Known by manyas the Facebook movie, "The Social Network" has made waves asthe supposedretelling of thecreation of Facebook and the subsequent lawsuits against itscreator, Mark Zuckerberg. However, to simplyshrugoff this movie asanother misunderstood genius tale would completelymiss thepoint. The SocialNetwork transcends any stereotypes thrown its way by being a movienot about the mere creation of Facebook, but in itself a socialcommentary on the frail relationships one builds on this websiteand how much we strive to make them seem real.
"The SocialNetwork" recounts the story of Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin,two Harvard sophomores who created the social networkingrevolution. After creating a website called Facemash, in whichvisitors were told to rate two girls based solely on looks, andcrashing the Harvard servers, Zuckerberg gains the attention of twomembers of the school crewteam, Tylerand CameronWinklevoss.They want to use his programmingskills to create a"HarvardConnection", a socialnetworking site exclusive to Harvard students. Zuckerberg thensupposedly uses this idea to create Facebook. The story is toldthrough a series of flashbacks while Zuckerberg and his attorneytry to defend themselves from the lawsuits pressed upon him by theWinklevoss twins and Eduardo Saverin.
When a moviebases its story on true events, there are bound to be some dramaticfreedoms taken by the writer, and "The Social Network" is noexception. However, most movies based on true events are madedecades after the event in question, making sure anyone who couldhave anything to do with said event is either dead or does notremember every detail. The events in this film occurred seven yearsago, assuring that those mentioned will be veryvocalaboutthe inaccuracies.With that said, do not take "The Social Network" as a literalretelling of the creation of Facebook.
Dramatizingthe story does lead to some exaggerated characters. For example,Mark Zuckerberg (played brilliantly by Jesse Eisenberg) isportrayed as a socialloner, someone whois unsure of his pursuitsand creates Facebook as a means of gaining attention. To imaginethe real Zuckerberg as such an aloof personality seems strange, butin the context of this story it makes his actions seem moreplausible. The same can be said for JustinTimberlake'scharacter, SeanParker,who cruisesaround life as anInternet genius looking for his next bigbreak. If one wereto run into these characters in real life, sympathywould go out thewindow, but in thecontext of the film it all makes perfect sense. Friendships arebroken and backs arestabbed, allhappening on a very thin veil oftrust.The similaritiestothe dynamicsof the website are obvious.
On itssurface, "The Social Network" is a movie about computer programmingand the rise of the youngest billionaire of our time. However, whencrafted with the talent of DavidFincher (FightClub, The CuriousCase of Benjamin Button) and AaronSorkin (The West Wing), it keeps you engaged until the very end. Anextremely smart script coupledwith thesofttones andatmosphere created by Fincher ensures that this movie is a treat tobe had. Not to mention an amazing soundtrack byTrentReznor thatsets themood throughout theentire film.
Whether or notyou have jumped intothe social whirlpoolthat isFacebook, this film still has all of the necessary ingredients tomake a great movie. Strong characters, a finely crafted story and,in the end, a lesson to be learned. Don't be afraid to log into"The Social Network." You might just like it more than youexpected.