歌唱:杜利·威尔逊 Dooley Wilson

杜利·威尔逊(April 3, 1886 – May 30, 1953):美国早期黑人爵士、蓝调歌手,其著名的代表作即是这首《卡萨布兰卡》里的经典名曲《AsTime Goes By》,被世人所认知。
You mustremember this 你一定记得 A kiss is stilla kiss 那个不变的吻 A sigh is justa sigh 和不会褪去的叹息 The fundamentalthings apply 任凭时光流逝 As time goes by真实永恒不变 And when twolovers woo 坠入爱河的情人们 They stillsay,"i love you." 依然用着那简单的语言“我爱你” On this you canrely 无论世事如何 No matter whatthe future brings 此话之诚挚恒久不变 As time goes by日月为鉴,江河为证 Moonlight andlove songs 爱情离不开月光和情歌 Never out ofdate 激情,嫉妒和憎恨 Hearts full ofpassion 交替在心间 Jealousy andhate 不言而喻 Woman needs man天下有情人 And man musthave his mate on this you can deny 终将找到心灵的伴侣 It's still thesame old story 为爱情和荣誉而战 A fight forlove and glory 非战即亡 A case of do ordie 古老故事 The world willalways welcome lovers 然而时间为证 As time goes by所有的恋人必将得到造物主的祝福