The Three GorgesDam教学设计与课后反思
Module 6 Book 3The Three Gorges Dam
Time:April 8,2013
Topic: The Three Gorges Dam(M6B3)
★ Language objectives:
☆ To help Ss get a generalunderstanding of the reading material
☆ To help Ss to say a few wordsabout a similar topic
★ Skill objectives:
☆ To help Ss summarize the readingmaterial
☆ To helpSs to retell the mainpoints in the text
★ Emotional objectives:
☆ To help Ss make objectivecomments on the dam.
☆ To help them find great changesin Qingdao to arouse the love for the hometown.
Teaching focus:
☆ To deal with the readingmaterial and help Ss express themselves on the damtopic.
Teaching difficulties:
☆ To help deal with the problemthat Ss may meet with some word barriers when they expressthemselves on the topic.
Teaching aids:
Step 1 Lead-in
A video of the Three Gorges Dam isshown to lead in the passage.
Purposes: A video is vividinformation
Step 2 Extensivereading
Read the text quickly and silently, match the paragraphs with theirgeneral ideas
para. 1
brief introduction
Step 3 Intensivereading
Read the passages carefully and then fill in the table.
Location(river) | |
Introduction | |
Purposes | |
Advantages | |
Disadvantages |
Step 4 Practice
Interview--Suppose you are anengineer of the Three Gorges Dam, now you arehaving an interview to the reporter of the newspaper.
Reporters: ask some questionsabout the project.
e.g. 1)Why wasthe Three Gorges Dam built?
2)Who first suggested the idea?

3)What are the advantages?
4)Disadvantages of the Three Gorges?
Engineer: answerquestions
Step 5 Extended reading
The Aswan Dam
The British began construction of the first dam across the RiverNile in Egypt in 1898. Construction lasted until 1902, and the damwas opened on 10 December 1902. The project was designed bySir William Willcocksand involved several excellentengineers.
With the help of the Russian experts, the dam was officiallystarted in 1967 and completed in 1970 to control flooding andprovide electricity.
The Aswan High Dam is 3,900 meters long, 980 meters wide at thebase, 40 meters wide at the top and 111 meters tall.
The High Dam has resulted in protection from floods and droughts, an increase in agricultural production andemployment, electricity production and improved navigation(海上交通)that benefits tourism. Conversely(相反地), the dam flooded a largearea, causing the relocation of over 100,000 people and submergedarchaeological/historic sites, some of which were relocated aswell. Many species are dying out, resulting in the imbalance ofnature.
The dam benefits the people a lot; meanwhile, the dam affectspeople’s life. In your opinion, which side do you standby?
The ItapuDam
The Itapu Dam is located on the Parana River at theBrazilian-Paraguayan border. On April, 26, 1973, the twogovernments of the states signed a treaty "for the development ofthe hydroelectric resources of the Parana River" and founded"ITAIPU Binational" (a cooperation with the legal, administrativeand financial capacities and technical responsibility to plan, setup and operate the plant) in May, 17, 1974.
The construction work started in 1975. The heightof the dam reaches 197 m, its length 7.76 km. The lake created bythis is 170 km long and contains 29 billion tons ofwater.
Unit 1 started to operate in December 1983. Electrical connectionto Paraguay was established in March 1984, Brazil was connected 5months later. In March 1991 the last unit (No.18) was put intooperation. Therefore, the economy developed quickly. Besides, thedam controls the flood every year and reduces the air pollutionfrom the coal heating. People benefit a lot from it.
About 40,000 families had to remove because of the dam, and largeareas of rain forest were destroyed, causing a great many speciesto die out.
Every coin has two sides. The advantages and disadvantages arestill under debate now.
The Aswan Dam /TheItapu Dam
Location(river) | |
Introduction | |
Purposes | |
Advantages | |
Disadvantages |
Step 6Homework
Try to collect information ofgreat changes in Qingdao to arouse the love for the hometown.
1. 在smalltalk中拉近学生的距离。在莱西,我见到了我的研究生同学,我们已经7年没有见面;在莱西我见到了和我一起赴加学习的同学,那段时光我终生难忘。在莱西他乡遇故知的感觉令人兴奋,令人激动,我觉得莱西特别亲切。在莱西,我遇到最优秀的学生,能和最优秀的学生合作教学是值得庆幸的一件事。学生被我夸的美滋滋的,脸上挂着微笑。我要求学生把掌声送给我,因为今天我是客人;把掌声送给自己,因为他们会表现地非常优秀,鼓励自己大胆积极踊跃地发言。在掌声中,我们一起总进“三峡大坝”。
2. 每一个环节过渡自然。这是这么多年来,在各位师傅的指导下,我慢慢锻炼打造出来的。
2)在进入第二环节match activity 之后,不仅处理和课文相关的信息,同时拓展日常知识,比如毛泽东诗词,三峡大坝的长、宽、高;三峡的水电输送到湖北、湖南等地区,大坝的优缺点(采用包干分组讨论的形式)等等诸如此类的相关信息。学生的能量是无穷的,我在黑板上板书,无论对错,我都记在黑板上,算是对学生的鼓励,他们“优点组/缺点组”竞争激烈,甚是热闹。告诉大家一个小秘密,其实,这个过程是有窍门的。我把我想要的答案在巡视的过程中都告诉了学生,所以才有黑板上那么完整那么精彩的答案。
3)在处理完三峡大坝的相关内容后,把这种方法迁移到另外两篇阅读中。“我们刚才了解了中国最长的大坝,世界上最长的是什么大坝?世界上最长的河是什么河?这条河上有什么大坝?”于是导入了下一个环节—拓展阅读theAswan Dam和the Itapu Dam。
4)处理完两篇阅读后,我再次设计另一个话题,“由于科技的发展进步,我们的国家、世界都发生了巨大变化,就像大坝一样,这就是科技发展的见证。那么,现在我们考虑一下,青岛、莱西都发生什么变化?”学生们暂停思考片刻,慢慢议论起来,我把最后的一张PPT打开,学生们见到了非常亲切的跨海大桥(baybridge)、海底隧道(subsea tunnel/channel)、建设中的地铁(subway underconstruction)和莱西月湖公园(moonlake)。当学生们说到月湖公园的时候,我顺便要求他们当我的导游,全班同学热情地答应下来。借此机会,我稍微介绍月湖的历史。我问,“月湖是哪年建成的。”学生竟然不知道,其实也在情理之中。“1984年。要想给我做好导游,你们就得回家好好查阅这方面的资料,了解历史了解文化—这也是作业布置环节。”学生们大笑。在学生老师的欢声笑语中,我结束了课程。最后,我感谢学生的出色表现和配合,感谢同行百忙之中来听课,欢迎他们的宝贵意见。
3. 目标明确,环环相扣。
4. 使多媒体为教学服务。
5. 灵活应对课堂突发事件。
4)在处理the Aswan Dam 和the ItapuDam的信息时,我边听边记边加工处理,针对于学生的回答我能说点什么。思想一开小差,学生还没有说完,我就叫下一个同学来回答。学生提醒我,我不好意思地说,“你们表现得都太优秀了,我迫不及待地想听听下一位同学的观点,我想听听你们所有人的观点。”于是,我又回来,重新处理这位同学的观点。