apologise; feelings; anger; upset; wrong; mistakes;ContentsWhy say sorry? When you should say sorry What you might say Sayi

It’s the ABC song 教学反思 教学反思





好,今天我们要来分享和研究研究的是……他是个帅哥,优质歌手,ABC,American-born Chinese,美国土生土长的华人,他就是……噔噔噔噔——哇塞!看看他的鼻子!对,这位就是我们的优质歌手——LeeHom王力宏!好,王力宏有一首广告歌,是这样唱的:I’m l

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