希伯来文字母的历史 希伯来文圣经中文对照


Like other ancient writing systems,the Hebrew alphabet originally was written using a pictographicscript:


希伯来文字母的历史 希伯来文圣经中文对照

The PhoenecianScript腓尼基字母

The Phoenician alphabet developedfrom the proto-Canaanite alphabet, which was created sometimebetween the 18th and 17th centuries BC.


The Proto-HebrewScript原希伯来字母

This is also called early AramaicScript. The key extant example is the Moabite Stone. This was theHebrew (ketav Ivri) used by the Jewish nation up to theBabylonian Exile (or, according to Orthodox Jews, until the Exodusfrom Egypt). At the end of the 6th century BCketav Ivri was replaced by the Hebrew square script (ketavmeruba).


Note: Ke tav Ivri was usedduring in the First Temple period and as a symbol of nationalisticrevival in the Second Temple Period. A modified version of thisscript (Samaritan) is still extant today (see next).

The SamaritanScript撒玛利亚字母

While the Jews adopted the Aramaicalphabet (under the leadership of Ezra the Scribe), the Samaritansheld on to the original forms of proto-Hebrew, perhaps to showthemselves the true heirs of Judaism. For this reason Ezra chosethe Aramaic square script (called Ketav Ashuri or KetavMeruba).

Classical Hebrew Script (ketavAshurit)标准希伯来字母

After the Babylonian captivity, ketavAshurit was adopted by the Jews (under the leadership of Ezra theScribe) and called Leshon HaKodesh (the holy language). Thiswas done probably to distance themselves from Samaritanism. TheAramaic characters were chosen as the official script for the Torahscrolls in the 5th century BC (the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) werewritten during a transitional period where both the older ketavIvri script is used with ketav Ashurit).

This classical Hebrew script was used for centuries before the timeof Messiah, and has remained unchanged unto this day:

Modern HebrewCursive现代希伯来手写体(草书)

The modern Hebrew script (used inIsrael today) derives from Polish-German Jews.

Rashi-Style Hebrew拉希体希伯来文

The Rashi style is used mainly to write commentaries on texts. Itis named in honor of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki (1040-1105 AD) a.k.a.Rashi, one of the greatest medi Jewish scholars and biblecommentators:

拉希体常被用来写经文备注。这个名字是为了纪念著名的犹太学者和释经家RabbiShlomo Yitzchaki(公元1045-1105):

Note: Ladino (Judeo-Spanish)and Yiddish (Judeo-German) both evolved during the middle ages anduse the Hebrew characters for transliteration only. Ladino uses aRashi-style script, whereas Yiddish uses the standard squarescript.


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信用评级的历史 信用评级的作用

信用评级的历史 信用评级最早起源于美国。1890年,约翰·穆迪创办了穆迪公司Moody's,首先对铁路债券进行信用评估。第一次世界经济危机中大批公司破产,不能偿还债务,人们开始认识到信用评级的重要性,一些信用评级机构以及信用评级业务开


来源:第一财经日报作者:胡军华  丁伍号的部下说,老板交代过,361°以前的历史尽量不要提,这令人困惑,没有当年的委屈与困惑,361°今天的光芒恐怕要大打折扣。   近日一则媒体的报道将361°再次推到了聚光灯下。财经网报道称,三六一度

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