
My home town – Nanjing
Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great placeto visit. It is the capital ofJiangsu Province.It has a long history.
There are lots ofinteresting places to go. Youcan see beautiful views in Xuan Wu Lake Park. You also can take aboat trip on Xuan Wu Lake Park. It will be very comfortable andenjoyable.The Purple Mountain is another placethat is worth visiting. You can breathe fresh air there. It's alsoa good place to go climbing. At the top of the Purple Mountain, youcan see the view of the wholecity. If you arean animal lover, HongShan Zoo is a good choice.There are different kinds of animals in it.
Xin Jie Kou is a good place to go shopping. There are hundredsof stops in Xin Jie KouDistrict. You can go tothe Golden Eagle International Shopping Center to buy somebeautiful clothes.
Welcome to my home town!
俞老师的话:在学完9B Unit3 我布置了一篇介绍自己家乡的文章。初三(6)班郭文海同学模仿了reading的写法,结构清晰层次清楚。开头先交代了自己的家乡并进行总的描述,二、三段重点介绍了南京的四个景点,以欢迎来到我的家乡结尾,简单明了。总的说来,文章用词较准,并能适当运用所学的定语从句和重点短语提升文章层次。若能把南京有代表性的中山陵和夫子庙也写进去则更好。
Hello, I'm Michael Guo. I’ll tellyou about my hometown Nanjing. Nanjing is the capital city ofJiangsu Province with a longhistory.
There are lots ofinteresting placesfor tourists or travel lovers. Irecommend that Xuanwu Lake isthe first place for you. It is in thenortheast of NanjingCity. You can take a boattrip on the beautiful lake in the park. It will be very comfortableand enjoyable. The Purple Mountain (orZongshan)is another place that is worth visiting.You can breathe fresh air in theforestaround the hillyplace. It's also a good place to go climbing. At the top ofthe Purple Mountain, you can see the view of the wholecityfardownbelow. If you are ananimallover, Hongshan Zoo is a good choice. Thereare different kinds of animals inthezoo'sdifferentspacious environments.
Like shopping? And Xinjiekou is agood place to go to. There are hundreds of shops,smalland large, along thestreets in this downtown area. You can go to the GoldenEagle InternationalShopping Center to buyexpensive fashionable clothes.
Welcome to my hometown Nanjing!