PhoneBooth distance


I’ve never done anything foranybody who couldn’t do something for me. I string along a kid withpromises that I’ll pay him money. I keep him around because helooks up to me.


Adam, if you’re watching, don’t bea publicist. You’re too good for it.


I lie in person and on the phone.I lie to my friends. I lie to newspapers and magazines who sell mylies to more and more people. I’m just a part of a big cycle oflies. I should be fucking president.


I wear all this Italian suitbecause underneath, I still feel like the Bronx. I think I needthese clothes, and this watch. My $2000 watch is a fake, and so amI. I neglected the things I should have valued most.


I take off my wedding ring to callPam. Kelly, that’s Pam. Don’t blame her. I never told her if I wasmarried, and if I did…she would have told me to go home. Kelly,looking at you now, I’m ashamed of myself. I mean, I work so hardon this image, on Stu·Shepard, the asshole who refers to himself inthird person, that I only proved I should be alone. I’ve beendressing up as something I’m not for so long……I’m so afraid youwon’t like what’s underneath. But here I am. I’m just flesh andblood and weakness. I love you so fucking much.


I take off this ring because itonly reminds me of how I’ve failed you. And, I don’t want to giveyou up. I wanna make things better, but it may not be my choiceanymore. You deserve better.


PhoneBooth distance

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